S.NO. |
1 |
2 |
08.06.2019 09.06.2019 |
05.04.2019 |
3 |
01.03.2015 |
05.02.2015 |
M.Sc.,M.Phil Courses in ANNA UNIVERSITY |
31.05.2015 | 19.04.2015 to
08.05.2015 |
(1)M.Tech Biotechnology (Two years) (2)M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology and M.V.Sc. (3) M.Sc. Biotechnology |
19.05.2015 | 06.02.2015 TO
20.03.2015 |
23.05.2015 | 18.02.2015 TO
26.03.2015 |
7 |
03.05.2015 |
31.01.2015 [WITH LATE FEE] |
8 |
01.12.2014 TO 06.12.2014 |
18.10.2014 |
9 | COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST (CLAT),2015 | 10.05.2015 | 01.01.2015 TO
14.04.2015 |
9A |
NIMCET – 2015 – National Level Entrance Test conducted by NITs for admission to the MCA course offered by NITs. |
31.05.2015 | 16.02.2015 TO
06.04.2015 |
06.04.2015 |
12 |
TNTET 2019 TAMILNADU TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST (TNTET) – 2019 NEW WEBSITE : http://www.trb.tn.nic.in/ Applications are invited only through online mode for Teacher Eligibility Test, Paper I and Paper II for the year 2019 from the eligible candidates in Tamil Nadu. Important Dates: Date of Notification : 28.02.2019 APPLY ONLINE ONLY. Commencement of submission of online Application : 15.03.2019 Last date for submission of online Application : 05.04.2019 Date of Written Examination – Paper I : 08.06.2019 (Saturday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) NEW Date of Written Examination – Paper II : 09.06.2019 (Sunday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) NEW TNTET 2019 Amendment Syllabus Notification for VII Standard History ************************************************************************************************************* 1.TAMIL NADU STATE ELIGIBILITY TEST FOR LECTURESHIP (SET/SLET) CONDUCTED BY BHRATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE- 641046.
METHOD OF EXAMINATION: The Test will consist of three papers; Paper -I, Paper – II and Paper -III, the Details of which are given below: Paper I: This is compulsory for all and is meant to test research / teaching aptitude of the candidate. Paper II : Paper II will be of 11/4 hours duration. This paper will be for 100 Marks containing 50 objective type compulsory questions. Each question will carry 2 marks. Paper III : Paper III will be of 21/2 Hours duration for 150 marks and it will consist of 75 objective type compulsory questions. Each question will carry 2 Marks. Syllabus for the Subjects may be available in the University website: http://www.b-u.ac.in/setsyllabus/index.html DATE OF LAST EXAMINATION : 07.10.2012 |
2. TAMIL NADU TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST (TNTET) TEACHERS RECRUITMENT BOARD 4th Floor, EVK Sampath Maaligai, DPI Compound, College Road, Chennai – 600 006. http://trb.tn.nic.in/TET2013/18062013/msg.htm All questions in TNTET test will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking. There will be two papers of TNTET. (i) Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes I to V. (ii) Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII. Note: A person who intends to be a teacher for both levels (classes I to V and classes VI to VIII) will have to appear in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II). PAPER I : (For classes I to V) Secondary Grade Teachers : Duration of examination-Three hours Structure and Content (All Compulsory): (i) Child Development and Pedagogy 30 MCQs 30 Marks (ii) Language I –Tamil/Mal/Tel/Kan/Ur 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iii) Language II -English 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iv) Mathematics 30 MCQs 30 Marks (v) Environmental Studies 30 MCQs 30 Marks Total 150 MCQs 150 Marks Paper II (For classes VI to VIII) Graduate Teachers : Duration of examination –Three hours Structure and Content (All Compulsory): (i) Child Development & Pedagogy(compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks (ii) Language I (compulsory)-Ta/Mal/Tel/Kan/Ur 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iii) Language II (compulsory) -English 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iv) (a) For Mathematics and Science teacher : Mathematics and Science (b) For Social Studies/Social Science teacher: 60 MCQs 60 Marks Social Science (c) For any other teacher – either (a) or (b) Total 150 MCQs 150 Marks Eligibility : Candidates should possess the following prescribed qualifications to write the Teacher Eligibility Test : (a) Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Course (10+2 Pattern) and Diploma in Teacher Education / Diploma in Elementary Education (regarding other State D.T.Ed Certificate, evaluation certificate is necessary) in a Recognized Teacher Training Institute / DIET and seeking an appointment as Secondary Grade Teacher for classes I to V (except Visually Impaired Candidates) can write Paper I. (b) Candidates who have passed a Bachelor’s Degree (B.A. /B.Sc. / B.Litt.) with Tamil, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, History and Geography or a Degree with any one of the equivalent subjects (Regarding equivalent subject, Government orders issued prior to the date of this notification alone will be considered) from a Recognized University under 10+2+3 Pattern and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (B.Ed.) from a Recognized University and seeking an appointment as Teacher for classes VI to VIII can write Paper II. (c) Candidates appearing for the Final Year Examination of D.E.Ed / B.Ed during the current Academic Year are also permitted to appear for the Teacher Eligibility Test. Such Candidate’s should have successfully completed the course in the current Academic Year itself and should produce D.E.Ed / B.Ed Certificate during Certificate Verification otherwise they shall not be considered for current year Government recruitment process. However they may be issued with TET certificate after producing D.E.Ed Diploma certificate / B.Ed Degree Certificate. |
3. ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSION TO MEDICAL POST GRADUATE DEGREE / DIPLOMA / 6 YEARS M.Ch.(NEURO SURGERY) AND MDS COURSES IN TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT / SELF-FINANCING COLLEGES FOR 2015- 2016 SESSION DIRECTORATE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION Application Forms: Download from websites: http://www.tnhealth.org/ Application down loading : up to 04.02.2015 (5:00 P.M.) Qualifications : MBBS /BDS ; Native of Tamil Nadu Service(2 years) /10(a)(i) candidates may apply through proper channel. Fees : Rs. 2000- [No Fee for SC / SAC / ST Candidates] Last Date : 05.02.2015 Address : Secretary, Selection Committee, No. 162, Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Kilpauk, CHENNAI – 600 010. DATE OF ENTRANCE EXAM : 1.03.2015 – 10.00 am to 1.00 pm ENTRANCE EXAM: The Entrance Examination will be of the undergraduate level covering all subjects and will contain 250 objective type questions each with four responses (A B C D) in English. Each question will carry 1 (one) Mark. There will be NO NEGATIVE MARK for incorrect responses. (1) Marks awarded for Entrance examination: Maximum 90 marks. (2) Experience : One mark for each completed year after the completion of CRRI shall be awarded as marks for experience for both service and non service candidates to a maximum of Ten (10) marks ( i+ ii+ iii ) as on 31.03.2015. i) One mark per year for experience after CRRI (All candidates). ii) Marks for candidates served in rural, hilly and remote/difficult areas : – a) Rural area – 1 mark per year. b) Hilly area – 2 marks per year c) Remote/difficult area – 2 marks per year. iii) Two marks per year of Service for candidates who have worked in Government Hospitals, Primary Health Centres and Government Medical College Hospitals of Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and Ramanathapuram Districts (only Service candidates as defined in Clause 10) iv) Non-service candidates are not eligible to get marks as in (ii) & (iii). Fractional values of a year will not be counted for awarding marks for experience in (i, ii & iii ). SELECTION: Out of the seats sanctioned for Post Graduate Diploma/Degree Courses 50% of the total recognised /permitted seats are offered to All India Quota for allotment by the Director General of Health Services, New Delhi. The remaining 50% of the seats will be allotted under State Quota during I phase of counselling. The Selection will be made by counselling based on Merit and by applying the Rule of Reservation / Roster method followed by the Government of Tamil Nadu wherever applicable. 50% of seats in each speciality and in each college are reserved for service candidates, in addition to those service candidates selected in the open category. In case an odd number seat remains in any speciality in the total seats sanctioned for that speciality, that seat shall be filled by merit and communal reservation. The odd seat stated above is referable to each speciality and not to each college. TUITION FEES PAYABLE IN GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS: PG Diploma : Rs. 15,000/- pa PG Degree : Rs. 20,000/- pa 6 Year MCh Neurosuregry : Rs. 20,000/- pa STIPEND: All Non Service candidates selected will be paid stipend and Service Candidates salary as per the Government Orders in force. SECURITY AMOUNT: All Service Candidates of Tamil Nadu having more than five years of service after passing the PG Degree / Diploma shall execute a bond for a sum of Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty lakhs only) for Diploma courses and Rs.40,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Lakhs only) for Degree and 6 years M.Ch. (Neurosurgery) Courses as security amount with the undertaking that they will serve the Government of Tamil Nadu till Superannuation with three sureties. The prescribed form will be available in the colleges at the time of admission. The bond will become in fructuous if the service candidates serve the Government of Tamil Nadu after the completion of the Course until superannuation. Non-Service candidates shall execute a bond with three sureties for a sum of Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only) on admission to Post Graduate Diploma courses and Rs. 40,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Lakhs only)for Post Graduate Degree courses / 6 year M.Ch. Neurosurgery Courses of the 2015 – 2016 session with an undertaking that they shall serve the Government of Tamil Nadu for a period of not less than two years, in the posting issued by Government, if required. During the above period, they will be paid a salary on par with the fresh recruits of the Government of Tamil Nadu Medical Services. The bond will become in fructuous if he/she serves the State Government of Tamil Nadu if required for minimum period of 2 years. If non-service candidates discontinue the course they have to pay the total amount of penalty and the stipend received. For any reason, if the candidate is unable to serve the Government for the above said period, the bond amount paid by the candidate in total has to be credited to the relevant Head of Account as per Government rules in force. PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographs must be taken with a placard indicating name of candidate (as in the application) and date of taking photograph. [FOR OTHER DETAILS: REFER PROSPECTUS] |
TAMIL NADU COMMON ENTRANCE TEST (TANCET), 2015 Authority conducting the Examination: ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI Website: www.annauniv.edu/tancet2015 Date of Entrance Examination: MCA -16.05.2015(10am to 12 noon) MBA -16.05.2015(2:30 pm to 4:30 pm) M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan. -17.05.2015(10am to 12 noon) IMPORTANT DATES: 1.Commencement of Registration in Person/Registration through internet : 01.04.2015 2.Last date for Registration in Person at Co-ordinating Centres/Registration through Internet : 20.04.2015 3.Last date for Registration in Person at Chennai Centre and receipt of Applications Registered through Internet : 22.04.2015. About TANCET 2015: Admissions to M.B.A.,M.C.A.,M.E./M.Arch./M.Plan./ M.Tech. Programmes offered at University Departments / University Colleges of Anna University, Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges and Arts & Science Colleges and Self-financing Colleges (Engineering, Arts & Science Colleges including stand-alone Institutions) in Tamil Nadu will be through the TANCET exam conducted by Anna University on behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Eligibility Criteria: FOR DETAILS REFER THE WEBSITE. Candidates must have passed B.E. / B.Tech. in the relevant field with a minimum of 50% (45% in case of SC/ST) OR
10+2+AMIE (or) 10+3 Years diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE. Industrial experience for AMIE candidates: 10 + 2 years H.Sc. + AMIE (with 2 years experience) 10 + 3 Years diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE (with 2 years experience) The following candidates are ineligible for TANCET 2015: Candidates with B.E./B.Tech degrees in Distance mode/Week end courses. Candidates with degree obtained without studying 10+2 or 3 years diploma and 3/4 years degree programme. a) Candidates with XE/XL papers in GATE 2015 must appear for TANCET 2015 b) Non – Gate Category: Must appear for TANCET 2015 c) Sponsored Category: Must appear for TANCET 2015. |
Entrance Exxamination for admission to M. Sc.(2 years) and M. Phil. Degree Programmes offered in Anna University, Chennai – 600 025 for the year 2015-16. website : www.annauniv.edu
M. Sc. (2 years) M. Phil. 1. Applied Mathematics 1. Mathematics 2. Materials Science 2. Physics / Medical Physics 3. Medical Physics 3. Chemistry 4. Applied Chemistry 4. English 5. Applied Geology 5. Crystal Science 6. Electronic Media (Self – Supporting) 6. Applied Geology
a)Commencement of Registration : 19.04.2015 b)Last date for receipt of completed application : 08.05.2015 c) Date of Entrance Examinations : 31.05.2015 d) Centre for Entrance Examination : CHENNAI ONLY |
COIMBINED ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2015 (BIOTECHNOLOGY) AUTHORITY CONDUCTING THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY, NEW DELHI [REFER PROSPECTUS FOR DETAILS] The Jawaharlal Nehru University will hold an entrance examination for the academic year 2015-16 for admission to four-semesters (Two years) M.Tech Biotechnology programme being offered by the following participating Universities: 1. ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI (25Seats) 2. COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KOCHI, KERALA (M.Tech. in Marine Biotechnology) 3. WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, KOLKATA. Qualification-Anna University: Candidates with B.Tech/B.E in Electrochemistry, Bioengineering, Pharmaceutical Technology, Food Technology, B.Tech. in Agricultural Biotechnology and M.Sc. in Chemistry & Physics are also eligible. Those who have passed the qualifying examination PRIOR to 2013 are NOT eligible to apply. The entrance examination will be held on May 19, 2015 at centres all over the country. IMPORTANT DATES: 1.Start of Online Application process from 10.00 a.m. on 6th February, 2015 2. Issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 6th February, 2015 3. Last date for issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 9th March, 2015 4. Closing of online Application Process till 5.00 p.m. on 20th March, 2015 5. Last date of submission of completed offline Application Form to reach JNU 25th March, 2015 6. Date and time of Entrance Examination May 19, 2015 (2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.) 7. Results of Entrance Examination i. Merit list of candidates to excercise their option for Universities 2nd/3rd week of June, 2015 ii. Final result of alloted Universities last week of June/1st week of July, 2015 8. For admission/result queries candidate may visit our website www.jnu.ac.in Application Forms can be submitted only by Registered Post/Speed Post to Section Officer (Admissions), RoomNo.28, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067. The completed offline ApplicationForm must reach JNU latest by 25th March, 2015. JNU will not accept responsibility for any postal delay or irregularity or loss in postal transit. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO CHECK THE ALLOTMENT OF UNIVERSITY ON THE WEB SITE OF THE UNIVERSITY (www. jnu.ac.in) IN THE FIRST/SECOND WEEK OF JULY,2015. COMBINED ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2015 For admission to M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology Programme and M.V.Sc. Programme Website: http://www.jnu.ac.in/ [REFER PROSPECTUS FOR DETAILS] Jawaharlal Nehru University will hold Combined Entrance Examination for admission to:- [i] M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology Programme being offered at the following participating Universities: 1. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat 2. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal 3. Ch. Sarwan Kumar H.P.Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palampur; 4. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar; 5. Indira Gandhi Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Raipur; 6. Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur; 7. Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Latur (Maharashtra); 8. Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar; 9. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore; (20 SEATS) 10. University of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K., Bangalore; and 11 University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. 12. Rajendra Agricultural University, Samastipur [ii] M.V.Sc. Programme is being offered at 1. Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar; 2. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar; 3. Nanaji Deshmukh Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur, 4. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. 5. Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur 6. Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati 7. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar The Examination will be held on May 19, 2015, at Centres all over the country. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE: Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, or B. Tech in Biotechnology/ Horticulture / Bioinformatics under 10+2+4 pattern of education with at least 70% marks or equivalent OGPA of 3.00/4.00 or 7.00/10.00 from a Farm University.. Reservation: 15%, 7½% and 3% of seats shall be reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Person with Disability (PWD) candidates (with not less than 40% disability) respectively. All the SC/ST and PH candidates who have passed the qualifying examination are eligible to apply irrespective of their percentage of marks in the qualifying examination unless otherwise specifically mentioned by any participating University (Refer Eligibility for Admission Chapter II). Only those SC/ST/PWD candidates who have passed the qualifying examinations in2013 or thereafter including those who are appearing in 2015, are eligible to apply. In other words, those who have passed the qualifying examination PRIOR to 2013 are NOT eligible to apply. OBC reservation, wherever applicable, will be implemented as per the policy of each participating University IMPORTANT DATES: 1.Start of Online Application process from 10.00 a.m. on 6th February, 2015 2. Issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 6th February, 2015 3. Last date for issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 9th March, 2015 4. Closing of online Application Process till 5.00 p.m. on 20th March, 2015 5. Last date of submission of completed offline ApplicationForm to reach JNU 25th March, 2015 6. Date and time of Entrance Examination May 19, 2015 (2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.) 7. Results of Entrance Examination i. Merit list of candidates to excercise their option for Universities 2nd/3rd week of June, 2015 ii. Final result of alloted Universities last week of June/1st week of July, 2015 8. For admission/result queries candidate may visit our website www.jnu.ac.in Offline Application Forms can be submitted only by Registered Post/Speed Post to Section Officer (Admissions), RoomNo.28, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067. The completed offline ApplicationForm must reach JNU latest by 25th March, 2015. JNU will not accept responsibility for any postal delay or irregularity or loss in postal transit. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO CHECK THE ALLOTMENT OF UNIVERSITY ON THE WEB SITE OF THE UNIVERSITY (www. jnu.ac.in) IN THE FIRST/SECOND WEEK OF JULY,2015.
COMBINED ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2015 for admission to 2-Year M.Sc. Biotechnology Programme Website: http://www.jnu.ac.in/ [REFER PROSPECTUS FOR DETAILS] Jawaharlal Nehru University will hold a Combined Entrance Examination for admission to 2-Year M.Sc. Programme in Biotechnology on behalf of following participating Universities: 1. University of Allahabad, Allahabad 2. Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu (M.Sc. in Marine Biotechnology) [13Seats] 3. Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri (M.Sc. in Bioresources Biotechnology) 4. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 5. University of Burdwan, Burdwan 6. University of Calicut, Kerala 7. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore 8. Goa University, Goa (M.Sc. in Marine Biotechnology) 9. Gulbarga University, Gulbarga 10. Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar 11. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar 12. Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla 13. HNB Garhwal University, Garhwal 14. University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 15. University of Jammu, Jammu 16. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 17. Kumaun University, Nainital 18. University of Lucknow, Lucknow 19. Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai [30 SEATS] 20. Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (M.Sc. in Medical Biotechnology) 21. M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 22. University of Mysore, Mysore 23. University of North Bengal, Siliguri 24. North Eastern Hill University, Shillong 25. Pondicherry University, Pondicherry [23 SEATS] 26. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 27. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur 28. Sardar Patel University, Anand (M.Sc. in Industrial Biotechnology) 29. Shivaji University, Kolhapur (M.Sc. in Environmental Biotechnology) 30. Tezpur University, Tezpur (M.Sc. in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology) 31. T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur 32. Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 33. Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan The Entrance Examination will be held on May 19, 2015 at Centers all over the country. IMPORTANT DATES: 1.Start of Online Application process from 10.00 a.m. on 6th February, 2015 2. Issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 6th February, 2015 3. Last date for issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 9th March, 2015 4. Closing of online Application Process till 5.00 p.m. on 20th March, 2015 5. Last date of submission of completed offline Application Form to reach JNU 25th March, 2015 6. Date and time of Entrance Examination May 19, 2015(2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.) 7. Results of Entrance Examination i. Merit list of candidates to excercise their option for Universities 2nd/3rd week of June, 2015 ii. Final result of alloted Universities last week of June/1st week of July, 2015 8. For admission/result queries candidate may visit our website www.jnu.ac.in Offline Application Forms can be submitted only by Registered Post/Speed Post to Section Officer (Admissions), RoomNo.28, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067. The completed offline ApplicationForm must reach JNU latest by 25th March, 2015. JNU will not accept responsibility for any postal delay or irregularity or loss in postal transit. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO CHECK THE ALLOTMENT OF UNIVERSITY ON THE WEB SITE OF THE UNIVERSITY (www. jnu.ac.in) IN THE FIRST/SECOND WEEK OF JULY,2015.
MBBS and BDS – 15% of All India Merit Quota seats in Government Medical/
Dental Colleges all over India
Name of the Examination 4 | THE ALL INDIA PRE-MEDICAL/PRE-DENTAL ENTRANCE TEST [AIPMT], 2015 | ||||||||||||
Authority conducting the Exam. | Central Board of Secondary Education,
Exam. Website | www.aipmt.nic.in. | ||||||||||||
Course of Admission | MBBS and BDS – 15% of All India Merit Quota seats in Government Medical/ Dental Colleges all over India [except A.P. and J&K.] | ||||||||||||
Course duration | 4 Years 6Months + 1 year of Compulsory Rotatory Internship | ||||||||||||
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) | Offline examination
(Pen and Paper Based Examination) |
Date and Time of Examination | 3rd May, 2015 (Sunday) | ||||||||||||
Examination Centres | Vide Appendix I of Prospectus | ||||||||||||
Examination Fees (in Rupees)
Without Late Fees(upto 31st December) With Late Fees (upto 31st January) |
UR |
SC |
ST |
2400 |
2400 |
1850 |
1850 |
1850 |
Mode of Payment | i)Through Debit/Credit Card using on-line gateway payment facility, or
ii) Depositing in CBSE Bank Account with Canara Bank or Syndicate Bank directly or depositing in CBSE Account with e-Post Office by downloading the Challan Form from the website : www.aipmt.nic.in |
Seat Matrix [Reservation will be made as per 2200 point reservation roster. The mode of implementation of reservation will be available on DGHS website- www.mohfw.nic.in .] |
SC |
ST |
27% |
15% |
7.5% |
[3%] |
Pattern of Examination | Questions will be based on a common syllabus prescribed for State Board Hr. Sec. and CBSE for Standards XI & XII as notified by the Medical council of India.
See Appendix X of Information Bulletin for Detailed Syllabus. |
(i) Pattern of the Entrance Test:-The Entrance Test shall consist of one paper containing 180 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only.
(ii) Candidates can opt for Question Paper either in English or in Hindi. (iii) The duration of paper would be 03 hours. (iv)For writing particulars and marking Responses Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only. (v) Each item carries 4 marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. (vi) All rough work should be done in the Test Booklet itself. |
Negative Marking, if any | For each incorrect response one mark will be deducted from the total score. | ||||||||||||
Eligibility criteria for appearing in the Examination: | |||||||||||||
Qualifying Examination passed / Appearing:
i)10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology and Mathematics or any other elective subject with English. [Marks obtained in Mathematics are not to be considered for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses.] ii)A candidate who is appearing in the qualifying examination, i.e., 12th Std. in 2015 whose result is awaited, may also apply. iii)B.Sc. Examination of an Indian University provided that he/she has passed the B.Sc. Examination with not less than two of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology)/Bio-technology and further that he/ she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. |
Subjects |
Minimum Marks Scored |
SC |
ST |
Gen-PH |
O-PH |
1. | Physics |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
2. | Chemistry |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
3. | Biology / Bio – technology |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
4. | English |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
% of marks in 1+2+3 |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
. | ** Passed in the subjects individually | ||||||||||||
Age / Date of Birth | Completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2015 , the year of admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S., i.e. they should have been born on or before 01.01.1999. Upper age limit for candidates seeking admission under 15% All India Quota Seats is 25 years. | ||||||||||||
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
SC |
ST |
O-PH |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
Specific Instructions, if any:
Photograph: Candidates are advised to take passport size photographs with white background and one post card size (4”x6”) photograph. Passport size photographs are to be used to affix on the Confirmation Page of online Application and also for Counselling/Admission. Post Card size photograph will be collected from candidates by Centre Superintendent at Centre during AIPMT Examination. Before affixing photograph on Confirmation Page candidate must write down his/her name, Application Form number and Contact Number on the reverse side of both the photographs with Ball point pen only. Affix one attested recent good quality colour STUDIO photographs with white background in the space earmarked for this in the Confirmation Page. The photograph must be taken on or after 01.12.2014 indicating clearly the name of candidate along with the date of taking the photograph as shown below. Photograph should not have cap or goggles. |
Counselling related information | Website of the Directorate General of Health Services: www.mohfw.nic.in and www.mcc.nic.in
Online counselling would be conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110 108. Asst. Director General(ME): Phone No. 011-23062493, (FAX) 011-23061907 |
Events |
Important Dates |
Online registration starts | 1st December 2015 | ||||||||||||
Online registration Last Date | 31st December / 31st January 2015 | ||||||||||||
Last Date for making changes in the Application | 4th February to 18th February 2015 | ||||||||||||
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download | 1st April 2015 | ||||||||||||
Date of Examination | 03.05.2015 | ||||||||||||
Display of Answer key and image
of response (OMR) sheet |
15.05.2015 to 20.05.2015 (3 days only) | ||||||||||||
Declaration of Results | 5th June 2015 | ||||||||||||
Availability of Score/Rank
Cards on website |
As soon as the Result is published | ||||||||||||
Date of Counselling | Watch the website of the Directorate General of Health Services: www.mohfw.nic.in and www.mcc.nic.in | ||||||||||||
Date of Commencement of Course | Watch the website of the Institution concerned |
A candidate seeking admission to the MBBS Course in ARMED FORCES MEDICAL COLLEGE, PUNE [AFMC] should first apply for AIPMT and then apply to AFMC online. websites : www.afmc.nic.in www.afmcdg1d.gov.in AFMC INFORMATION BROCHURE 2014 – IMPORTANT DATES: START DATE FOR REGISTRATION AND FILLING ONLINE APPLICATION : 21 APRIL 2014 LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION : 13 MAY 2014 (2359h) LAST DATE OF FILLING AND SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATION : 17 MAY 2014 (2359h) |
50% All India Merit Quota Seats for MD/MS/Post Graduate Diploma Courses
[applicable to all Medical Colleges/ Institutions throughout the country]
[AIPGMEE, 2015] For Admission to All India 50% Quota MD/MS/Post Graduate Diploma Seats [applicable to all Medical Colleges/ Institutions throughout the country, except the States of J&K and erstwhile AP] |
Website of the Exam Body | http://www.nbe.gov.in/ | |||||||||
Authority conducting the Exam. | NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS (NEB), NEW DELHI – 110029 | |||||||||
Exam. Website | http://www.nbe.gov.in/aipgmee/ | |||||||||
Course of Admission | MD / MS /PG Diploma
Total no. of seats (for 2014-15): 5544 |
Course duration: | ||||||||||
MD / MS | 3 Years from the date of admission | |||||||||
Diploma | 2 Years from the date of admission | |||||||||
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) | On-Line Based Distributed Object System of Examination | |||||||||
Date and Time of Examination | 01.12.2014 to 06.12.2014 FN / AN | |||||||||
Examination Centres | Bengaluru, Mysore, Cochin, Kozhicode, Trivandrum, Hyderabad, Chennai, Coimbatore, and 25 Other Centres | |||||||||
Submission of application | Through On-line mode only | |||||||||
Examination Fees | UR/OBC:Rs.3750-; SC/ST/OPH:Rs.2750- | |||||||||
Mode of Payment | Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card | |||||||||
Seat Matrix (Total no. of seats: Not available) *** OBC Reservation in Central Institutions only |
UR |
SC |
ST |
Total no. of seats . |
*** |
15% |
7% |
3% |
(for 2014-15): 5544 |
a) The candidates must possess MBBS or an equivalent Degree recognized by the Medical Council of India. b)Experience: Must have either completed or due to complete One Year Internship (Rotatory Housemanship) training by 31st March 2015*. [*Candidates likely to complete internship by 31st March 2015 only can take up the Entrance Examination. No condonation of Compulsory Rotating Internship beyond this date shall be accepted]. c) Some of the Universities are having regulations that candidates who are already pursuing the PG Course in their University or in another University are not eligible for admission till they complete the course. |
Method of Examination:
The Entrance Examination is common to all and consists of 300 single best response type MCQs and will cover all subjects. The Entrance Examination will be of the standard of MBBS Examination. Question paper consists of a total of 300 Questions distributed(provisionally) as detailed below: 1 ANA TOMY 15 2 PHYSIOLOGY 15 3 BIOCHEMISTRY 15 4 PHARMACOLOGY 20 5 MICROBIOLOGY 20 6 P A THOLOGY 25 7 FORENSIC MEDICINE 10 8 SOCIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 25 9 MEDICINE DERMATOLOGY AND VENERELOGY 37 10 SURGERY , ENT , ORTHOPEDICS & ANESTHESIA 46 1 1 RADIODIAGNOSIS AND RADIOTHERAPY 12(6+6) 12 OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY 25 13 P AEDIA TRICS 15 14 OPHTHALMOLOGY 10 15 PSYCHIA TRY 10 GRAND TOTAL 300 1. There shall be only one paper of three and a half hours duration consisting of 300 Multiple Choice Questions. 2. All questions will be of one best / correct response type having four alternatives. |
Negative Marking, if any | No Negative Marking for wrong Answers | |||||||||
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. | UR / General : 50 % Score
PH : 45 ~do~ OBC/SC/ST : 40 ~do~ |
Demo Test | Link to Demo Test created for applicants to familiarize themselves, will be available at www.nbe.gov.in/ptest | |||||||||
Specific Instructions, if any | Photograph:
A photograph of minimum 35×45 mm with at least 75% coverage of face and head of the candidate. • A caption indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph should be there at the bottom of photo. • Photograph should be taken in a white /very light colored background. |
Events | Important Dates (Tentative) | |||||||||
Commencement of Online registration | 29.08.2014 | |||||||||
Online registration Last Date | 18.10.2014 | |||||||||
Admit Card/Hall Ticket | 11.11.2014 – 15.11.2014 | |||||||||
Date of Examination | 01.12.2014 TO 06.12.2014 | |||||||||
Declaration of Results/Merit List | 15.01.2015 | |||||||||
HELP LINE /CONTACT /E-MAIL | Phone: 0124-6771700/1800 1 1 1800 (Toll Free)
Webmail: Use Contact us form at http://www.nbe.gov.in/aipgmee/ |
PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGE AFFILIATED TO TAMIL NADU DR. M.G.R. MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI – 600032 CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE Vellore – 632 002, Tamilnadu, India. [ALL INDIA RANK AMONG MEDICAL COLLEGES: TWO] Website: http://admissions.cmcvellore.ac.in Email: [email protected] ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: 23rdMay2015 morning (COMMON FOR ALL GROUP A COURSES) 23rdMay 2015 afternoon (SCIENCE, NON-SCIENCE & SPECIAL PAPERS) Applications can be accessed only online at http://admissions.cmcvellore.ac.in from 18th February 2015. The last date for online application submission is 26th March 2015. The last date for receipt of any supporting documents is 2nd April 2015. GROUP A – UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE COURSES:The college within its affiliation to the TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai offers degree courses as follows:
FOR GROUP B – DIPLOMA COURSES ,POST GRADUATE DEGREE AND DIPLOMA COURSES – REFER PAGES 7 TO 10 OF INFORMATION BULLETIN. AGE: For all Group A Courses candidates should have been born on or before 31 Dec 1998 (max. age limit 40 years for AHS Degree Courses and 30 for BSc Nursing and 35 for BSc Nursing SC/ST). This college is affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai where the minimum qualification prescribed is an equivalent to 10+2 Higher Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years of study, the last two years of study comprising Physics, Chemistry and Biology with English . QUALIFICATION: A candidate for admission to MBBS course “must have 60% marks at +2 level in each of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Botany and Zoology taken together) and have an aggregate of 140/200 in these subjects, both at qualifying and competitive examinations and should have passed in English”. (as per state & University guidelines)( 60% in each and 130/200 aggregate for BC; 55% in each and 120/200 aggregate for MBC; and 40% in each and 80/200 FEESto change as per State & University guidelines) Example: If a candidate has 72% in Biology, 66% in Chemistry and 70% in Physics, then the aggregate works out to: {72 + (66 +70)/2} or {72 + 68} out of 200, i.e. 140/200 and is eligible. However, a candidate with 68 in Biology, 72 in Chemistry and 70 in Physics will have only {68+ (72+70)/2} on 200 or {68+71} on 200 i.e. 139/200 and is not eligible. Candidates for admission to B.Sc. Nursing should have a pass with 45% aggregate in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 9Only unmarried women candidates are eligible to apply.) Candidates for admission to other Degree Courses should have a pass in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology[/Mathematics, in the case of BPO and BASLP] APPLICATION FEES: .The application fee includes a basic administrative fee of Rs.800 plus a registration fee per course applied. The registration fee per course is given below: GROUP A COURSES: MBBS, BSc (Nursing) & AHS Degree Courses – Rs. 500- per Course GROUP B COURSES: Diploma in Nursing and other Allied Health Science diplomas – Rs. 100- per Course MSc courses and Fellowship in Analytical Clinical Pharmacology – Rs. 500- for a Course Step- 1 ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: Date of Examination: 23rdMay2015 morning (COMMON FOR ALL GROUP A COURSES) 23rdMay 2015 afternoon (SCIENCE, NON-SCIENCE & SPECIAL PAPERS) Computer-Based test consisting of multiple choice questions is conducted in English (see examples at the end). Each question will have five possible answers. Your task will be to select the one best answer to each question. There will be ONLY ONE CORRECT ANSWER to each question. For the degree courses (MBBS, BSc Nursing & Allied Health Science Degree Courses) there are 60 questions each in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (120 minutes total time). This is followed by 120 questions in General Ability including Speed and Accuracy and also a few questions on issues of current topical interest. The 120 Questions in General Ability will be in two sections. Section I will have 60 Questions to be answered in 50 minutes. Section II will have 60 Questions to be answered in 20 minutes. The duration of the whole examination will be 3 hours and 10 minutes. For the Diploma courses, the examination consists of 25 questions each in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and 15 questions in General ability. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes. For other courses where a background in science is not required, the non-science paper will have 90questions including English, General Ability, speed and accuracy and a few questions on issues of current topical interest. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes. For courses which require a special paper, there will be 90 questions pertaining to that particular subject.The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes. Step-2 (Special tests and interviews): Performance in the Entrance Examination (Step -1) will be the basis for being called for the Step-2 (practical tests and interviews) and final selections. Special tests and Interviews for selection to the various courses will be held at Vellore according to the schedule on page 3. Candidates who write the All India Entrance Test in May and are short listed for Step-2 will be intimated by letter sent by email/Speed Post around the first week of June. Hall ticket numbers of these candidates invited for Step-2 will also be posted on the college website around first week of June 2015. At the time of the Step-2 for MBBS, BSc Nursing, Diploma Nursing and Allied Health Science degree courses, Christian students who have applied under the sponsored category will be given a test on Bible Knowledge (50 multiple choice questions). At the time of Registration for Step – 2, Original Certificates should be produced for verification. Attested photocopies are admissible only for the interview. BUT NOT for the registration for admission. ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS: The list of candidates provisionally selected will be put up on notice boards in the College and Main Hospital campuses, CMC, Vellore, as per the dates in page 3. Candidates can also access their results from the website . [NOTE: IN EACH COURSE, MOST OF THE SEATS ARE ALLOTTED TO CANDIDATES SPONSORED BY ABOUT 60 CHRISTIAN CHURCHES / ORGANISATIONS (LISTED IN ANNEXURE I) APPROVED BY THE “CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE VELLORE ASSOCIATION”, THE BODY WHICH RUNS THE COLLEGE. For example – MBBS Course: 84Seats out of 100 Seats, B.Sc. (Nursing): 85 Seats out of 100 Seats, Diploma in Nursing : 91 Seats out of 100 Seats etc.]
CLAT ONLINE EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE TAMILNADU NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI (TNNLS) Website: http://www.tnnls.in Dindigul Main Road, Navalurkuttappattu, Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli – 620 009, Tamil Nadu, India. +91 431 2692000, +91 431 2692111 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] The Tamil Nadu National Law School is a University established to provide quality legal education by the Tamil Nadu National Law School Act, 2012. The School is located in a 25 acre campus in the Tiruchirppalli – Dindigul NH 45 and 9.6 k.m from Tiruchirappalli Railway Junction, at Navalurkuttappattu. The Tamil Nadu National Law School is a residential university established with the initial contribution of Rs.100 crores from the Government of Tamilnadu. The Tamil Nadu National Law School is offering a five year integrated B.A.,LL.B (Hons.) Degree Course with an intake of 100 students. Efforts are being taken to expand the academic programmes and Research in the years to come. Students seeking admission to this Institution should first apply for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) , an all-India entrance examination conducted by one of the 16 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admission to their undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes (LLB & LLM). Website: http://clat.ac.in/ Brochure: http://clat.ac.in/clat-ebrochure/ebrochure.html DATE OF ONLINE EXAMINATION :10.05.2015 Starting date for submission of online application form :01.01.2015 Last date for submission of online application form has been extended till 14th April 2015 [No.of seats: Residents of Tamil Nadu: 45; Others : 45; NRI :10] FEES STRUCTURE : http://tnnls.in/ind_fees.php CLAT Organising University : Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law UniversitySec- D1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Scheme, Lucknow – 226012 Uttar Pradesh, India +91-522-24 24 222 (10 Multi-channel Helplines), +91-522-24 22 849 |
NIMCET National Level Entrance Test conducted by NITs for admission to the MCA course offered by NITs. https://nimcet2015.nita.ac.in . http://www.nitt.edu/home/admissions/mca/NIMCET2015.pdf Date of Examination: 31.05.2015 (10:00 to 12:00 AM)
[The admission to MCA programme in National Institutes of Technology ,Trichy – 15 (NITT), offered MCA Course, is based on the Rank obtained in NIMCET] [The printed copy of the completed online application along with all relevant documents should reach Secretary, NIMCET-2015 latest on 20-04-2015.]
ELIGIBILITY : Candidates, with 60% marks (6.5/10 CGPA) in Bachelor’s degree of Full Time 3 years duration from a recognized University with Mathematics / Statistics / Business Maths. as one of the subjects in any one semester/year, both in graduation and at 10+2 level are eligible. MODE OF EXAMINATIONThe NIMCET examination will be for a duration of two and a half hours and consists of 120 multiple choice questions with four choices for each question. Each correctly answered question carries FOUR marks and each wrongly answered question invites NEGATIVE ONE mark. The candidates have to mark the responses in the OMR sheets supplied at the time of examination. Candidates have to bring their own HB pencil, eraser and ball point pen. Calculators, mobile phones or any other materials will not be allowed in the examination hall.
The question paper will contain 120 multiple choice questions covering the following topics:
M.S./Ph.D. Programme and M.Sc. (Physics/Chemistry/Computer Science) programmes NIT, Trichy |
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION TO INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT CATERING TECHGNOLOY AND APPLIED NUTRITION, CHENNAI (Ministry of Tourism, Government of India) www.ihmchennai.org/Default.htm Advertisement: http://www.ihmchennai.org/ihmchennai/exam/JEE%202015%20advt.pdf Online and Offline Application – Last Date: 06.04.2015 For applying online, visit: http://www.applyadmission.net/nchmjee2015/ Date of Joint Entrance Examination :25.04.2015 JEE BROCHURE: https://www.applyadmission.net/nchmjee2015/JeeBrochure2015-Eng.pdf The Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Chennai was established in 1963 jointly sponsored by the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Govt. of India at national Level as one of the Pioneer Institutes in India for imparting quality training in Three Year Diploma Course in Hotel Management and Catering Technology and also in various allied Craft Certificate Courses of 6 months duration. The Govt. of Tamil Nadu was closely associated with the institute since its very inception. The entire Recurring and Capital expenditure is funded by the ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India from 1.4.79. The Institute has recorded rapid growth, expansion and popularity in the past 50 years with senior management level employment for the students. At present Capital Grant only is funded by the ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and from 1998-1999 Recurring Expenditure is self financed by the Institute. Institute of Hotel Management, Chennai has provided high quality courses in Hotel & Catering for over 50 years and has excellent links with the industry and has made a name at global and national level providing personnel for the industry both at Home and abroad. Diploma holders of this Institute are employed at home and abroad in management operations, consultancy, research and design for a variety of organizations which can range in size from multinational hotels, computer and leisure centers to independent restaurants, conference venues, tourism departments and up to even managering and liasoning. COURSES OFFERED IN THIS INSTITUTE: http://www.ihmchennai.org/ihmchennai/index.php/academic/courses |
Admission Forms Available in MAY 2015 ENTRANCE TEST IN JULY 2015 CIPET is an ISO 9001:2008 QMS, NABL, ISO/IEC 17020 accredited premier national Institution devoted to Academic, Technology Support & Research (ATR) activities for the growth of Polymer & allied industries in the country. CIPET operates on hub & spokes model with 23 locations spread across the length & breadth of the country. CIPET has 16 centres at Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Aurangabad, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, CHENNAI, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Hajipur, Haldia, Imphal, Jaipur, Kochi, Lucknow, Mysore and Panipat. All the CIPET centres have state of art infrastructural facilities in the areas of Design, CAD/CAM/CAE, Tooling & Mould Manufacturing, Plastics processing, Testing and Quality control to cater to the needs of Polymer & allied industries in the country. To provide qualified Human Resources to the industry, CIPET offers a blend of specialized academic Programs in the field of Plastics Engineering & Technology, be it Doctoral, Post Graduate, Undergraduate, Post Diploma or Diploma. CIPET has been recognised by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) as a scientific and research organisation in the field of Plastics Engineering & Technology. ADMISSION PROCEDURE :
UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Chepauk, CHENNAI – 600005 Telephone: 044-25613716 Fax : 044-25360865 Email : [email protected], [email protected] PROSPECTUS & APPLICATIONS FOR UNDER GRADUATE COURSES, POST GRADUATE COURSES, PROFESSIONAL COURSES, BLIS,MLIS,CERTIFICATE & DIPLOMA COURSES 2014 – 2015: https://www.ideunom.ac.in/download.asp
CENTRE FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION (CDE)BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLIhttp://www.bdu.ac.in/cde/admissions.php B.Ed. Entrance Examination Last Date for receipt of filled in Application: 05.11.2014 |
DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATIONANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY http://www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/dde/ Tel: +(91)4144-238610 Regular Programmes: http://www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/dde/rgl_prgs_ug.php?prg=rgl BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (B.Ed.)http://www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/dde/course_001.php?pros=bed&course=001
SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION (SDE)BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE – 641046Contact No:0422-2422222; 0422 2427742 B.Ed. Entrance Examination: 29.03.2015 PROSPECTUS: http://www.b-u.ac.in/sde/prospectus.pdf Application Form: Can be obtained from SDE/ Study Centres. Cost of Application :Rs.500- (DD) + Postage Stamps -Rs.50 Last Date for receipt of filled in Application: 28.02.2015 Eligibility: Teachers serving in recognized Schools with 2 Years Experience Duration of the Course : 2 Years |
CENTRE FOR DISTANCE EDUCATIONANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI-25 http://cde.annauniv.edu/Default.aspx Courses Offered: MBA, MCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(CS-FOSS) |
MADURAI KAMARAJ UNIVERSITY DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Palkalai Nagar, Madurai – 625021 Telephone Nos: +91-452-2458471, +91-452-2458265, Extension: 554,556 E-Mail: [email protected] Courses Offered: https://mkudde.org/ug_courses.php https://mkudde.org/pg_courses.php https://mkudde.org/pg_diploma.php https://mkudde.org/certificate.php
TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY No 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet,
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Before taking any decisions based on the information,
the exact latest details should be verified with the concerned statutory authorities
/ their official websites]
Mathrubhumi Education