- This website, a non-profit and non-commercial service intends to help the Government Servants working under various Departments of the Government of Tamil Nadu with the General Service and Retirement related Rules and Government Orders useful in their day-to-day service.
- It deals with various kinds of leave admissible to the Tamil Nadu Government Servants including Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave and Restricted Holidays.
- It also deals with the Tamil Nadu Tour and Transfer Travelling Allowances Rules.
- It also gives the Rules relating to ‘Long Term Advances’ admissible to the Tamil Nadu Government Servants. The House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Motorized Two-wheeler Advance, Personal Computer Advance and Marriage Advance are dealt with in detail.
- It gives solved problems on Earned and Unearned Leaves, Tour Travel Allowance, Transfer Travel Allowance, Pay Fixation, and Pension, especially beneficial to those Junior Assistants, Assistants etc., who undergo the Foundational Course at the Civil Service Training Institute, Bhavanisagar and those who appear for the Departmental Tests in Accounts related papers conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
- The solved problems in ‘Tour Travel Allowance’ and Transfer Travel Allowance’ will also be much helpful to the Government Servants in preparing their TA and TTA bills.
- The solved problems in ‘PENSION’ will be much helpful to those who prepare pension proposals of Government Servants who are due to retire from service.
- It also gives links to the Information Hand Books [under Right to Information Act], the Citizen Charters of various Departments of the Government of Tamil Nadu and Vision Tamil Nadu -2023 Document.
- It also gives the details of ‘SERVICE RULES’,’PENSION RULE’, and other ‘CODAL RULES’ available in the Government of Tamil Nadu Official Website, http://www.tn.gov.in under ‘Personnel and Administrative Reforms’ and ‘Finance’ Departments.
- It also gives a glimpse of Christianity.
- Any suggestion to improve the utility of this service is always welcome.