Official TNEA Web Portals:

Email  : [email protected]

 Contact No.  : 044–22351014/1015

 Contact Address:
CHENNAI – 600 025








Last date for Registration of OnlineApplication : 31.05.2019


[Common application to seek admission to Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges, University Departments and Constituent Colleges of Anna University, Annamalai University and for the seats surrendered by Self–Financing Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu under Unified Single Window Admission System for Indian Nationals.]

  2. a) Category I
  3. Seats in B. E. & B. Tech. Degree Courses in Government, Government Aided and Seats Surrendered by Self-Financing Engineering Colleges affiliated to Anna University.

(i) Seats in Government Engineering Colleges

(ii) Seats in Aided courses in Government Aided Engineering Colleges

(iii) Seats in Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CECRI), Karaikudi

  1. Seats in B. E. & B. Tech. Degree Courses in University Departments and Constituent Colleges of Anna University.
  2. Seats in B. E. Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering (Tamil Medium) in University Departments and Constituent Colleges of Anna University.
  3. Seats in B.E. Degree Courses in Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram.
  4. b) Category II

(i) Seats in Self-Supporting courses in Government Aided Engineering Colleges

(ii) Seats surrendered by Self Financing Engineering Colleges

(iii) Seats in Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology (CIPET)

A candidate needs to register only one online application for all the courses/colleges/Institutions mentioned above irrespective of the category. Candidates seeking admission under special reservation should also give their option for Special Reservation category along with the main online application. The special reservation categories are given in Section 5.1 and 5.2.

  2. E. / B. Tech. : 4 Academic years comprising of 8 semesters
  3. E. (Sandwich): 5 Academic years comprising of 10 semesters



Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions given below as on the last date of submission of online application are eligible to apply. Passing the qualifying examination or changing the religion after the last date of submission of online application shall not be considered.


  1. i) Tamil Nadu candidates who have passed VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. from schools situated in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply. They need not produce Nativity Certificate for verification.
  2. ii) Tamil Nadu native candidates who have passed any of the VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. or their equivalent examination from schools situated outside Tamil Nadu can also apply. They should produce Original Nativity Certificate only in electronic form/digitally signed e-Certificate at the time of original certificates verification at TNEA Facilitation Centre (TFC).

iii) Children of Central Government Employees may also apply for admission, irrespective of their native, provided their parents or guardians (only if both parents are not alive) have been serving in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past FIVE YEARS at the time of submission of application. This should be supported by producing a certificate from the employer of the parent or guardian, to that effect at the time of original certificates verification at TFC.

  1. iv) Children of employees in Public Sector or Government recognised Institutions who at the time of submission of application for admission employed in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past five years may also apply irrespective of their domicile. A certificate from the employer stating that the person is a Permanent Employee of the Firm or Institution concerned with evidence like Income Tax return, PF Slips, etc. and is working in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past FIVE YEARS has to be produced at the time of original certificates verification at TFC.
  1. v) Sons and daughters of All India service Tamil Nadu cadre officers are eligible to apply. A Self declaration from the parent in this regard is to be produced at the time of original certificates verification.
  2. vi) Other State candidates who have studied VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply. They need not produce “Nativity Certificate”.


  1. Applications without proper Nativity Certificate for Category (ii) without proper employer certificate for categories (iii) and (iv) and without self declaration from the parent for category (v) will not be considered.
  2. Category (vi) need not produce employer certificate / nativity certificate.
  3. Categories from (iii) to (vi) will be considered under “OpenCompetition”.

4.Srilankan Tamil Refugees: As per G.O. (St) No. 172 Higher Education (J2) Dept. dated: 29.06.2010 candidates who are Srilankan Tamil Refugee

studied in Tamil Nadu will be considered under open competition. They have to produce the following at the time of original certificates verification at TFC:

(i) Identification certificate from the Head Quarters Tahsildar.

(ii) Those who have not registered in the refugee camp should produce original passport, visa and letter registered with Police Station.

 Qualifying Examinations and Eligibility

A pass in the HSC (Academic: both +1 and +2) or its equivalent with a minimum average percentage in Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry put together as given below.

Sl. No.  Community

  1. General Category 45.00 %
  2. Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim 40.00 %
  3. MBC & DNC 40.00 %
  4. SC/SCA/ST 40.00 %


A pass in any one of the HSC (Vocational Subject: both +1 and +2) as given below with any one of the Engineering related subjects namely Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry with a minimum average percentage put together as given below.

Sl.No.          Community

                     A pass with Minimum average marks in Related Subjects,                              Vocational Theory and Practicals put together

1.General Category 45.00 %

2.Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim 40.00 %

  1. MBC & DNC 40.00 %
  2. SC/SCA/ST 40.00 %

Vocational Courses prescribed for B.E. / B. Tech. Degree Admission Group

Code   Name of the Vocational Subjects

421 General Machinist

422 Electrical Machines and Appliances

423 Electronic Equipments

424 Draughtsman Civil

425 Auto Mechanic

426 Textile Technology


(i) When the candidates produce grade certificates, they have to produce the actual marks also otherwise only the minimum marks applicable to the grades in the eligible subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and

Fourth Optional Subject) will be taken into account.

(ii) For minimum eligibility rounding of marks and normalised marks will not be considered.

*************************************************************             ADMISSION TO B.ARCH. DEGREE COURSE  2018     



Applicants  must  ensure  that  activities  like  application  registration  and  making  payment  are 

performed  at  the  official  TNEA  Web  Portals noted above.

Commencement of Online Registration                    : 04.07.2018

Last date for Registration of Online application       : 15.07.2018


Common Registration  of  Application to  seek  admission  to  University  Department  of  Anna  University, 

Government Aided Engineering  College and  for  the  seats  surrendered  by  the  Self – Financing 

Engineering  Colleges  under  the unified Single Window Admission System for Indian Nationals.

The candidate shall register the application through online and the applicants should

visit  the  TFC’s  for  certificates  verification  on  the  specified  date  and  time.  The

counselling  (including  special  reservation  categories)  for  first  year  B.Arch.

degree course  will  be  held in  person at  the  Centre  for  Entrance  Examinations

 and Admissions, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.


1) Seats  in  B. Arch.  Degree  Course  in University Department  of Anna  University in  the School  of

Architecture and Planning Campus.

2)  Seats in B. Arch. Degree Course in Government Aided Engineering College and seats surrendered

by the Self-Financing Engineering Colleges.

(i) Seats in the Self-Supporting Course in Govt. Aided Engineering College

(ii) Seats surrendered by the Self-Financing Engineering Colleges

3)  As a prerequisite for selection to B. Arch. Degree course the candidates should have qualified

the National  Aptitude  Test in Architecture (NATA 2018) conducted  by  the  Council of  Architecture, 

New Delhi with validity as per the Council of Architecture norms.

4) A  Candidate  needs  to register only  one  application for  all  the Colleges  / Institutions

mentioned  above.

Candidates seeking admission under special reservation should also give their option for Special Reservation

category at the time of registration. The Special Reservation categories are given in Section 5.1 & 5.2 on

pages 4 to 7 of the Instructions to the Candidates.

 Duration of the Programme:

Five Academic Years comprising 10 Semesters.


Candidates  satisfying  the  eligibility conditions given  below as  on the last date prescribed  for  registration  of 

online application are  eligible  to  apply.  Passing the  qualifying  examination after  the  last  date  of registration

of  online application shall not be considered.


i) Tamil Nadu candidates who have passed VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. from schools situated in Tamil Nadu are eligible

to apply. They need not produce Nativity Certificate for verification.

ii) Tamil  Nadu  native  candidates  who  have  passed  any  of  the  VIII,  IX,  X,  XI  and  XII  Std.  or  their  equivalent

examination  from  schools  situated  outside  Tamil  Nadu  can  also  apply.  They  should  produce Nativity Certificate 

only in  electronic  form/digitally  signed  e-Certificate at  the  time  of  original  certificates verification at TNEA

Facilitation Centre (TFC).

iii) Children of Central Government Employees may also apply for admission, irrespective of their native, provided their

parents or guardians (only if both parents are not alive) have been serving in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past FIVE

YEARS at the time of submission of application. This should be supported by producing a certificate  from  the  employer 

of  the  parent  or  guardian, to  that  effect  at  the  time  of  original  certificates verification at TFC.

iv) Children of employees in Public Sector or Government recognised Institutions who at the time of submission of 

application  for  admission  employed  in  Tamil  Nadu  continuously  for the  past  five  years  may  also  apply

irrespective of their domicile. A certificate from the employer stating that the person is a Permanent Employee of 

the  Firm  or  Institution  concerned  with  evidence  like  Income  Tax  return,  PF  Slips,  etc.  and  is  working  in

Tamil  Nadu  continuously  for  the  past FIVE  YEARS has  to  be  produced at  the  time  of  original  certificates

verification at TFC.

v) Sons and daughters of All India service Tamil Nadu cadre officers are eligible to apply. A Self declaration from the

parent in this regard is to be produced at the time of original certificates verification.

vi) Other State candidates who have studied VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply.

They need not produce “Nativity Certificate”.


(a) HSC (Academic)/Equivalent

The candidates who have passed 10+2 or its equivalent examination with Mathematics / Business Mathematics as one of the subjects.

(1) Candidates other than BC/ BCM / MBC & DNC / SC/ SCA / ST should  have secured not  less  than  50% marks

in aggregate.

(2) BC/  BCM / MBC & DNC / SC/ SCA / ST candidates  should  have  secured  not  less  than 45%  marks  in aggregate.

(b) Diploma

The candidate who have passed 10+3 years Diploma (any stream) recognised by Central / State Governments.

(1) Candidates other than BC/ BCM / MBC & DNC / SC/ SCA / ST should have secured not less than 50% marks

in aggregate

in all the semesters put together.

(2) BC/  BCM  / MBC &  DNC  / SC/  SCA / ST candidates  should  have  secured  not  less  than  45%  marks 

in aggregate in all the semesters put together.

(c) International Baccalaureate Diploma

The candidates should have passed International Baccalaureate Diploma after 10 years of schooling, with

Mathematics as compulsory subject.

(1) Candidates other than BC/ BCM / MBC & DNC / SC/ SCA / ST should have secured not  less  than  50%

marks in aggregate in all the semesters put together.

(2) BC/  BCM, MBC & DNC, SC/SCA and ST candidates  should  have  secured  not  less  than  45%  marks

  in aggregate in all the semesters put together.


1. When the candidates produce grade certificates, they have to produce the actual marks also otherwise,

only the minimum marks applicable to the grades in the eligible subjects will be taken into account.

2. For the purpose of calculation of marks for eligibility in respect of sandwich Diploma candidates,

the marks of all the other semesters in which there is no industrial training shall be considered.

3. For minimum eligibility, rounding of marks and normalised marks will not be considered.

Improvement Marks: As  per  the G.O.  No.  184  HE  (J2)  Dept.  dt:  09.06.2005  and  G.O. 

(st)  No.  143  HE  (J2) Dept.  dt:  06.05.2008 improvement  marks  obtained  by  the  candidates 

including  Other  State  candidates  from  2006 onwards will not be considered.

National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) conducted by Council of Architecture, New Delhi.

NATA  2018 : The  candidates  should  have  obtained  marks  greater  than  or  equal  to  the  qualifying 

marks (70 out  of  200)  prescribed  in NATA 2018 score  card. However,  candidates  must  also  secured 

a  minimum  of  30  in Maths  and  General  Aptitude  and  20  in  drawing  in  addition  to  scoring  70 

marks  in  aggregate  to  be  declared  as qualified.


Registration Fee details

(i). For General category – Rs. 500/-

(ii). For SC /SCA /ST category belonging to Tamil Nadu – Rs. 250/-

(iii).For each special reservation category – Rs. 100/- (Additional)

The payment of online registration fee by way of Demand Draft, Debit CardCredit Card and Net Banking.

The Demand Draft will be accepted only at TFC’s. Demand Draft should be submitted and it should be taken on

or after 03.07.2018 and it should be drawn in favour of

“The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions,

 Anna University”

payable at Chennai.

A  Candidate  seeking  admission  to  first  year B.Arch. degree  course  under  unified  Single  Window 

Admission  System [TNEA  2018]  should register his  candidature  online  in Web Portal  from anywhere.  For  the  convenience  of  candidates  TNEA  Facilitation 

Centers  (TFC)  have  been  established  in  selected cities.  Candidates can use  the  facilities  available  in

  TFCs.  The candidate  who  satisfies  the  eligibility  conditions  as given  in  Section  3  of  Information and 

Instructions  to  Candidates, has  to  register  his/her  name  by  providing  a username and password.

The candidate has to remember his/her username and password for further login and fill –up the application.

The candidates must be ready with details such as

i. Mobile phone number

ii. E-mail ID

iii. 10th Mark Sheet

iv. +2 Hall ticket / +2 Mark sheet

v. NATA 2018 Mark Sheet

vi. School details where he/she has studied VIII, IX, X, XI and XII standards

vii. Community/ Caste details

viii. Aadhar card [Aadhar number details]

ix. Parent annual income details

x. Credit card/ Debit card/ Net banking details for paying registration fee

xi. The candidate should exercise their option whether he/she is applying for seats reserved under

special reservation categories such as

a. Son/daughter of Ex-service men

b. Differently abled persons

c. Eminent sports person

xii. The candidate should give option whether he/she wants to avail

a. First graduation Fee concession

b. Post-matric scholarship

The  candidate  has  to  fill  up  the  details  in  the  application  form. The candidate  can  give  their 

preference  of  TFC  for Certificates Verification. If a particular TFC is overloaded the nearest TFC

will be allotted. The entered details can be viewed using the login information. The applicant can edit 

his/her information if necessary. Verify the entries made and if all the details are found correct then submit

the on-line application on or before the last date. Applicants will be  provided  with  a  PDF  document  on 

successful  registration  of  application  through  TNEA  Application  Processing System. The applicants

should take a printout of the same and has to be submitted with recent passport size  photo  affixed  at 

the  place  printed  during  original  Certificates  Verification  at  the  TFC  on  the specified  date. An  E-call

letter  which  contains  the  date,  time  and  address of  the  TFC  for  original  Certificates Verification will

be generated and shall be made available in TNEA portal. An E-mail and SMS will also be sent to the registered candidate.

Original Certificates Verification at TNEA Facilitation Centre (TFC)

The registered candidates will be informed about their original certificates verification date, time and venue

(Name of the TFC). The candidate has to report to the TNEA Facilitation Centre on the date and time noted

in their e -call letter for  original  certificates verification along with the signed copy of the registered application

with a photo affixed  on  it (PDF  obtained  after  successful  registration  of  application)  along  with  the 

following original certificates and their photocopies for certificates verification:

1. 10th Mark Sheet

2. HSC / Equivalent Mark sheet

3. HSC Hall Ticket

4. Transfer Certificate

5. NATA 2018 Mark Sheet

6. Permanent Community Certificate for ST, SC, SCA, MBC & DNC, BC and BCM (either Permanent card or

   electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate)

7. Nativity Certificate (only in electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) – If applicable

8. Income certificate

9. First Graduate Certificate (only in electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) and

First Graduate Joint Declaration

10. Srilankan Tamil Refugee Certificate – If applicable

11. Candidates who have applied for special reservation

(i) Relevant certificates for Son / Daughter of Ex-servicemen with Parent’s discharge certificate and ID card

(ii) Differently abled persons should bring Medical Certificate obtained from Medical Board (Consists of 3 Doctors)

(iii) Eminent sports persons* should bring all sports achievements certificates with necessary forms.

If any of certificates not produced for verification, their rank will not be published.

*  The original certificates verification  for  candidates  who  applied  for  seats  under  Eminent  sports persons

category will be only at the TFC – Anna University Campus, Chennai.


Candidates  will  be  called  for  counselling  in  the  order of  their  merit.  Based  on  the  merit  and  communal

reservation, allotment of college chosen by the candidate will be made. Candidates have to opt for colleges that

are available at the time of counselling.

Candidates have to pay an initial deposit  by Cash or DD for Rs. 5000/- (Rs. 1000/- in the case of SC/ SCA /ST

belonging to Tamil Nadu) and produce all their original certificates when they attend counselling. The Demand

draft should be drawn in favour of, “The Secretary, TNEA, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.

If  a  candidate  has  deposited  all  the  certificates in an  institution  where  he/she  has  already  been  admitted,

  a letter from the Head of the institution should be produced to that effect. In such case only, attested photocopies

of certificates from the Head  of  the  institution will be  accepted  for  verification. However, the provisional allotment

order will be withheld and it will be released only on production of all the original certificates.

Eligible  candidates  who  have  applied  may  appear for  counselling  according  to  their  cut-off  mark,  two 

hours before their counselling session along with their original certificates for verification .

The  date,  time  and  venue  for  counselling  will  be  intimated  to  the  candidates in 

Anna  University Web Portal.

Candidates  shall  download  their  call  letter  from  Anna  University  web  portal. Change of  date/time  of counselling

  is not permissible.  Candidates  who  do  not  attend  the  counselling  may  have  to  forego  the  claim  for admission.

Due to unforeseen and unavoidable reasons, if a candidate is unable to attend the counselling on the specified date

and time, he/she can authorise his/her parent on his/her behalf and the parent’s decision will be binding on the candidate.

If the ranking of candidate is changed due to re-totalling/revaluation mark, he/she  can attend counselling  as per the new

mark and rank, though the call letter specifies different time (as per original mark).

Once allotted a seat the amount, Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. 1000/- in case of SC / SCA / ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu)

already paid at the time of counselling will be adjusted towards the tuition fee. If the candidate does not join after 

allotment  and  seeks  refund,  only  80  %  of  the  initial  deposit  amount paid at  the  time  of counselling  will  be 

refunded,  if  original  allotment  order  with  acknowledgement  for  the  receipt  of payment  is  surrendered  on  or

  before 31.12.2018. The  refund  will  be  processed  only  through  TNEA  2018 refund  processing  system  available 

online  in  TNEA Web  Portal. All admissions  made  through  single  window  system are provisional.

The candidates are informed that the Hall Ticket of the Aptitude Test should be preserved and produced to the Dean,

Anna University, Chennai / Principal of the College, where the candidate is allotted, at the time of admission.

Failure to submit the above will result in cancellation of admission.

The candidates have to join the colleges to which they are allotted within the time notified in the Provisional Allotment Order

  failing  which  the  seats  will  be  deemed  to  have  fallen  vacant. Request for  reconsideration  of admission shall not be


Detailed  information  regarding the  courses  and  other  facilities are  available as  received  from  the  colleges

concerned in  the booklet containing ‘Information  about  colleges available in

Other details like Scholarship,  Fee  Concession,  Hostel  Facilities, Examinations etc., can be obtained from the

Principal / Deans of the Institutions.

 Selected candidates and their parents/ guardians will have to sign a joint declaration form (Page No.28.) and submit

to the college at the time of admission.

Candidates should ensure that correct marks are furnished by him/her in the online application. If it is found that  the 

marks  furnished  in  the  application  are  not  correct,  then  he/she  will  forfeit  the  admission  at any stage  of study.

The  candidates  are  informed  that admission through counselling is only provisional.  Inaccordance with the rules

prescribed for admission, if they are found ineligible on actual verification of original certificates / particulars by the

principal / Directorate of Technical Education / University, they cannot claim any right for admission or continuation

of study at any stage they may be.

Further,  the  confirmation  of  Admission  is  subject  to  verification  of  marks / certificates  with  the  Director  of

Government Examinations. If the mark sheet is found to be BOGUS

(i) Admission is liable for cancellation at any stage of study

(ii) He / she will be debarred from pursuing any course of study for a period of 3 years

(iii) Legal action will be taken for furnishing forged marks.


The Secretary

Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions

Anna University

Chennai – 600 025.

 Candidates allotted during counselling will be given the provisional allotment order and a receipt for Rs. 5000/-

(or Rs.1000/- in the case of  SC/ SCA /ST candidates belonging  to Tamil  Nadu).  The remaining tuition fee has

to be paid in the  designated  banks/colleges before the dates  specified in the provisional allotment order. If a

candidate fails to report for admission on or before the date indicated in the provisional allotment order he/she

has to forfeit the seat and cannot claim later and the provisional allotment order will be automatically cancelled.

Selection of the college of study is the sole responsibility of the candidate.

The intake in  the colleges  given  in  “Information  about  Colleges” booklet may  have  variations. The intake  for

approved branches will  be  available in  the  Counselling Centre  or  in Anna  University Web  Portal :






Authority conducting the Examination: ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI

(For admission to M.B.A., M.C.A. & M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan. Degree Programmes)


Date of Entrance Examination:  

                                                                     Programme                Date                         Time

                                            M.E./M.Tech./ M.Arch./M.Plan.        19.05.2018    10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon

                                     M.B.A      19.05.2018    02.30 p.m. to 04.30 p.m.

                                       M.C.A         20.05.2018    10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon


1. Commencement of Registration of Application through online only – 02.04.2018

2.Last date for Registration extended upto : 25.04.2018

ABOUT  TANCET 2018:  Admissions to M.B.A.,M.C.A.,M.E./ M.Arch./ M.Plan./  M.Tech. Programmes  offered at University Departments / University Colleges of Anna University, Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges and Arts & Science Colleges and Self-financing Colleges (Engineering, Arts   & Science Colleges including stand-alone Institutions) in Tamil Nadu will be through the TANCET exam conducted by Anna University on behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu.


The  procedure  for  seeking  admission  to  MBA,  MCA  and  M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan.  Degree programmes for the academic year 2018-2019 consists of the following two steps:

1. Appearing for the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET)   2018 in May 2018.

2.Applying for admission to the admitting authorities concerned. Common notification will be issued by the Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai-25 and Directorate of Collegiate Education, Chennai – 6.




1). Candidates appearing for the final semester / year of examination of the said qualifying degree  course  (except  courses  offered  by  Professional  Institution’s  like  AMIE ) during April/May 2018 may also apply for TANCET 2018.

2).   Candidates admitted through Lateral Entry in degree courses are not eligible except, B.E./B.Tech. and MCA degree courses.

3).   Candidates  with  B.E./B.Tech.  degrees  obtained  through  Distance  /  Weekend  mode   are  not eligible.

4).  Candidates with degree obtained without studying 10 th, 12th Std. or 3 years degree programme are not eligible.



Candidates  can  register  through  online  only  by  filling-up  the  application  and  submitting  the  same along with a good quality recently taken photograph.

ENTRANCE TEST FEE (Only through Online):

Candidates have to pay Rs.  500/-(Rs. 250/-for SC /SCA /ST candidates)  towards the entrance test fee for  any  one  of  the  programmes  either    1.  M.B.A.  (or)  2.  M.C.A.  (or)  3.M.E/M.Tech./ M.Arch./M.Plan. degree programme.

Candidate  registering  for  more  than  one  programme  has  to  pay   Rs. 500/-  (Rs. 250/-  for  SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamilnadu) for each additional programme through online only.



The  Registration  Number  assigned  in  the  Hall  Ticket  should  be  entered  at  the appropriate place in the admission application form to be filed with the respective admitting authority later. All the candidates should download the hall tickets from the Anna University website.

Mark sheets should be downloaded from the website by  the candidates within 10 days from the date of publication of results of the entrance test.  The mark sheet should be produced at the time of admission.


TANCET 2018 Candidates desirous of getting previous year question booklets (MBA, MCA & M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan.) of TANCET 2017 may obtain the same from the  office of the Centre for Admission & Entrance Examinations, Anna University, Chennai by paying Rs.25/- for each booklet by cash or D.D. drawn in favour of “The Secretary, TANCET” payable at Chennai.



 தமிழ்நாடு – பொறியியல் சேர்க்கை –2018 x x x

 TNEA 2018  Website:           XXXXX


All information regarding TNEA Counselling 2018 will be released through the above official TNEA portal only.

For Any Queries

E-Mail : [email protected]

Phone : 044 – 2235 9901 to 20 (20 lines)        NE


Choice Preparation Sheet (English)

Choice Preparation Sheet (Tamil)

Go to the TNEA,2018 Website, for :

TNEA 2018 Rank Published  – Login to know your Rank

Video – Choice List Preparation
Video – Online Counselling Procedure


1.Issue of notification inviting Online Registration of applications for

                                                    Admission to B.E./B.Tech.:29.04.2018

2.Commencement of Online Registration and filling of Applications : 03.05.2018

3. Last date for Registration of Online Applications           :       30.05.2018 xx 

    The last date for registration of Online Application is extended up to 02.06.2018                   

4. Commencement of Certificates verification at TFC’s : 1st week of June   2018

 5. Commencement of online choice filling & confirmation*  First week of July 2018

    * Depends upon Medical counselling

CERTIFICATES VERIFICATION:                                               

TNEA  Facilitation  Centres  (TFCs) : FROM 08.06.2018 TO 14.06.2018

Anna University Campus                   : FROM 08.06.2018 TO 17.06.2018                                           

Applicants who have not verified their certificates so far are asked to visit the nearest TFC

14.06.2018 or TFC at Chennai on 17.06.2018 for certificates verification. If certificate verification

is not done on or before 17.06.2018, the applicants are not eligible to attend counselling.

Certificate verification for applicants who have applied for Eminent Sports Persons quota have

to visit Chennai only.



    * Depends upon Medical counselling       

TNEA  Facilitation Centres (TFCs) : 


  Annamalai University [TNEA 2018] – Counselling Code : 3940





Minimum Cut-Off Marks Details [2015, 2016, 2017]:



 B.E.  APRIL- MAY, 2016 [WITH TNEACODE NAMEWISE]               




Rank List April / May 2016 Examinations   







Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA) is the process through which more than 1.5 lakhs Engineering Aspirants get themselves enrolled into Engineering Colleges of Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions through online Counselling. Applications can be registered for admission to first year B. E./B. Tech. Degree Courses to the University Departments/Constituent Colleges of Anna University, Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges, Annamalai University and for the seats surrendered by the SelfFinancing Engineering Colleges.

TNEA  Facilitation  Centres  (TFCs) have  been  established  in all  the Districts to  guide and provide Internet facilities to applicants having no access to Internet.

During  online  application  registration  itself,  applicants shall select  their  preferred choice  of TFC for  original  certificate  verification. 

The TFCs will provide the required support and guidance to the applicants for the TNEA process. Also, it will provide internet enabled computer facilities for all applicants, wherein the Government will bear the expenses. The applicant can use such TFCs to complete the different stages like registration of applications, providing college preferences and collection of allotment orders. All TFCs will function between 9 am and 5 pm (including Saturdays and Sundays). At  the  time  of  certificate verification, the  applicant  should  go  to  the  TFC  with  a  printed  copy of  registered application,  all  original  certificates  and  photocopies  of  the  original  certificates  for verification on  the  scheduled date  and  time at  the  assigned  TFC as  intimated through the registered mobile number and e-mail.

A booklet containing Information about Colleges will be given to the applicants for the applicants’ to prepare their choice list. Also, TFCs will screen videos demonstrating how to use the TNEA portal during various stages of counselling.



PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION OF APPLICATION (Refer Section 8 at pages 10 of Information & Instructions to Candidates):

A  Candidate  seeking  admission  to  first  year  B.E/  B.  Tech  degree  courses  under  unified  Single  Window  Admission System  [TNEA  2018]  should  apply  online  for  the  registration  of  his  candidature  on  the  web  site from  anywhere.  For  the  convenience  of  candidates  TNEA  Facilitation  Centers  (TFC) have  been  established  in  selected  cities.  Candidates can  use  the  facilities  available  in  TFCs.  The  candidate  who satisfies the eligibility conditions as  given in Section 3 of Information and Instructions to Candidates has to register his/her  name  by  providing  a  username  and  password.  The  candidate  has  to  remember  his/her  username  and password for further login and fill-up the application. The candidates must be ready with details such as

i. Mobile phone number

ii. E-mail ID

iii. X th mark sheet

iv. +2 Hall ticket / +2 Mark sheet

v. School details where he/she has studied VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Standards

vi. Community/ Caste details

vii. Aadhar card [Aadhar number details]

viii. Parent annual income details

ix. Credit card/ Debit card/ Net banking details for paying registration fee

x. The candidate should exercise their option whether he/she is applying for seats reserved under special reservation categories such as

a. Son/daughter of Ex-service men

b. Differently abled persons

c. Eminent sports person

xi. The candidate should give option whether he/she wants to avail

a. First graduation Fee concession

b. Post-matric scholarship

c. AICTE Tuition Fee Waiver

The  candidate  has  to  fill  up  the  details  in  the  application  form.

           The  candidate  should  give  their  preference  of TNEA Facilitation Centre (TFC) for Certificates Verification. If a particular TFC is overloaded the nearest TFC will be allotted.

            The entered details can be viewed using the login information. The applicant can edit  his/her information if necessary. Verify the entries made and if all the details are found correct then submit the on-line application on or before the last date.

          Applicants will be  provided  with  a  PDF  document  on  successful  registration  of  application  through  TNEA  Application Processing System. The applicants should take a printout of the same and has to be submitted with recent passport size  photo  affixed  at  the  place  printed during  original  Certificates Verification  at  the  TFC  on  the specified  date. An  E-call  letter  which  contains  the  date,  time  and  address  of  the  TFC  for  original  Certificate Verification will be generated and shall be made available in TNEA portal. An E-mail and SMS will also be sent to the registered candidate.


The payment of online registration fee by way of Demand Draft will also be accepted in addition to

online payment through Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking.

The Demand Draft will be accepted only at TFC’s from 18.05.2018 onwards.

Only a single Demand Draft should be submitted and it should be taken on or after 10.05.2018.

Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of

“The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions,

 Anna University”

payable at Chennai.


i. For General category/Categories other than SC,SCA &ST – Rs. 500

ii. For SC /SCA /ST category belonging to Tamil Nadu – Rs. 250

iii. For each special reservation category – Rs. 100 (Additional).

[ANNEXURE -I  – LIST OF COMMUNITIES – Page 21 to 27 of Information and Instructions


II. SCHEDULED CASTES IN TAMIL NADU (Code No.37-105) – Pages 21 & 22.


IN TAMIL NADU(Code No.108-114)  – Page 22.

III (A). LIST OF MOST BACKWARD CLASSES (Code No.115 -161) – Pages 22 & 23.

III (B) LIST OF DENOTIFIED COMMUNITIES (Code No.162-229) – Page 23,24 & 25.

IV. LIST OF BACKWARD CLASSES (Code No.230-370) – Pages 25, 26 & 27

V. LIST OF BACKWARD CLASSES MUSLIMS (Code No.371-377) – Page 27.



– Pages 28-34.


Name of the Examination Boards with Code No. – Pages 35]


i) Tamil Nadu candidates who have passed VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. from schools situated in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply. They need not produce Nativity Certificate for verification.

ii) Tamil Nadu native candidates who have passed any of the VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. or their equivalent examination  from  schools  situated  outside  Tamil  Nadu  can  also  apply.  They  should produce Nativity

Certificate only in  electronic  form/digitally  signed  e-Certificate at  the  time  of  original certificates verification at TNEA Facilitation Centre (TFC).

iii) Children  of  Central  Government  Employees  may  also  apply  for  admission,  irrespective  of  their  native, provided their parents or guardians (only if both parents are not alive) have been serving in Tamil Nadu continuously  for  the  past FIVE  YEARS at  the  time  of  submission  of  application. This should  be supported by producing a certificate from the employer of the parent or guardian, to that effect at the time of original certificates verification at TFC.

iv) Children  of  employees  in  Public  Sector  or  Government  recognised  Institutions  who  at  the  time  of submission  of  application  for  admission  employed  in  Tamil  Nadu  continuously  for  the  past  five  years may also apply irrespective of their domicile. A certificate from the employer stating that the person is a Permanent  Employee  of  the  Firm  or  Institution  concerned  with  evidence  like  Income  Tax  return,  PF Slips, etc. and is working in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past FIVE YEARS has to be produced at the time of original certificates verification at TFC.

v) Sons and daughters of All India service Tamil Nadu cadre officers are eligible to apply. A Self declaration from the parent in this regard is to be produced at the time of original certificates verification.

vi) Other State candidates who have studied VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply. They need not produce “Nativity Certificate”.


1. Applications  without proper  Nativity  Certificate  for  Category  (ii)  without proper  employer certificate  for  categories  (iii)  and (iv) and  without  self  declaration  from  the  parent  for category (v) will not be considered.

2. Category (vi) need not produce employer certificate / nativity certificate.

3. Categories from (iii) to (vi) will be considered under “Open Competition”.


A pass in the HSC (Academic) or its equivalent with a minimum average percentage in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together as given below.

1. General Category  50.00 %

2. Backward  Class  including  Backward Class Muslim 45.00 %

3. MBC & DNC 40.00 %

4. SC/SCA/ST 40.00 %


A pass in any one of the HSC (Vocational Subject)(Vocational Theory and Practicals put together) as given below with any one of the Engineering related subjects namely Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry with a minimum average percentage put together as given below:

1. General Category  50.00 %

2. Backward  Class  including Backward Class Muslim   45.00 %

3. MBC & DNC 40.00 %

4. SC/SCA/ST 40.00 %

Vocational Courses prescribed for B.E. / B. Tech. Degree Admission:

  Group Code    Name of the Vocational Subjects

         421           General Machinist

         422          Electrical Machines and Appliances

         423          Electronic Equipments

         424          Draughtsman Civil

         425           Auto Mechanic

         426          Textile Technology


(i) When  the  candidates  produce  grade  certificates,  they  have  to  produce  the  actual  marks  also  otherwise  only

the  minimum  marks  applicable  to  the  grades  in  the  eligible  subjects  (Mathematics,  Physics,  Chemistry  and

Fourth Optional Subject) will be taken into account.

(ii) For minimum eligibility rounding of marks and normalised marks will not be considered.

Improvement marks:    As  per  the  G.O.  No.  184  HE  (J2)  Dept.  dated:  09.06.2005  and  G.O.  (st)  No.  143  HE  (J2) Dept.  dt:  06.05.2008  improvement  marks  obtained  by  the  candidates  including  Other  State  candidates  from  2006 onwards will not be considered.


Selection shall be made under seven categories namely OC, BC, BCM (BC Muslim), MBC & DNC, SC,SCA and ST following the rule of reservation of Government of Tamil Nadu as follows.

                                                     Rule of Reservation

Open Competition                               31.00 %

Backward Class                                 26.50 %

Backward Class Muslim                       3.50 %

Most Backward Class &

             Denotified Communities        20.00 %

Scheduled Caste                              15.00 %

Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars)        3.00 %

Scheduled Tribes                               1.00 %

                               TOTAL            100.00 %

(a) Tamil Nadu native candidates alone will be considered for communal reservation. The community recorded in the certificate of Tamil Nadu native candidate should appear in the list of communities approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu (Annexure – I on Page No. 17 – 23).

(b) The  applicants  from  Tamil  Nadu  State  should  have  obtained  permanent  community  certificate  (for SC/SCA/ST/MBC & DNC, BC and BC Muslim candidates) in permanent card format / electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate only from the authorities given below on or before the last date prescribed for submission of online application. Community Certificate obtained after the last date prescribed for submission of online applications will not be considered.

Community                              Issuing Authority

Scheduled Tribe

           Revenue  Divisional  Officer /  Sub  Collector of  their  native place

          (except  Chennai)  or  P.A.  (General)  to  Collector  of  Chennai.         .        

           [Community Certificate card issued by Tahsildars up to 11.11.1989 is valid.]

Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste(Arunthathiyars)

          Tahsildar of Native Taluk of the candidate

Backward Class / Backward Class

(Muslim) / Most Backward Class /

Denotified Communities

            Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar / Zonal Deputy Tahsildar /

            Deputy Tahsildar (Certificates)

(c) Community Certificate obtained from other states will not be considered for communal reservation.

(d) For communities  linked  with  Districts  (See  Annexure-l)  the  candidates  should  obtain  their community certificate  in  the  respective  district except  the  communities  mentioned  in  G.O. (st)  No.  95  BC,  MBC  &  Minorities Welfare  Department  dt:  28.10.2009. Such  of  those  community  certificates  obtained  on  or  after  28.10.2009  will  be considered. Community certificate obtained from other than the respective district will not be considered.

(e) Candidates  who  have  not produced the Community  Certificate in  the  form  of Permanent Community [Card] Certificate or electronic form /digitally signed e-Certificate at the time of original certificates verification at TFC, their application will be treated under “Open Competition (OC)”.The candidate is further informed that in the event of such a decision, the eligibility conditions & rules prescribed for OC will be applicable for such candidates and if such candidates do not satisfy the rules of OC, their applications are liable to be rejected. No correspondence in this connection will be entertained.

(f) ST / SC / SCA / MBC  &  DNC / BC /  BCM candidates  are  eligible  for  selection  under  Open  Competition in addition to the reservation made for them.


Only Tamil Nadu Native candidates are eligible for Special reservation.




(i) Admission to general category:

The  selection  of  candidates  will  be based  on the  marks  obtained  in  the  prescribed  subjects reduced  to  200 (Mathematics – 100, Physics + Chemistry – 100) in the qualifying examination.

(ii) Normalisation of Marks and Inter-se Merit:


A merit list will be prepared based on the total mark of 200. In cases where more than one candidate have got the same marks in the common merit list, the inter-se-merit among such candidates shall be determined in the order of priority as specified below.

(1)  Percentage  of  marks in  Mathematics,  (2)  Percentage  of  marks in  Physics,  (3)  Percentage  of  marks in  the  Fourth optional subject, (4) Date of Birth (elder will be given preference) & (5) Random number assigned (higher value will be given preference).

The  overall  rank  and  Community wise  rank  lists  will  be  published  in  Anna  University website :

Separate announcement will not be given in Newspapers. The college and the branch will be provisionally allotted  through online counselling only, as  per  their  choice,  based  on  their overall rank  and community rank.

(iii) Admission under Special Reservation Categories

Candidates who are applying for seats under special reservation categories as in Sl. No. 1, 2 and 3 (Refer section 5.1) should satisfy the rules stipulated for admission. Allocation of these Special Reservation seats will be followed as per communal reservation.

Selection for Sl. No. 1 Son’s / Daughter’s of Ex-Servicemen and Sl. No. 2 Persons with benchmark disabilities will be based on the ranking as given in 6(a) (i) and (ii).

Selection for Sl. No. 3 Eminent Sports Persons will be based on the total marks obtained for achievements in Sports as per Annexure II.

If any vacancy arises it will be reverted to the general counselling in the respective communities.

(iv) Admission of Vocational Stream Candidates:

100 seats in Category I and 4 % of seats surrendered in Category II have been set apart vide G.O. (Ms.) No. 290 HE (J2) Dept. dt: 21.08.2007 for the HSC (vocational stream) candidates. The academic marks in the prescribed subjects will be reduced to 200 (Related subject 100 marks, vocational subject including theory and practical 100 marks). Seats

are not reserved in University  Departments and  University  Colleges. Selection  will  be  made  following  the  Communal reservation. Ranking and counselling will be separate for vocational candidates.

5 % Vocational seats  in  Category  I and  II,  are reserved for Differently  Abled  Persons category.  These  seats  are apportioned  as 1 % for Blindness  and  low  vision,  1 %  for Deaf  and  hard  hearing, 1 %  for Locomotor  disability including  cerebral  palsy,  leprosy  cured,  dwarfism,  acid  attack  victims  and  muscular  dystrophy ,  1  %  for  Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness and 1 % for Multiple disabilities .

(v) Admission to Sandwich Courses:

Sandwich courses in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and  Electronics Engineering and Production Engineering  are offered  at  PSG College  of  Technology under  self-financing  scheme.  The  duration  of  the  course  is  5  Years.It  comprises  of  practical  training  in  the  mornings  and  class  work  in  the  evenings. There  will  be  an  additional  fee payable towards practical training and it will be intimated by the Principal of the college at the time of admission.


1. First Graduate Tuition Fee Concession

In the G.O.No. 85 Higher Education (J2) Department dated: 16.04.2010, the Government have ordered to grant tuition  fee  concession  to  the  candidates  who  are  to  be  the  first  graduate  in  a  family,  those  who  are  attending counselling  and  joined  in  professional  courses  in  Government  /  Aided  and  Self-Financing  Engineering  Colleges.  They have to submit the following:

Certificate  obtained  from  Head  Quarters  Deputy  Tahsildar  in  the  format  prescribed  in  G.O. Electronic form/digitally signed e-Certificate only will be accepted which necessarily should include name of applicant’s father, mother, father’s father, father’s mother, mother’s father, mother’s mother, brother (s) and sister (s) and joint declaration by himself and parent/guardian in the prescribed format. If the  applicant’s Brother  or  Sister  has already availed  First  Graduate  Tuition  Fee  concession for studying Professional Courses, then the applicant is not eligible for such concession. All  other  fees  except  tuition  fee  will  have  to  be  paid  by  the  candidate.

 2.AICTE Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Scheme:

This  scheme  is  applicable  in Self-Financing  Engineering  Colleges  and  Self-Supporting  courses  in  Government  Aided Engineering Colleges only. AICTE Tuition fee waiver scheme is applicable for B.E. / B.Tech. courses only. Seats up to a maximum of 5 percent of sanctioned intake per course may be available under the scheme. Tuition fee waiver under First  Graduate  scheme  is  provided  by  Government  whereas,  AICTE  TFW  scheme  is  provided  by  the  Management  of the Institution. Sons and daughters of parents whose annual income is less than Rs.4.50 lakhs from all sources shall only be eligible under this scheme.

All  other  fees  except  tuition  fee  will  have  to  be  paid  by  the  candidate.  Beneficiary  student admitted under AICTE TFW scheme will not be allowed to change Institu tion / course under any circumstances.

3. Post Matric Scholarship:

The  Government  have  ordered  to  grant  Post  Matric  Scholarship  to SC/SCA/ST  candidates,  whose  parental  annual  income  is  less  than Rs. 2,50,000/- and  for  SC/SCA  converted Christians annual income less than Rs. 2,00,000/- from all the sources shall only be eligible. The eligible candidates have to submit income certificate obtained from appropriate authorities and get the Post Matric Scholarship from the colleges where they get admitted.


The registered candidates will be informed about their original certificates verification date, time and venue (Name ofthe TFC). The candidate has to report to the TNEA Facilitation Centre on the date and time noted in their e-call letter for original  certificates verification along with the signed copy of the registered application with a photo affixed  on  it. (PDF  obtained  after  successful  registration  of  application)  along  with  the  following original certificates and their photocopies for certificates verification.

1. 10th Mark Sheet

2. HSC / Equivalent Mark sheet

3. HSC Hall Ticket

4. Transfer Certificate

5. Permanent Community Certificate for ST, SC, SCA, MBC & DNC, BC    and BCM (either Permanent card or electronic form / digitally signed    e-Certificate)

6. Nativity Certificate (only in electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) – If applicable

7. Income certificate

8. First Graduate Certificate (only in electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) and First Graduate Joint Declaration

9. Srilankan Tamil Refugee Certificate – If applicable

10. Candidates who have applied for special reservation

(i) Relevant certificates for Son / Daughter of Ex-service men with Parent’s discharge certificate and ID card

(ii) Differently abled persons should bring Medical Certificate obtained from Medical Board (Consists of 3 Doctors)

(iii) Eminent sports persons* should bring all sports achievements certificates with necessary forms.

If certificates are not produced for verification, their rank will not be published.

* The certificate verification for candidates who applied for seats under Eminent sports persons category will be held only at the TFC – Anna University Campus, Chennai.


Certificate of Dependency on Ex-servicemen –Page 14&15 of Information & Instructions to the candidates.

Medical Certificate for Visually Impaired (Blindness and Low Vision) – Page 16.

Medical Certificate for Hearing Impaired (Deaf and Hard Hearing) – Page 17.

Medical Certificate for Locomotor disability including Cerebral palsy, Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, Acid attack victims and Muscular dystrophy – Page 18.

Medical Certificate(Autism / Intellectual disability / Specific learning disability / Mental illness) – Page 19.

Medical Certificate for Multiple Disability – Page 20.

The above Certificates and Certificate for Eminent Sports Persons may also be downloaded from the TNEA website link: .


I.Preparation  of  Merit  list:

A  merit  list  will  be  prepared  based  on  the  marks  obtained  in  the  relevant subjects, namely,  Maths,  Physics  and  Chemistry  which  will  be reduced  to  200  (Maths – 100,  Physics – 50 and  Chemistry – 50).  The  overall  rank  is  prepared  based  on  the  merit list  with  the  defined  procedure  for tie-break (Refer Section. 6 of Information and Instructions to candidates). The overall rank and community rank  will  be  published  in  the  official  TNEA  Web  portal  or .

A  week  is  reserved  for  addressing  applicants’  grievances  after  the  publication  of  the rank. In  case  of  grievances, applicants  can  contact  the  office  of  the  Secretary,  TNEA  at  Anna  University,

Chennai 600 025.


The  applicants  will  be  grouped  based  on  their  rank  and  each  group  of  applicants  will  be allowed to participate in counselling according to their turn. TNEA 2018 will have five rounds of counselling.

The applicant has to login into the TNEA portal by using his/her user ID and Password (same as that used at  the  time  of  registration)  for  performing  various  activities  in  a  particular  round.  The  procedure  for  each round of counselling is as follows:

1) Publication  of  eligible  applicants: The  list of  eligible  applicants  for  a  particular  round  will  be published in the TNEA portal.

2) Payment: Applicants should pay an initial deposit of Rs. 5000/- for general category and Rs. 1000/- for SC  /  SCA  /  ST  candidates  belonging  to  Tamil  Nadu,  through  online  mo de  of  payment  (Net  Banking  /Credit Card / Debit Card) by using the TNEA portal, according to the payment schedule of the round.

      Applicant  can  participate  in  the  counselling  only  after  the  successful  payment  of  the  initial deposit.  Hence  applicant  are  advised  to  make  the  payment  well  in  advance  of  the  scheduled time.

3) Adding Choices: After  successful  completion  of  payment,  those applicants  in  the  current  round can add  choices  to  their  list  (in  order  of  preference)  to  be  considered  for  allotment  by  using  the TNEA portal.  [FOR FURTHER DETAILS REFER PAGE 12 OF INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES]

4) Locking Choices: After  adding  their  choices,  applicants  should  lock  their  choices  before  5.00  pm  on the third day from the commencement of the counselling round.[FOR FURTHER DETAILS REFER PAGE 12]

5) Tentative Allotment: After the locking of choices by the applicants, the system will, tentatively, allot the  choice  based  on  rank  and  the  applicant’s  order  of  preferences.  The  same  can  be  viewed  the following day after locking the choices by the applicants through their login.

6) Submission of Allotment Options: After the tentative  allotment, the applicant shall  either confirm or  decline  or  reject  the  allotment.  The  allotment  option  is  given  to  get  the  applicant’s  decision  on  the tentative allotment. The different allotment options that can be ex ercised by the applicant are given at pages 12&13.

7) Final Allotment: After submission of allotment options, the final allotment will be done by the system based  on  rank  and  the  applicant’s  allotment  options  that  have  been  submitted.  The  final  allotment order can be viewed and downloaded by the applicants through their login in the TNEA Web portal.

III. Admission: After the final allotment, the applicant has to report to the respective college for admission on or before the last date specified in the provisional allotment order. The applicant shall remit the remaining fee (deducting the initial deposit paid to TNEA) at the time of admission in the college. In case the applicant failed  to  join  before  the  last  date  specified,  he/she  has  to  forfeit  the  seat  and  cannot  claim  his/her  seat later. The provisional allotment made to him/her will be automatically cancelled.

       If a candidate  forfeit the allotment or candidate who could not get any allotment in this counselling process can  claim  refund  of  the  initial  deposit  from  TNEA.  The refund  will  be  made  according  to  the  TNEA procedure.

Counselling for (i) Eminent sports persons, (ii) Differently abled persons, (iii) Sons and daughter of Ex-service men, (iv) Vocational candidates and (v) Supplementary Counselling and counselling for  vacant  seats  of  SCA  after  completion  of  general  Counselling  will  be  held  in  person  only  at Anna  University  Campus,  Chennai. 

Applicants  must  ensure  that  all  online  counselling  activities like  making  payment,  adding  choices,  locking  choices,  tentative  allotment,  submission  of allotment  option  and  final  allotment  are  performed  at  the  official  TNEA  Web  portals:

 or  only.








Publication of TANATA brochure and guidelines: 24.07.2017

Commencement of registration through online: 24.07.2017

Last date for registration through online : 31.07.2017

Downloading of Hall Tickets from Anna University website : 07.08.2017

Date of Test : 12.08.2017

Announcement of marks and valid score : 18.08.2017

Downloading of Mark Sheets :19.08.2017

As per G.O. (D) No. 242 dated 18.7.2017, Higher Education (J2) Department, Tamil Nadu, Anna University will be conducting Tamil Nadu Aptitude Test in Architecture (TANATA) for the year 2017. 

This test is intended for admission of students into the B. Arch degree course under Management Quota and Government Quota lapsed seats for the year 201718. 

As per the current practice being followed, Government Quota seats will continue to be filled by Anna University based on the marks obtained in + 2 examination and in NATA 2016/2017.

 The Management Quota and the Government Quota lapsed seats will be filled up based on the marks obtained in + 2 examination and in the marks obtained in NATA 2016/2017.

 The remaining vacant seats will be filled up based on the marks obtained in + 2 examination and in the marks obtained in JEE II.

 Then the remaining vacant seats if any, will be filled based on marks obtained in + 2 examination and marks obtained in TANATA 2017.

           ABOUT TANATA 2017 : Tamil Nadu Aptitude Test in Architecture 2017 measures the aptitude of the applicant in the field of Architecture. The test makes an assessment of drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity, mathematics and critical thinking ability.

           ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR CANDIDATES : The eligibility requirements for the candidates appearing for TANATA 2017 are as follows.

  • Secured 50% marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects;
  • OR  10+3 Diploma (any stream) recognized by Central/State Govts with 50% aggregate marks with Mathematics;
  • OR  International Baccalaureate Diploma passed after 10 years of Schooling with 50% marks in aggregate
  • and with Mathematics as compulsory subject of examination.
  •  Qualifying in TANATA does not constitute a right/guarantee for the candidate’s admission to any architecture course
  • unless he/she has fulfilled all the prescribed requirements as specified by respective counselling and admission authorities.

          VALIDITY PERIOD OF TANATA 2017: The validity period of the TANATA 2017 for admission to the academic session 2017-18 only.


                         ADMISSION TO B.ARCH. DEGREE COURSE  2017  


              Admission to 5 Years (10 Semesters) B. Arch. Degree Programme offered at University Department of Anna University, Government Aided Institutions and the seats surrendered by the Self-Financing Engineering Colleges for the year 2017 through online only. A Candidate needs to register only one application for all the Colleges / Institutions mentioned above.

The candidates can register only through online by logging on to Website:

College Details:



0003*, 1127,1130,1132,1134,1135,1138,1142,1144,1145,




3459,3783,3784,4671,4679, 5008**,5544,5863,5907.

[ *University Department of Anna University, **Govt. Aided College]


  • As a prerequisite for selection  to  B. Arch. Degree course the candidates should have qualified the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA 2016 / 2017) conducted by the Council of Architecture, New Delhi with validity as per the Council of Architecture norms.
  •  2017 : The candidates should have obtained marks greater than or equal to the qualifying marks (70 out of 200) prescribed in NATA 2017 score card.
  •  2016 : The candidates should have obtained valid score (80 out of 200) in NATA 2016. The candidates who appeared in NATA 2016 and NATA 2017 may apply for admission on the basis of valid NATA score obtained by the candidates either in NATA 2016 or NATA 2017.
  • HSC (Academic)/Equivalent The candidates who have passed 10+2 or its equivalent examination with Mathematics / Business Mathematics as one of the subjects.
  •  Candidates other than BC/ BCM / MBC & DNC / SC/ SCA / ST should have secured not less than 50% marks in aggregate.
  •  BC/ BCM / MBC & DNC / SC/ SCA / ST candidates should have secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate.
  •  Diploma The candidate who have passed 10+3 years Diploma (any stream) recognised by Central / State Governments.
  •  The candidates who have passed International Baccalaureate Diploma after 10 years of schooling, with Mathematics as compulsory subject.

Schedule of Events

Date of Notification :25.06.2017

Date of commencement of online Registration of Application:25.06.2017

Last date for New User Online Registration / Payment : 06.07.2017

Last date for Submission of application: 06.07.2017

 General Instructions

Candidate should apply only through online in the web portal In the website the candidate can go to the online application portal by clicking the link.

The Candidate should use a valid and functional e-mail id and a valid and functional mobile number for registration of online application. This email id and mobile number must be maintained active, as all the communication to the candidates will be sent only to the registered e-mail id and mobile number.

The candidate must be ready with the details such as Marks, Percentage of Marks, Certificates, Year of Passing, Board / Institute details, Scanned image of photograph, Scanned copy of mark sheet / Transfer and Community Certificate for ST, SC, SCA, MBC & DNC, BC and BCM candidates (either Permanent Card or electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) and other relevant certificates if any before applying through online .

Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for scanning and uploading the photograph. An online application uploaded without photograph will be rejected.

No Need to Send Your Filled-in Application.

A valid and functional e-mail ID is required for registration. This is important, as all future correspondences shall be sent only to the registered e-mail ID.

It is suggested to have the password you use for signing (the B.Arch account) to be different from the one you use for operation of your email account.







Your e-mail ID is your User ID.

A valid and functional Mobile Number is required to receive SMS based notifications/communications related to Counselling till the admission process is over.


 By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations,

by understanding he set the heavens in place;

by his knowledge the watery depths were divided, 

and the clouds let drop the dew.

 My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight,

preserve sound judgment and discretion;

they will be life for you,

 an ornament to grace your neck.

 – Proverbs 3:19-22

   New International Version(NIV)
