1. NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST [NET], JUNE 2015 Date of Examination:28.06.2015 INFORMATION BULLETIN: http://cbsenet.nic.in/cbsenet/PDF/UGCNETbulletingJune2015.pdf APPLY ONLINE: http://cbsenet.nic.in/cbsenet/Root/LoginPage.aspx CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION H-149, Sector-63, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar – 201 309(UP). E-mail: [email protected] Tele: 7042399524, 7042399525, Website: www.cbsenet.nic.in 7042399526, 7042399527, Fax: 0120-2427772 7042399528, 7042399529. On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education announces holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 28th JUNE 2015 (SUNDAY) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both in Indian universities and colleges. CBSE will conduct NET in about 100 subjects at 89 selected NET Coordinating Institutions spread across the country. Submission of online application started on : 16.04.2015 Last date for Applying Online : 15th MAY, 2015 [PRINTOUT OF ONLINE APPLICATION FORM (CONFIRMATION PAGE) SHOULD NOT BE SENT TO CBSE] Syllabus- subjects with codes: http://www.ugc.ac.in/net/syllabus.aspx OLD QUESTIONS PAPERS : http://www.ugc.ac.in/net/oldqp.aspx ~~~~~~~~ UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION University Grants Commission (UGC)- Regional offices |
2. JOINT CSIR-UGC TEST FOR JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP AND ELIGIBILITY FOR LECTURESHIP, JUNE 2015 NOTIFICATION: http://csirhrdg.res.in/notification_main_june2015.pdf A. Date of Single MCQ Examination : 21.06.2015. B. Schedule for On-Line Application (i) Start of On-Line Submission of Application Form and Fee deposit through Bank Challan : 13.02.2015 (ii) Date of close of deposit of fee (at All stations) : 25.03.2015 (iii) Date of close of On-Line submission of Applications (at All stations) : 26.03.2015 C. Last date of receipt of duly completed hard copy of on line application in the Examination Unit : 01.04.2015 D. Last date of receipt of duly completed hard copy of on line application in the Examination Unit (from remote areas) : 07.04.2015 E. Last Date for receipt of written request for change of Examination Centre only on merit basis : 20.04.2015 F. Tentative date of Publication of list of candidates registered for test on CSIR, HRDG website : 15.05.2015 G. Last date for accepting of representation about non-registration for this test : 20.05.2015 H. Issue of e-Admission Certificate to registered candidates : Mid June, 2015 |
CSIR-UGC NET Exam for Science stream is conducted by CSIR in the following areas: – |
3. CENTRAL TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST http://ctet.nic.in/ctetapp/welcome.aspx http://ctet.nic.in/CMS/Public/Home.aspx Eligibility Test conducted by CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, PS 1-2, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, I P EXTENSION, PATPARGANJ, DELHI-110 092. EXAM DATE : 22.02.2015 RESULTS PUBLISHED ON 01.04.2015 All questions in CTET test will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking. There will be two papers of CTET: (i) Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes I to V. (ii) Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII. Note: A person who intends to be a teacher for both levels (classes I to V and classes VI to VIII) will have to appear in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II). PAPER I : (For classes I to V) Primary Stage : Duration of examination-Two-and-a-half hours Structure and Content (All Compulsory): (Appendix 1) (i) Child Development and Pedagogy 30 MCQs 30 Marks (ii) Language I 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iii) Language II 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iv) Mathematics 30 MCQs 30 Marks (v) Environmental Studies 30 MCQs 30 Marks Total 150 MCQs 150 Marks Paper II (For classes VI to VIII) Elementary Stage : Duration of examination –Two-and-a-half hours Structure and Content (All Compulsory): (Appendix 1) (i) Child Development & Pedagogy(compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks (ii) Language I (compulsory 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iii) Language II (compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks (iv) (a) For Mathematics and Science teacher : Mathematics and Science (b) For Social Studies/Social Science teacher: 60 MCQs 60 Marks Social Science (c) For any other teacher – either (a) or (b) Total 150 MCQs 150 Marks INFORMATION BULLETIN FOR FEB. 2015 EXAMINATION
In case the name and particulars of the candidate is not shown in the final list of candidates on CTET website www.ctet.nic.in on 16.01.2015, the candidate should approach the AssistantSecretary, CTET Unit, CBSE between 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. from 16.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 giving proof of the of the payment of fees either through Bank Challan or through Credit/Debit Card for considering his / her candidature for CTET- FEB 2015 examination. The candidates may download their admit cards from CTET website from 02.02.2015 onwards and appear for the examination at the given Centre. EXAM TIME SCHEDULE
Name of the Examination 4. THE ALL INDIA PRE-MEDICAL/ PRE-DENTAL ENTRANCE TEST [AIPMT], 2015 THE SUPREME COURT SCRAPPED/ CANCELLED THE AIPMT, 2015 CONDUCTED BY THE CBSE ON 03.05.2015, IN ITS VERDIT DATED:15.06.2015 AND ORDERED A FRESH TEST WITHIN FOUR WEEKS Supreme Court of India on 19.06.2015 granted time till 17th August to the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) to re-conduct and announce results of AIPMT 2015.
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Central Board of Secondary Education, 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE, PREET VIHAR, DELHI – 110 092. |
Exam. Website |
Course of Admission |
MBBS and BDS – 15% of All India Merit Quota seats in Government Medical/ Dental Colleges all over India [except A.P. and J&K.] |
Course duration |
4 Years 6Months + 1 year of Compulsory Rotatory Internship |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) |
Date and Time of Examination |
3rd May, 2015 (Sunday) |
Examination Centres |
Vide Appendix I of Prospectus |
Examination Fees (in Rupees) Without Late Fees(upto 31st December) With Late Fees (upto 31st January) |
UR |
SC |
ST |
2400 |
2400 |
1850 |
1850 |
1850 |
Mode of Payment |
i)Through Debit/Credit Card using on-line gateway payment facility, or ii) Depositing in CBSE Bank Account with Canara Bank or Syndicate Bank directly or depositing in CBSE Account with e-Post Office by downloading the Challan Form from the website of www.aipmt.nic.in |
Seat Matrix [Reservation will be made as per 2200 point reservation roster. The mode of implementation of reservation will be available on DGHS website- www.mohfw.nic.in .] |
SC |
ST |
27% |
15% |
7.5% |
[3%] |
Pattern of Examination |
Questions will be based on a common syllabus prescribed for State Board Hr. Sec. and CBSE for Standards XI & XII as notified by the Medical council of India. See Appendix X of Information Bulletin for Detailed Syllabus. |
(i)Pattern of the Entrance Test:-The Entrance Test shall consist of one paper containing 180 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. (ii) Candidates can opt for Question Paper either in English or in Hindi. (iii) The duration of paper would be 03 hours. (iv)For writing particulars and marking Responses Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only. (v) Each item carries 4 marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. (vi) All rough work should be done in the Test Booklet itself. |
Negative Marking, if any |
For each incorrect response one mark will be deducted from the total score. |
Eligibility criteria for appearing in the Examination: |
Qualifying Examination passed / Appearing: i)10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or Equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology and Mathematics or any other elective subject with English. [Marks obtained in Mathematics are not to be considered for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses.] ii)A candidate who is appearing in the qualifying examination, i.e., 12th Std. in 2015 whose result is awaited, may also apply. iii)B.Sc. Examination of an Indian University provided that he/she has passed the B.Sc. Examination with not less than two of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology)/Bio-technology and further that he/ she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. |
Subjects |
Minimum Marks Scored |
SC |
ST |
Gen-PH |
O-PH |
1. |
Physics |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
2. |
Chemistry |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
3. |
Biology / Bio – technology |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
4. |
English |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
% of marks in 1+2+3 |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
. |
** Passed in the subjects individually |
Age / Date of Birth |
Completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2015 , the year of admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S., i.e. they should have been born on or before 01.01.1999. Upper age limit for candidates seeking admission under 15% All India Quota Seats is 25 years. |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
SC |
ST |
O-PH |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
Specific Instructions, if any: Photograph: Candidates are advised to take passport size photographs with white background and one post card size (4”x6”) photograph. Passport size photographs are to be used to affix on the Confirmation Page of online Application and also for Counselling/ Admission. Post Card size photograph will be collected from candidates by Centre Superintendent at Centre during AIPMT Examination. Before affixing photograph on Confirmation Page candidate must write down his/her name, Application Form number and Contact Number on the reverse side of both the photographs with Ball point pen only. Affix one attested recent good quality colour STUDIO photographs with white background in the space earmarked for this in the Confirmation Page. The photograph must be taken on or after 01.12.2014 indicating clearly the name of candidate along with the date of taking the photograph as shown below. Photograph should not have cap or goggles. |
Counselling related information |
Website of the Directorate General of Health Services: www.mohfw.nic.in and www.mcc.nic.in Online counselling would be conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110 108. Asst. Director General(ME): Phone No. 011-23062493, (FAX) 011-23061907 |
Events |
Important Dates |
Online registration starts |
1st December 2014 |
Online registration Last Date |
31st December 2014 / 31st January 2015(with Late Fee) |
Last Date for making changes in the Application |
4th February to 18th February 2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download |
1st April 2015 |
Date of Examination |
03.05.2015 |
Display of Answer key and image of response (OMR) sheet |
15.05.2015 to 20.05.2015 (3 days only) |
Declaration of Results |
5th June 2015 |
Availability of Score/Rank Cards on website |
As soon as the Result is published |
Date of Counselling |
Watch the website of the Directorate General of Health Services: |
Date of Commencement of Course |
Watch the website of the Institution concerned |
5. JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION JEE (Main), 2015 http://jeemain.nic.in/webinfo/welcome.aspx conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education
JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (Main) Unit, Telephone No.:0120-2427342, 0120-2427350 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jeemain.nic.in Submission of Online Application: From 07.11.2014 To 26.12.2014 I N F O R M A T I ON B U L L E T I N Admission criteria to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, Other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions, Institutions funded by participating State Governments, and other Institutions shall include the performance in the class 12/equivalent qualifying Examination and in the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main). The Paper-1 (B. E./B. Tech.) of JEE (Main) will also be an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which the candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the IITs. The candidates seeking admission to the institutions are advised to fill in the JEE (Main) – 2015 application form online.
DETAILS OF EXAMINATION: JEE (Main) – 2015 shall have two papers: Paper-1 (B.E./B. Tech.) and Paper-2(B. Arch./ B. Planning). Depending upon on the course (s) candidates are seeking admission, may take Paper-1 B.E./B.Tech.), or Paper-2 B. Arch./ B. Planning), or both. MODE OF EXAM: Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech.) : Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics -Objective type with equal weightage to Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics [Pen and Paper based Exam OR Computer based Exam] Paper 2 (B. Arch./ B. Planning) :Mathematics – Part I Objective type Aptitude Test – Part II Objective type Drawing Test–Part III Questions to test drawing aptitude [Only Pen and Paper based Exam] All other undergraduate courses (B.E./B. Tech.) : Paper –1 B.ARCH/B. PLANNING (At Institutions other than IITs) : Paper –2 SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION: Date of Examination Paper Timings & Duration a. Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) 04.04.2015 (Saturday): Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech.) 09:30-12:30 Hours(IST) 3 Hours 04.04.2015 (Saturday): Paper 2 (B. Arch./ B. Planning) 14:00-17:00 Hours(IST) 3 Hours b. Online examination (Computer Based Examination) for Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech.) Only During 10.04.2015 (Friday) & 11.04.2015 (Saturday): Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech.) 1st shift 09:30-12:00 Hours (IST) 2nd shift (*) 14:00-17:00 Hours (IST) *If required 3 Hours ELIGIBILITY FOR APPEARING IN EXAMINATION :- A. DATE OF BIRTH General Candidates Born or after October 01, 1990 Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Person with Disabilities (PwD) candidates Born or after October 01, 1985. Note:- Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/University certificate will only be considered. B. YEAR OF APPEARANCE IN QUALIFYING EXAMINATION (QE) Only those candidates who have passed their Class 12th Exam or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2013 or 2014: or those who are appearing in their Class 12th Exam or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2015 are eligible to appear in JEE (Main) – 2015. Candidates who passed Class 12th/Qualifying examination in 2012 or before as well as those who will appear in such examination in 2016 or later are not eligible to appear in JEE (Main) – 2015. The candidates who appeared in class 12th/ equivalent qualifying Examinations in 2012, did not pass in 2012, but passed in 2013 are also not eligible to appear in JEE (Main) 2015. The candidates willing to appear for improvement examination of class 12th in 2015 have to appear in all the 4/5 subjects as per the scheme of study of the concerned board. Further, they may also note that in the percentile system, the total marks (of all five subjects) obtained/shown on the mark-sheet of a particular year are required in JEE (Main) and also in JEE (Advanced). The marks from two different year’s (i.e. marks for 3 subjects from year 2014 and marks for other 2 subjects from 2015) mark- sheets cannot be considered for percentile calculation. C. NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS – The number of attempts which a candidate can avail at JEE (Main) shall be limited to : 03 (Three). The fee (in Indian Rupees) for JEE (Main)-2015 is as follows:
In case the examination fee is paid through credit/debit card, the candidates will need to pay an additional processing charge as following:- Credit Card:- 1.20% of the examination fee plus the service tax as applicable. Debit Card:- 0.75% +taxes for examination fee up to Rs.2000 and 1% +taxes for examination fee more than Rs.2000. The candidates should select the cites of examination as per their choice of Paper -1 or Paper – 2 or both Paper – 1 & Paper – 2 of JEE (Main), 2015 according to the mode of paper(s) as following:
Note: The candidates choosing the cities Colombo/Kathmandu/Singapore will appear for Paper – 1 in Computer Based Examination only on 11/04/2015. In the cities Bahrain, Dubai, Muscat, Riyadh and Sharjah, Paper – 1 will be conducted in both the modes, however, the candidates choosing the mode of Computer Based Examination for Paper – 1 will appear for Examination only on 11/04/2015. The Paper – 2 in all these cities will be conducted on 04/04/2015 from 2.00–5.00 PM (IST) in Pen & Paper Based examination. Candidates are allowed to submit only one application form. More than one application i.e. Multiple applications from a candidate will be rejected. ONLINE APPLICATION FORM SUBMISSION – Online application has to be submitted through JEE (Main) -2015 website: www.jeemain.nic.in The aspiring candidate should furnish all the details and upload scanned image of his/her photograph, signature and left hand thumb impression while filling up the ‘On-line’ Application. Candidates are required to take a print out of the computer generated acknowledgment slip after successful submission of data and payment of fee and keep the same in the safe custody for any future reference. Important Note- The entire application process is online, including uploading of photograph & signature and payment of fee the candidates are required NOT to send any document to JEE (Main) Secretariat. Seven (7) Steps to be followed to apply online : Step 1: Download the information bulletin and read it carefully to ensure your eligibility. Step 2: Read the contents of Online Format and instructions for applying online given in the Information Bulletin and keep the entire information ready. Step 3: Keep the Scanned Images of your Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression ready in JPG format only. Step 4: Fill in the Online Application Form. Step 5: Upload Scanned Images of Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression. Step 6: Pay Examination Fee by Debit/Credit card or e-challan (generated after submission of details in online application form). Step 7: Download Acknowledgement Slip and keep the same in safe custody for future reference. NOTE- The candidate should mention only his/her own Mobile No. and E- Mail ID while submitting the ON-line application, as all the communications will be sent to the candidates on their registered Mobile Number and E-mail ID only. |
6. JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, JEE (ADVANCED), 2015 Date of Examination: Sunday, 24 May 2015 For admission to undergraduate programmes offered by the IITs. I N F O R M A T I ON B U L L E T I N NEW Candidates who wish to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2015 must write Paper-1 of JEE (Main) 2015 which is likely to be held on 4th / 10th / 11th of April 2015. Candidates may visit the website www.jeemain.nic.in for information about JEE (Main) 2015. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR APPEARING IN JEE (ADVANCED) 2015: A candidate, including a foreign national, must fulfill each and every one of the following five criteria to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2015. Criterion 1 – Performance in JEE (Main) 2015: The candidate should be among the top 1,50,000 (all categories included) in JEE (Main) 2015. The percentages of the total number of candidates for various categories is as follows: 50.5% for GEN (from the common merit list), 27% for OBC(NCL), 15% for SC and 7.5% for ST. Within each of these four categories, 3% horizontal reservation is available for PwD candidates. The category-wise distribution of the number of “top” candidates is shown in the following table: Category-wise distribution of “top” candidates (Criterion 1)
Criterion 2 – Age limit: The candidate should have been born on or after October 1, 1990 if belonging to the GEN or OBC-NCL category and on or after October 1, 1985 if belonging to the SC, ST or PwD category. Criterion 3 – Number of attempts: A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) a maximum of two times and that too in consecutive years. Therefore, JEE (Advanced) 2015 should be either the candidate’s FIRST attempt OR the SECOND consecutive attempt. Criterion 4 – Appearance in Class XII (or equivalent) examination: The candidate should have appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in all the subjects in either 2014 or 2015. Candidates who appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination in 2014 and wish to re-appear for the same in 2015 (either for improvement or because they failed in one or more subjects), will have to re-appear in all the subjects in 2015. Those who appeared for the first time in their Class XII (or equivalent) examination in 2013 or earlier are NOT eligible. However, candidates whose Class XII (or equivalent) examination Board results for the academic year 2012-13 were declared after June 2013 are eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2015. Criterion 5 – Earlier admission at IITs/ISM: The candidate should NOT have taken admission (irrespective of whether or not he/she continued in the program) OR even accepted admission by paying admission fee at any of the IITs or ISM in the past; even candidates whose admission was cancelled are NOT eligible. However, candidates who have been admitted to a preparatory course in any of the IITs in 2014 can appear for JEE (Advanced) 2015. THE EXAMINATION : The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) 2015 [JEE (Advanced) 2015] will be conducted by the seven zonal Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) under the guidance of the Joint Admission Board (JAB) 2015. The performance of a candidate in this examination will form the basis for admission to the Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Dual Degree programs (entry at the 10+2 level) in the sixteen IITs and the Indian School of Mines (ISM). The decisions of the JAB 2015 will be final in all matters related to JEE (Advanced) 2015 and admission to IITs and ISM. OTHER INSTITUTES WHICH USE JEE (ADVANCED) 2015 RANKS: § Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (IISc) § Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) located in Bhopal, Mohali, Kolkata, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram – JEE Advanced § Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Tiruvananthapuram (IIST)- JEE Advanced EXAMINATIONS CONSIDERED AS EQUIVALENT TO CLASS XII : The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by a Central or State Board recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (www.aiuweb.org). IMPORTANT DATES: § Online Registration Schedule 2 May 2015 – 10:00 to 7 May 2015 – 17:00 IST § Schedule for downloading of admit card 11 May 2015 – 10:00 to 14 May 2015 – 17:00 IST § Rectification of discrepancies in the admit card 11 May 2015 – 10:15 to 14 May 2015 – 17:00 IST § JEE (Advanced) 2015 (Paper 1) 24 May 2015 – 09:00 to 12:00 IST § JEE (Advanced) 2015 (Paper 2) 24 May 2015 – 14:00 to 17:00 IST § Display of ORS image and scanned responses 3 Jun 2015 – 10:00 to 6 Jun 2015 – 17:00 IST § Request from candidates for review of their scanned responses 3 Jun 2015 – 10:00 to 6 Jun 2015 – 17:00 IST § Receiving feedback from candidates on answer keys 8 Jun 2015 – 12:00 to 11 Jun 2015 – 17:00 IST § Display of answer keys 8 Jun 2015 – 12:00 IST § Display of answer keys after taking into consideration feedback 13 Jun 2015 – 12:00 IST § Registration for AAT 18 Jun 2015 – 10:00 to 19 Jun 2015 – 17:00 IST § Results of JEE (Advanced) 2015 18 Jun 2015 – 10:00 IST |
6A. ALL INDIA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION TO BACHELOR (AIEEA-UG-2015) MASTER (AIEEA-PG-2015) AND DOCTORAL [AICE-SRF (PGS) -2015] DEGREE PROGRAMS IN AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SCIENCES AT AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES FOR 2015-16 INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH NOTIFICATION: http://icarexam.net/Prospectus/Notification.pdf Sale of Information Bulletin/Application Forms: UG & PG (Online/Offline) 01st February, 2015 to 23rd February, 2015 Ph.D. (Online only) 01st February, 2015 to 23rd February, 2015 Dates of Examination: UG: Saturday, the 11th April 2015 (10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.) PG: Sunday, the 12th April 2015 (10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.) Ph.D.: Sunday, the 12th April 2015 (10: 00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M.) Single paper Qualifying Examination: (i) For AIEEA-UG-2015: (Other than Veterinary Sciences) Must have passed and obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate for admission under General, UPS (Under Privileged State) and OBC categories or 40% marks in aggregate for admission under SC, ST and PC categories in 10+2 examination or equivalent/Inter (Agriculture) with PCM/ PCB/ PCMB/ PCA/ PCH subject combinations. (ii) For AIEEA-PG-2015: Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Veterinary, Agricultural Engineering, Fisheries, Horticulture, Home Science,Sericulture, Dairy Technology, Forestry, Agri. Marketing and Cooperation, Food Science, Biotechnology, Basic and allied sciences, etc. under 10+2+5 or 10+2+4 or 10+6 years degree programmes, (Few seats are also available for candidates having Bachelor degree with 10+2+3 year degree programme) with required OGPA of 6.60/10, 3.25/5, 2.60/4 for General, OBC and UPS categories whereas for SC/ST/PC categories, the said requirement is 5.60/10, 2.75/5, 2.20/4, respectively. In other cases, where grade-points are not awarded and only marks are awarded, the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks for General, OBC and UPS categories whereas for SC/ST/PC, the requirement is 50% marks. (iii) For AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015: The candidates must have passed Master’s Degree programme in the concerned discipline securing Overall Grade Point Average of at least 6.50/10.00 scale, 3.25/5.00 scale, 2.60/4.00 scale for General and OBC Categories and 5.50/10.00, 2.75/5.00, 2.20/4.00 scale for SC/ST/PC candidates, respectively. In other cases, where grade-points are not awarded and only marks are awarded, the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks for General/OBC Category. For SC/ST/PC candidates, the minimum percentage of marks will be 50%. Award of Scholarship/Fellowship: (i) National Talent Scholarship (NTS) will be awarded to those candidates, selected through AIEEA-UG-2015 examination, who join a State Agricultural University located outside their state of domicile. (ii) ICAR-JRF (Post Graduate Studies): Based on the merit in the AIEEA-PG-2015 examination, 475 ICAR-Junior Research Fellowships for Postgraduate Studies [ICAR-JRF (PGS)] in 20 major subject groups will be awarded for two years in Agricultural Universities, i.e. State Agricultural Universities, CAU and CUs with agriculture faculty, SHIATS Allahabad and ICAR-DUs, provided their Bachelor degree is not from the same AU (except NDRI,Karnal). (iii) ICAR-SRF (Post Graduate Studies): Based on the merit in the AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015 examination, 202 Senior Research Fellowships (SRF) in 16 Major Subject Groups will be awarded for pursuing Ph.D. degree in different disciplines. Question Papers: (i) Question Paper for AIEEA-UG-2015: There will be only one question paper consisting of 180 multiple-choice objective type questions, in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Agriculture) for “STREAM–A” and Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for “STREAM–B”. The question paper will be in ENGLISH and HINDI. For each incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted from the total score. (ii) Question Paper for AIEEA-PG-2015: There will be only one question paper in each major subject group consisting of 150 multiple-choice (MCQ), objective type questions, and also 10 cross-matching type questions. The question papers will be in ENGLISH only.For each incorrect answer in MCQs, one mark will be deducted from the total score, while for each incorrect crossmatching type sub-question/pairing, 0.2 marks will be deducted from the total score. (iii) Question Paper for SRF-PGS-2015: There will be a single OMR based paper of 3 hrs duration having MCQs (4 options) carrying a total of 200 marks. Section A comprising 20 MCQs of one mark each (total 20 marks) will have questions on General Knowledge in agriculture & allied sciences including current events and such matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected to be known to a research scholar while Section-B comprising 180 MCQs, of one mark each (total 180 marks) will have questions on specific Major Subject Group (Code 1-16 as applicable and comprising of different subsubjects) chosen by the candidate. There will be negative marking of (-)0.25 marks for each wrong answer. The question papers will be in ENGLISH only. |
6B. THE KISHORE VAIGYANIK PROTSAHAN YOJANA (KVPY) FELLOWSHIP IN BASIC SCIENCES, 2015 [Basic Sciences : B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology] Funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and implemented by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Website : http://www.kvpy.org.in/ http://kvpy.iisc.ernet.in/main/index.htm The advertisement for the KVPY Fellowship appears in all the national dailies normally on the Technology Day (May 11) and the Second Sunday of July every year. The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is an on-going National Program of Fellowship in Basic Sciences, initiated and funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, and implemented by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, to attract exceptionally highly motivated students for pursuing basic science courses and research career in science. Selection of the students is made from those studying in XI standard to 1 st year of any undergraduate Program in Basic Sciences namely B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology having aptitude for scientific research. Special groups / Committees are set up at IISc to screen the applications and conduct an aptitude test at various centres in the country. Based on the performance in the aptitude test, short-listed students are called for an interview which is the final stage of the selection procedure. For receiving a fellowship, both aptitude test and interview marks are considered. Generous fellowships are provided up to the pre-Ph.D. level to the selected KVPY Fellows: Monthly Stipend : Rs.5000 / 7000 Annual Contingency Grant : Rs. 20000 / 28000. Stream SA: Students enrolled in XI Standard (Science Subjects) during the academic year 2015-16 and having secured a minimum of 80% (70% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects in the X Standard Board examination. The fellowship of the students selected under this stream will be activated only if they join an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S.) in the academic year 2017-2018 after having secured a minimum of 60% (50%for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in Science subjects in the XII standard/(+2) Board Examination. During the interim period of one year they will be invited for Regional /National (Vijyoshi) Science Camp and their travel and other related expenses will be met by KVPY. Stream SX: Students enrolled in XII Standard/ (+2) (Science subjects) during the academic year 2015–16 and aspiring to join undergraduate program in Basic Sciences namely Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. for the session 2016–17 provided they have secured a minimum of 80% (70% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the X Standard Board Examination and a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII standard Board Examination. Stream SB: Students enrolled in the 1st year of undergraduate program in Basic Sciences namely Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. during the academic year 2015–16 and having secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Mathematics) in the XII Standard Board Examination. In the 1st year final examination of B.Sc./B.S./B.Math./B.Stat./Int. M.Sc./M.S. they must secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks before taking up the fellowship, if awarded. In respect of the streams SB and SX the students who have studied any three of the four subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology are eligible to apply.
An online version of the KVPY aptitude test 2014 was held in the following cities: KVPY Fellows who opt out of the basic science (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S.) stream at any stage will forfeit the Fellowship and Contingency Grant forthwith. The fellowship for the students selected under the stream SA/SX/SB will be started after the XII Standard/ (+2) / I year UG, only if they pursue an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences, that are, B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./M.S. in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Bioinformatics, Marine Biology, Geology, Human Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Applied Physics, Materials Science, Environmental Science or Geophysics. Summer Program for the KVPY Fellows: Summer Program for the KVPY Fellows is arranged at the Indian Institute for Science Education and Research (IISER) – Kolkata, Pune, Mohali, Bhopal, and Trivandrum for a week. Other Privileges : Each KVPY Fellow will be issued an Identity Card so as to have access to National Laboratories/ Universities who have agreed to extend special privileges like library, laboratory facilities, etc. to KVPY Fellows on production of the ID card.
KVPY Aptitude Test Results – 2014
For Admission to All India 50% Quota MD/MS/Post Graduate Diploma Seats [applicable to all Medical Colleges/ Institutions throughout the country, except the States of J&K and erstwhile AP] |
Website of the Exam Body |
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Exam. Website |
Course of Admission |
MD / MS /PG Diploma Total no. of seats (for 2014-15): 5544 |
Course duration: |
MD / MS |
3 Years from the date of admission |
Diploma |
2 Years from the date of admission |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
On-Line Based Distributed Object System of Examination |
Date and Time of Examination |
01.12.2014 to 06.12.2014 FN / AN |
Examination Centres |
Bengaluru, Mysore, Cochin, Kozhicode, Trivandrum, Hyderabad, Chennai, Coimbatore, and 25 Other Centres |
Submission of application |
Through On-line mode only |
Examination Fees |
UR/OBC:Rs.3750-; SC/ST/OPH:Rs.2750- |
Mode of Payment |
Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card |
Seat Matrix (Total no. of seats: Not available) *** OBC Reservation in Central Institutions only |
SC |
ST |
No. Of seats |
3% |
*** |
15% |
7% |
(for 2014-15): 5544 |
Eligibility: a) The candidates must possess MBBS or an equivalent Degree recognized by the Medical Council of India. b)Experience: Must have either completed or due to complete One Year Internship (Rotatory Housemanship) training by 31st March 2015*. [*Candidates likely to complete internship by 31st March 2015 only can take up the Entrance Examination. No condonation of Compulsory Rotating Internship beyond this date shall be accepted]. c) Some of the Universities are having regulations that candidates who are already pursuing the PG Course in their University or in another University are not eligible for admission till they complete the course. |
Method of Examination: The Entrance Examination is common to all and consists of 300 single best response type MCQs and will cover all subjects. The Entrance Examination will be of the standard of MBBS Examination. Question paper consists of a total of 300 Questions distributed(provisionally) as detailed below: 1 ANATOMY 15 2 PHYSIOLOGY 15 3 BIOCHEMISTRY 15 4 PHARMACOLOGY 20 5 MICROBIOLOGY 20 6 PATHOLOGY 25 7 FORENSIC MEDICINE 10 8 SOCIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 25 9 MEDICINE DERMATOLOGY AND VENERELOGY 37 10 SURGERY , ENT , ORTHOPEDICS & ANESTHESIA 46 1 1 RADIODIAGNOSIS AND RADIOTHERAPY 12(6+6) 12 OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY 25 13 P AEDIATRICS 15 14 OPHTHALMOLOGY 10 15 PSYCHIATRY 10 GRAND TOTAL 300 |
There shall be only one paper of three and a half hours duration consisting of 300 Multiple Choice Questions. All questions will be of one best / correct response type having four alternatives |
Negative Marking, if any |
No Negative Marking for wrong Answers |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
UR / General : 50 % Score PH : 45 ~do~ OBC/SC/ST : 40 ~do~ |
Demo Test |
Link to Demo Test created for applicants to familiarize themselves, will be available at www.nbe.gov.in/ptest |
Specific Instructions, if any |
Photograph: A photograph of minimum 35×45 mm with at least 75% coverage of face and head of the candidate. • A caption indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph should be there at the bottom of photo. • Photograph should be taken in a white /very light coloured background. |
Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Commencement of Online registration |
29.08.2014 |
Online registration Last Date |
18.10.2014 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket |
11.11.2014 – 15.11.2014 |
Date of Examination |
01.12.2014 TO 06.12.2014 |
Declaration of Results/Merit List |
15.01.2015 |
Phone: 0124-6771700/1800 11 1800 (Toll Free) Webmail: Use Contact us form at http://www.nbe.gov.in/aipgmee/ |
8. ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [AIIMS] ENTRANCE EXAM FOR ADMISSION TO MBBS, 2015-16 Entrance Examination for admission to the MBBS Course of AIIMS, New Delhi and six other AIIMS at Bhopal, Patna, Jodhpur, Raipur, Rishikesh and Bhubaneswar conducted every year by ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, New Delhi DATE OF EXAM: 01.06.2015 ADMISSION TO AIIMS, New Delhi: ADMISSION TO SIX OTHER AIIMS: Details would be available in the respective Institutions and their websites: Bhopal : www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in Patna : www.aiimspatna.org Jodhpur : www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in Rishikesh : www.aiimsrishikesh.edu.in Raipur : www.aiimsraipur.edu.in Bhubaneshwar : www.aiimsbhubaneshwar.edu.in SEAT MATRIX: A. AIIMS New Delhi: 72 (seventy two) seats for Indian Nationals and 1 seat for Foreign National. B. Six other AIIMS: The reservation policy followed will be 7.5% ST, 15% SC and 27% OBC, for Indian Nationals. A 3% reservation for Orthopaedic physically handicapped shall be provided on horizontal basis, in the seats available. Location of AIIMS UR OBC SC ST OPH* Foreign Total 1 New Delhi 37 19 11 05 01 73 2 Bhopal 50 27 15 08 100 3 Patna 50 27 15 08 100 4 Jodhpur 50 27 15 08 100 5 Rishikesh 50 27 15 08 100 6 Raipur 50 27 15 08 100 7 Bhubaneshwar 50 27 15 08 100 Total 337 181 101 53 01 673 *3% Horizontal Reservation |
APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION 1.Registration of Applications on AIIMS website www.aiimsexams.org opens 17thMarch, 2015 2 Online Registration of Applications closes on 10th April, 2015 at 5:00 PM 3 Status of Registration including rejection / deficiencies in application on AIIMS websit 30 th April 2015 4 Last date for complying with deficiencies in application as indicated 08th May, 2015 5 Hosting / Uploading the Admit Cards on AIIMS website www.aiimsexams.org 16thMay 2015 COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) [ONLINE] ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 6 Date of Entrance Examination 01st June, 2015 (Monday) 7 Expected date of declaration of Result 18th June, 2015. |
AGE: Should have attained or will attain the age of 17 (seventeen) years as on the 31st of December of the year of admission (2015).(Candidates born on or after 2nd January, 1999 are NOT eligible to apply.) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: Should have passed the 12th Class under the 10+2 Scheme/ Senior School Certificate Examination (CSBE) or Intermediate Science (I.Sc.) or an equivalent examination of a recognised University/ Board of any Indian State with ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY. Candidates who have appeared or are appearing at the qualifying examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subject and expect to pass the examination with required percentage of marks are also eligible to apply and appear in the Competitive Entrance Examination. The minimum aggregate of the marks in ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY obtained in the qualifying examination required for appearing in this examination are : General and OBC candidates:60%, SC/ST Candidates 50% . The Competitive Entrance Examination will be of 3½ hours duration and will have one paper consisting of 200 objective type (multiple choice and reason-assertion type) questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Knowledge. The distribution of questions is as follows : Subject Number of Questions Physics 60 Chemistry 60 Biology (Botany and Zoology) 60 General Knowledge 20 Total 200 |
Website of the Institution |
Name of the Examination 9 |
JIPMER-MBBS Entrance Exam.,2015 |
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Exam. Website |
www.jipmer.edu.in |
Course of Admission |
MBBS -150 seats |
Course duration |
4 Years 6Months + 1 year of Compulsory Rotatory Internship |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
On-Line Based Distributed Object System of Examination |
Date and Time of Examination |
Not yet announced |
Examination Centres |
South Zone: 24 Cities North Zone: 12 Cities East Zone : 10 Cities West Zone : 04 Cities |
Examination Fees (in Rupees) |
UR |
SC |
ST |
1000 |
1000 |
800 |
800 |
800 |
1000 |
Mode of Payment |
Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card. |
Seat Matrix * Puducherry: UR- 23, P – OBC- 11 & P – SC- 6 |
UR |
SC |
ST |
*PUD |
50 |
28 |
16 |
11 |
(4) |
40 |
5 |
Method of Examination |
Questions will be based on the syllabus as prescribed by State Board Hr. Sec. and CBSE for XI & XII Standards |
The Entrance Examination will be of multiple choice type questions (four alternatives) totaling 200 in the subjects of Physics (60 Marks), Chemistry (60 Marks), Biology (60 Marks), English & Comprehension (10Q-10 Marks) and Logic & Quantitative Reasoning (10Q-10 Marks). Each answer with correct response shall be awarded one mark. Zero mark will be given for the question not answered. |
Negative Marking, if any |
No Negative Marking |
Eligibility criteria for appearing in the Examination: |
Qualifying Examination passed / Appearing |
10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or Equivalent Examination recognized by JIPMER |
Subjects |
Minimum Marks Scored |
UR |
SC |
ST |
PH-O |
1. |
Physics |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
2. |
Chemistry |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
3. |
Biology / Bio – technology |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
4. |
English |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
% of marks in 1+2+3 |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
. |
** Passed in the subjects individually |
Age / Date of Birth |
Completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2015 , the year of admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S., i.e. they should have been born on or before 01.01.1999. |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
UR |
SC |
ST |
PH-O |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
Specific Instructions, if any 1)Valid ID Proof: Passport / Driving License / Bank Passbook with Photograph / Photo Identify proof issued by a Gazetted Officer / School Principal (on official Letterhead), Aadhar Card with Photograph and Domicile Certificate with Photo. 2) Photograph: Recent colour passport size photograph with light back ground is required. The photograph must be taken (on or after 31.01.2015) with a placard, indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph, being held by the candidate. |
Mock Test |
Will be available at www.jipmer.edu.in |
0413- 2298287; 04132912111; 0413 – 2272380 : Extn : 8573 TOLLFREE: 18002660371 E-Mail to : |
Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Online registration starts |
02.03.2015 |
Online registration Last Date |
04.05.2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download |
20.05.2015 to 07.06.2015(8:00 AM) |
Date of Examination |
07.06.2015 |
Declaration of Results |
15.06.2015 |
Date of Counselling / Allotment of Seats by Personal Appearance |
22,23,24, June 2015 |
Date of issue of Admission Orders |
29.06.2015 |
Date of Commencement of Course |
01.07.2015 |
Website of the Institution |
Name of the Examination: 10. D.M./ M.CH. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, JULY 2015 |
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Exam. Website |
www.jipmer.edu.in |
Course of Admission |
DM -9 seats; M.Ch -10 Seats: FS: 14 Seats |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
Computer Based Test (CBT) / online examination |
Date and Time of Examination |
Session JULY 2015 |
21.06.2015(Sunday) |
Examination Centres |
Puducherry Chennai Trivandrum Vijayawada Ambala Bhubaneswar Gandhi Nagar Jammu Mumbai New Delhi Ranchi Sonipat |
Examination Fees |
Rs.1500- |
Mode of Payment |
Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card |
DM COURSES (3Y) No. of Seats Cardiology 2 Clinical Immunology 1 Clinical Pharmacology 1 Neonatology 1 Neurology 1 Nephrology 1 Medical Oncology 1 Endocrinology 1 |
M.Ch. COURSES(3Y) No. of Seats Cardio Thoracic Vascular Surgery 2 +2 Neurosurgery 1 Urology 1 Surgical Gastroenterology 1 Plastic Surgery 1 Pediatric Surgery 1 +1 Surgical Oncology 1 |
FELLOWSHIP (1 Year Course) Diabetology 03 Cardiac and Neuro Anesthesiology 04 Pediatric Critical & Emergency Care 02 Critical Care (Anaesthesiology) 04 Tropical Parasitology 01 |
Eligibility M.D. / DNB Degree in General Medicine / Pediatrics of this Institute or any other Institute/ University recognized as equivalent there to by the Medical Council of India. Medical Oncology: M.D. / DNB Degree in Medicine / Pediatrics / Radiotherapy Neonatology : M.D. / DNB Degree in Pediatrics Clinical Pharmacology : M.D./ DNB Degree in Pharmacology . |
Eligibility: M.S. / DNB Degree in General Surgery of this Institute or any other Institute/ University recognized as equivalent there to by the Medical Council of India Surgical Oncology : M.S./ DNB Degree in General Surgery / Obstetrics & Gynecology / Otolaryngology(E.N.T) / Orthopedic Surgery FELLOWSHIP COURSES: Eligibility – refer prospectus |
Method of Selection: Computer Based Test / online examination will consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in the concerned specialty and related fields. 1.There shall be only one paper of 90 minutes duration consisting of 100 Multiple Choice Questions. 2. All questions will be of one best / correct response type having four alternatives. 3. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect response and negative mark will be given. 4. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded Four Marks. 5. ZERO mark will be given for the questions not answered. |
Negative Marking, if any |
For every incorrect response, ONE mark will be deducted. |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
Minimum cut-off shall be 50th percentile for admission. |
Mock Test |
Link to Mock Test created for applicants to familiarize themselves, is available at www.jipmer.edu.in |
Specific Instructions, if any |
1)Valid ID Proof: Passport / Driving License / Bank Passbook withPhotograph / Photo Identify proof issued by a Gazetted Officer / School Principal (on official Letterhead), Aadhar Card with Photograph, Domicile Certificate with Photo and Medical Council card. 2) Photograph: a. One recent colour passport size photograph with light background. b. Photograph MUST be taken on or after 01.04.2015 c. Photograph must be taken with name of candidates (as in application) and date of taking photograph. |
Online registration starts : 15.04.2015 |
Online registration Last Date : 25.05.2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket : 10.06.2015 to 21.06.2015 (8am) |
Date of Examination : 21.06.2015 10:00 – 11:30 am |
Declaration of Results/Merit List : 26.06.2015 |
HELP LINE : 18002660371 |
PROSPECTUS– July 2015 |
Website of the Institution |
Name of the Examination – |
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Exam. Website |
www.jipmer.edu.in |
Course of Admission |
MD -74 seats; M.S –30Seats |
Course duration |
3 Years |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
On-Line Based Distributed Object System of Examination |
Date and Time of Examination |
Session- July 2015 |
31.05.2015 |
Examination Centres |
Bengaluru, Kolkata, Bhopal, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai Coimbatore, Puducherry, Guwahati and Trivandrum [TOTAL :30 Centres] |
Submission of application |
Through On-line mode only |
Examination Fees |
UR/OBC:Rs.1000-; SC/ST/OPH:Rs.800- |
Mode of Payment |
Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card |
SEAT MATRICS: MD COURSES : 1.Anaesthesiology 08 2. Anatomy 02 3. Biochemistry 02 4. Blood Transfusion and Immuno- Hematology 02 5. Community Medicine 03 6. Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology 03 7. Emergency Medicine 04 8. Forensic Medicine 02 9. General Medicine 10 10. Microbiology 04 11 NuclearMedicine 2 12. Pathology 05 13. Pediatrics 07 14. Pharmacology 04 15. Physiology 02 16. Psychiatry 02 17. Pulmonary Medicine 02 18. Radio-diagnosis 04 19. Radiotherapy 04 M.S. COURSES : General Surgery 10 Obstetrics & Gynaecology 10 Ophthalmology 03 Orthopedic Surgery 04 Opto-Rhino Laryngology (E.N.T.) 03 |
Seat Matrix |
UR |
SC |
ST |
29 |
26 |
14 |
07 |
(3) |
18 |
10 |
Eligibility: a)The candidates must possess MBBS or an equivalent Degree recognized by the Medical Council of India. b)Experience: Must have either completed or due to complete One Year Internship (Rotatory Housemanship) training by 30th September 2015 / 31st March 2016*. [*Candidates likely to complete internship by 30th September 2015 / 31st March 2016* only can take up the Entrance Examination. No condonation of Compulsory Rotating Internship beyond this date shall be accepted]. c)Candidates who have already done / completed MD/MS in any subject in any Institution are not eligible for admission to MD/MS course at JIPMER. |
Method of Examination: The Entrance Examination is common to all and consists of 250 single best response type MCQs and will cover all subjects. The Entrance Examination will be of the standard of MBBS Examination. Question paper consists of a total of 250 Questions distributed in: Basic Clinical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Forensic Medicine & Toxicology). – 100 Questions , and Clinical Sciences (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Community Medicine, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, ENT, Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Radio-diagnosis and Radio-therapy). – 150 Questions 1. There shall be only one paper of three hours duration consisting of 250 Multiple Choice Questions. 2. All questions will be of one best / correct response type having four alternatives. 3. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect response and negative mark will be given. 4. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded Four Marks. 5. ZERO mark will be given for the questions not answered. |
Negative Marking, if any |
For every incorrect response, ONE mark will be deducted. |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
UR/Institute : 50 Minimum Percentile UR-OPH :45 ~do~ OBC/SC/ST/OPH : 40 ~do~ |
Mock Test |
Link to Mock Test created for applicants to familiarize themselves, will be available at www.jipmer.edu.in |
Specific Instructions, if any |
Photograph: a) One recent colour passport size photograph with light background. b) Photograph MUST be taken on or after 01.02.2015./01.07.2015 c)Photograph must be taken with name of candidates (as in application) and date of taking photograph. |
Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Commencement of Online registration |
09.03.2015 |
Online registration Last Date |
20-04-2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket |
06.05.2015 to 31.05.2015
Date of Examination |
31-05-2015 [09:00AM to 12:00NOON] |
Declaration of Results/Merit List |
Date of First Counselling |
Commencement of Academic Session |
JULY 2015 ENTRANCE EXAM http://jipmer.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Prospectus_MDMSJULY2015.pdf |
Name of the Examination : 12. JIPMER-B.Sc.(Nursing/AMS) Entrance Exam., 2015 |
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Exam. Website |
www.jipmer.edu.in |
Course of Admission |
B.Sc.(Nursing/MLT/Allied Medical Sciences), BASLP |
Course duration |
B.Sc.(Nursing ) – 4 Years + 1-year optional stipendiary internship at JIPMER B.Sc.(Allied Medical Sciences) – 3 Years + 1 Year Optional stipendiary internship at JIPMER BASLP: 3 Years + 1 Year Internship |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
On-Line Based Distributed Object System of Examination |
Date and Time of Examination |
12.07.2015 [10:00 to 11:30 am] |
Examination Centres |
Puducherry Chennai Trivandrum Vijayawada Ambala Bhubaneswar Gandhi Nagar Jammu Mumbai New Delhi Ranchi Sonipat |
Examination Fees (in Rupees) |
UR |
SC |
ST |
600 |
600 |
400 |
400 |
400 |
Seat Matrix : Nursing(Male candidates:8Seats) 75 |
UR |
SC |
ST |
Puduchery |
22 |
15 |
8 |
5 |
25 |
Medical LaboratoryTechnology Anesthesia Technology Blood Transfusion Med. Tec. Nuclear Medicine Technology Operation Theatre Technology Cardiac LabTechnology Perfusion Technology Dialysis Technology Neuro Technology Radiotherapy Technology Optometry & Ophthalmic Tec. Medical Tech- Radiodiagnosis |
30 04 04 04 04 04
04 04 04 04 04 04 |
[Seats will be allotted through Counseling as per the Roster Point Method for B.Sc. (MLT) & B.Sc. Allied Medical Sciences. MLT – Sponsored candidates : 04 MLT – Nominated candidates :02] |
Bachelor of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP) : UR-03, OBC-01 |
Method of Examination |
Questions will be based on the syllabus as prescribed by State Board Hr. Sec. and CBSE for XI & XII Standards |
(1)Candidate need to submit only one application for the above courses. (2))The examination shall be conducted in ENGLISH medium only. (3) The Entrance Examination is common for B.Sc. (Nursing) and other B.Sc. (Allied Medical Sciences) Courses and consists of 100 single best response type MCQs and will cover all subjects. (4) The Entrance Examination will be of multiple choice type questions totaling 100 in the subjects of Physics (20 Marks), Chemistry (20 Marks), Biology (40 Marks),Logic and Quantitative Reasoning (10 marks) &English and Comprehension (10 Marks) for both the main and Vocational Stream students. (5) All questions will be of one best / correct response type having four alternatives. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded one mark. Zero mark will be given for the question not answered. The duration of the test is one and half hours. |
Negative Marking, if any |
No Negative Marking |
Eligibility criteria for appearing in the Examination: |
Qualifying Examination passed / Appearing |
10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or Equivalent Examination recognized by JIPMER [Candidates who are studying / have studied Medical Laboratory Assistant in the Vocational Stream will not be considered for B.Sc. (Nursing) course] |
Subjects |
Minimum Marks Scored |
UR |
SC |
ST |
1 |
Physics |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
2 |
Chemistry |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
3 |
Biology / Botany & Zoology |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
4 |
English |
** P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
**P |
% of marks in 1+2+3 |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
** Passed in the subjects individually |
Age / Date of Birth |
Completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2015, the year of admission to the B.Sc. course. |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. [UR- OPH = 45] |
UR |
SC |
ST |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
Specific Instructions, if any |
1)Valid ID Proof: Passport / Driving License / Bank Passbook with Photograph / Photo Identify proof issued by a Gazetted Officer / School Principal (on official Letterhead), Aadhar Card with Photograph and Domicile Certificate with Photo. 2) Photograph: Recent colour passport size photograph with light background is required. The photograph must be taken (on or after 01.04.2015) with a placard, indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph, being held by the candidate. |
Mock Test |
Links to Mock Test and Candidate Experience video created for applicants to familiarize themselves, will be available at www.jipmer.edu.in |
TOLL FREE HELP LINE – 18002660371 Contact No.: 0413–2298287 (Direct Line) E-mail ID: [email protected] |
Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Start of Online registration |
06.0 4 .2015 |
Online registration Last Date |
08 .06. 2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download |
25.06.2015 to 12.07.2015 am |
Date of Examination |
12 .07 .2015 (Sunday) (10.00 AM to 11.30 AM) |
Declaration of Results |
17.07.2015 |
Date of Counselling & issue of Admission Orders |
B.Sc. Nursing Course : 2 1 .07.2015 & 22 .07.2015 Bachelor of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology : 23.07.2015 B.Sc. Allied Medical Sciences Courses : 24.07.2015 |
Date of Commencement of Course |
01.08.2015 |
Website of the Institution |
Name of the Examination : 13. JIPMER-M.Sc,MPH,PhD Entrance Exam, 2015 |
Authority conducting the Exam. |
Exam. Website |
www.jipmer.edu.in |
Courses of Admission |
M.Sc. Nursing : 25 Seats M.Sc. Allied Medical Sciences : 25 Seats; MPH : 25+5; Ph.D.:18. |
Course duration |
2 or 3 Years |
Mode of Exam.: Offline examination (Pen and Paper Based Examination) / Online examination (Computer Based Examination) |
On-Line Based Distributed Object System of Examination |
Date and Time of Examination |
12.07.2015 10:00 to 11:30 am |
Examination Centres |
Puducherry Chennai Trivandrum Vijayawada Ambala Bhubaneswar Gandhi Nagar Jammu Mumbai New Delhi Ranchi Sonipat |
Examination Fees (in Rupees) M.Sc. Nursing M.Sc. Allied Medical Sciences |
UR |
SC |
[Candidates can apply for a maximum of two courses only] |
700 700 |
700 700 |
500 500 |
500 500 |
Ph.D. |
Rs. 1000- |
Mode of Payment |
Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card. |
Seat Matrix M.Sc. Nursing (2 Years): Child Health Nursing 5 Community Health Nursing 5 Medical Surgical Nursing 5 Mental Health Nursing 5 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing 5 |
M.Sc. Allied Medical Sciences: Medical Biochemistry (3 Years) 9 MLT- Microbiology (2 Years) 4 MLT– Pathology (2 Years) 4 Medical Physiology(3 Years) 4 Medical Physics (3 Years) 4 Biostatistics (Medical Biometrics)-2y. 2 |
Method of Examination |
The duration of the test is one and half hours. 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of single best response type. Each answer with correct response will be given four marks. |
M.Sc. Nursing: |
100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) in B.Sc. Nursing curriculum |
M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry |
MCQ will be in the subject of Biochemistry at B.Sc. standard. |
M.Sc. MLT- Microbiology |
MCQ will be in the subject of Microbiology at B.Sc. standard. |
M.Sc. MLT– Pathology |
MCQ will be in the subject of B.Sc. Medical Lab Technology / Pathology at the level of B.Sc. standard. |
M.Sc. Medical Physiology |
MCQ will be in the subject of Human Physiology at B.Sc. standard. |
M.Sc. Medical Physics |
MCQ paper in the subject of Physics at the level of B.Sc. standard. |
M.Sc. Biostatistics (Medical Biometrics) |
MCQ paper in the subject of Statistics at the level of B.Sc. standard. |
Negative Marking, if any |
One mark shall be deducted for incorrect response |
Master of Public Health : Duration of the course :2 Academic Years (4 Semester) Intake capacity : 25 Seats + 5 seats for Sponsored/Deputed candidates |
Ph.D.: Biochemistry 2 ; Clinical Immunology 2; Medicine 2; Microbiology 2; Pathology 2; Pediatrics 2; Pharmacology 4; Physiology 2. |
Eligibility criteria for appearing in the Examination: |
Master of Public Health: Any applicant with qualification of M.B.B.S Degree / B.D.S (Dental) / B.E. / B.Tech. (Any Branch) / B.Sc. (Nursing) / B.V.Sc. (Veterinary Science) / AYUSH / Allied Health or Social Sciences of any recognized University / Statutory Body, in first attempt with at least 50% marks in aggregate. TWO years of completed work experience in public health system is mandatory (on or before 31.07.2015). Medical / Nursing Graduates should have registered with their respective state Registration Council. |
M.Sc. Nursing: Qualifying Examination passed:Passed the qualification of B.Sc. Nursing Degree of this Institute or any other University accepted as equivalent thereof. · Should have registered with the State Registration Council of Nursing and Mid-wifery. · B.Sc.Nursing graduate should have one year of experience in a hospital or in a College or in a School of Nursing or in Community Health Program after registration in State Nursing Council. · Minimum of one year of work experience prior or after Post-basic B.Sc. Nursing. · In case of male candidate, they should have passed any other course recommended by Indian Nursing Council in the place of Mid -wifery. Those who have studied Midwifery only are eligible for admission to Branch II and V. · Candidates who have obtained Post Basic B.Sc.Nursing (P.B.Sc.Nursing) qualification from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) are not eligible for admission to M.Sc.(Nursing) course at JIPMER. M.Sc. Allied Medical Sciences: M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry: 3 years B.Sc. Degree Examination of a recognized University with Biochemistry or Chemistry as main subject with Biology / Botany / Zoology as ancillary subject. B.Sc. Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized University. M.Sc. MLT – Microbiology: 3 years B.Sc. Degree Examination of a recognized University with Microbiology /Biotechnology as main subject with Biology / Botany / Zoology as ancillary subject or B.Sc. Zoology or B.Sc. Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized University. M.Sc. MLT – Pathology: 3 years B.Sc. Degree Examination of a recognized University with Medical Lab Technology / Biotechnology as main subject with Biology / Botany / Zoology as ancillary subject. / B.Sc. Zoology. M.Sc. Medical Physiology: B.Sc. Nursing /B.Sc. (3-years) in Physiology / Biotechnology as main subject with Biology / Botany / Zoology as ancillary subject. / B.Sc. Zoology/ B.Sc. degree in Medical Lab Technology from a recognized University. M.Sc. Medical Physics Duration of the Course: 3 years. A Candidate who has passed the Degree Examination in B.Sc. Physics with allied/Ancillary Mathematics & Chemistry or Triple Major with Physics, Mathematics & Chemistry of any recognized University. M.Sc. Biostatistics (Medical Biometrics) : Duration of the Course: Two Academic years. A Candidate who has passed the Degree Examination in B.Sc. degree in Statistics (Major) OR B.Sc. degree in Mathematical Science with Statistics as a subject from any recognized University. |
Minimum marks to be obtained in the Entrance Exam. |
UR |
SC |
ST |
PH-O |
50 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
45 |
40 |
Specific Instructions, if any |
1)Valid ID Proof: Passport / Driving License / Bank Passbook with Photograph / Photo Identify proof issued by a Gazetted Officer / School Principal (on official Letterhead), Aadhar Card with Photograph and Domicile Certificate with Photo. 2) Photograph: Recent colour passport size photograph with light background is required. The photograph must be taken (on or after 01.04.2015) with a placard, indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph, being held by the candidate. |
Mock Test |
Links to Mock Test and Candidate Experience video created for applicants to familiarize themselves, will be available at www.jipmer.edu.in |
INFORMATION BULLETIN / PROSPECTUS 2015 http://jipmer.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/M.Sc_.MPHPh_.D-Prospectus-FINAL-2015-DEANupdated.pdf |
18002660371; Contact no:04132298283 |
Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Online registration starts |
15.04.2015 |
Online registration Last Date |
08.06.2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download |
25.06.2015 to 12.07.2015 (8 am) |
Date of Examination |
12.07.2015 [10:00 to 11:30 am] |
Declaration of Results |
15.07.2015 (9PM) |
Date of Counselling |
Will be displayed in the JIPMER website |
Date of Commencement of Course |
01.08.2015 |
14 . NATIONAL ENTRANCE SCREENING TEST (NEST), 2015 FOR ADMISSION TO 5-YEAR INTEGRATED M.Sc. PROGRAMMES IN BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS IN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTIONS UNDER DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY, GOVT. OF INDIA The official website of NEST 2015 is: www.nestexam.in DATE OF EXAM. : 30.05.2015 [Language of the question paper will be English only] ONLINE REGISTRATION PERIOD: 05.01.2015 TO 07.03.2015 (OFFLINE APPLICATION IS ALSO AVAILABLE) National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) is a compulsory test for students seeking admission to National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar and University of Mumbai – Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS), Mumbai. Both NISER and UM-DAE CBS were set up by Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India in 2007. Their mandate is to train scientific manpower for carrying out cutting edge scientific research and for providing input to scientific programmes of Department of Atomic Energy and other applied science institutions in the country. The test is conducted in around 52 cities across India. The brochure gives the detailed procedure for applying for the test, syllabus of the test and various deadlines. For the academic session 2015-16, the total number of seats at NISER and CBS are 100+2 and 45+2, respectively. The syllabus for NEST 2015 primarily follows the NCERT/ CBSE science syllabus of Class XI-XII. Eligibility criteria : Candidates must qualify all three eligibility criteria listed below:
1.Candidates in General and OBC category should be born on or after July 15, 1995. The age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ ST/ Physically Disabled (PD) candidates. APPLICATION FEES: Category Online Offline Male: General, OBC & DT/VJ/NT candidates Rs.700 Rs.750 All Female candidates Rs.350 Rs.400 SC, ST and PD (All Candidates) Rs. 350 Rs.400 ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE : Requests for off-line application form + Demand Draft, completed off-line application form and any NEST-2015 related queries by postal mail must be sent at: The Chief Coordinator, NEST 2015, NISER, Institute of Physics Campus, Sachivalaya Marg, Sainik School (PO), Bhubaneswar – 751 005, Odisha. |
15. COMMON ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION to B.Sc.B.Ed., B.Sc.Ed. Courses etc. IN REGIONAL INSTITUTES OF EDUCATION [GOI-NCERT] [RIE : Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhuvaneswar, Mysore, North East] INFORMATION BROCHURE: http://www.rieajmer.raj.nic.in/home/InformationBrochure.aspx# Courses offered: B.Sc.B.Ed./ B.Sc.Ed, B.A.B.Ed./ M.Sc.Ed/ B.Ed. Eligibility for B.Sc.B.Ed./ B.Sc.Ed. Course: (a)Candidates seeking admission to Physical Science Group must have passed with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) (Mathematics includes Mathematics or Statistics) and those seeking admission to Biological Science Group (CBZ) must have passed Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB) (Biology includes Biology or Biotechnology) at +2 level. (b)Candidates must have passed +2 / Hr. Sec./ Sr. Sec. or any equivalent examination recognised by University/ Board with at least 60% marks in aggregate of subjects of combination of the group they are applying for (relaxation of 5% marks for SC/ ST/PH candidates). The examination should be recognised by the affiliated universities of the RIEs. (c)Candidates who have passed +2 or any equivalent examination in 2013, 2014 or appearing /appeared in 2015 only. Entrance Examination Fee: For General/OBC Category Students Rs. 800/- For SC/ST Category Students Rs. 400/- For PH of any category Students Rs. 400/- Areas for Common Entrance Examination Separate Questions will be prepared for the following two groups: Group-A B.Sc. B.Ed./B.Sc.Ed./B.A.B.Ed./B.A. Ed. / M.Sc.Ed. (Mysore) Group-B Two Year B.Ed. Group-A test items will be of +2 level, Group-B test items will be of graduate level. For both the groups, areas to be tested: Language Proficiency, Teaching Aptitude/Attitude, and Reasoning Ability. Out of 100 marks, Teaching Aptitude/ Attitude- 30%, Reasoning Ability- 30%, Language proficiency in English – 20%. Rest 20% weightage will be of aggregate marks obtained in 12th exam only in subject of combinations of the group they are applied for. Medium of test booklets – only in English and Hindi No. of test items- 80, Time Duration- 90 Minutes Results of Common Entrance Examination & Ranking : The candidates will be able to know their merit RIE-wise/ category-wise www.rieajmer.ac.in . The merit will be prepared on the basis of the sum of the aggregate marks obtained in 12th exam only in subject of combinations of the group they have applied for (20% weightage), and marks obtained in Common Entrance Examination (CEE). In tie-up cases in various rank lists adopted for awarding ranks to the candidates who have scored the same marks will be preferred on the following basis: Marks obtained in Teaching Aptitude/ Attitude. |
Events |
Important Dates (Tentative) |
Online registration starts |
08.04.2015 |
Online registration Last Date |
11.05.2015 |
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download |
14.05.2015 to 07.06.2015 |
Date of Examination |
07.06.2015 |
Last date for submission of marks (20% of weightage) by the candidate |
25.06.2015 |
Declaration of Results |
First week of JULY 2015. |
16. GRADUATE APTITUDE TEST IN ENGINEERING (GATE), 2015 http://gate.iitk.ac.in/GATE2015/ GATE 2015 – APPLY ONLINE FROM 01.09.2014 TO 30.09.2014 Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of the candidate in various undergraduate subjects inEngineering/Technology/Architecture and post-graduate level subjects in Science. The GATE score of a candidate reflects a relative performance level in a particular subject in the exam across several years. The score is used for admissions to post-graduate programs (e.g.,M.E., M.Tech, direct Ph.D.) in Indian institutes of higher education with financial assistance provided by MHRD and other Government agencies. The score may also be used by Public and Private Sector Undertakings for employment screening purposes. Examinations for all the 22 papers will be conducted by an ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT). The online examination paper will contain some questions for which numerical answers must be keyed in by the candidate using the virtual keypad. Rest of the questions shall be of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type. |
17. COMMON MANAGEMENT ADMISSION TEST (CMAT)- 2015-16 (SECOND TEST) http://www.aicte-cmat.in/College/Index_New.aspx Website : www.aicte-cmat.in
CMAT EXAMINATION FREQUENLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.aicte-cmat.in/College/faq.aspx AICTE approved institutions using CMAT scores: http://www.aicte-india.org/misappmanagement.php AICTE announces the schedule for conducting National Level Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) Second test for academic year 2015-16 to select suitable students for admission in management programmes. CMAT is a computer-based test (CBT) which will be conducted twice a year. The candidates are given two opportunities to appear in CMAT; first in September, 2014 & second in February, 2015. The better of two scores will be used for admission for 2015-16. For admissions to academic year 2015-16, the first CMAT exam was conducted from 25th September 2014 – 29th September, 2014. Eligibility: Graduates in any discipline or Final year students of Graduate Courses (10+2+3) whose result will be declared before commencement of admission for 2015 can apply for CMAT online. Pattern of examination for CMAT: Type of Questions Number of questions Maximum Marks Quantitative Techniques & 25 100 Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning 25 100 Language Comprehension 25 100 General Awareness 25 100 There shall be negative marking for wrong answers, for each wrong answer 1 mark shall be deducted. Duration of exam will be 180 minutes. Test Fee: Test General/OBC SC/ST/PD CMAT 2015-16 Rs.1400 + Rs.700 +
(Second Test) [Bank charges as applicable] Mode of Payment : Net Banking / Credit / Debit Card Online through www.aicte-cmat.in Cash Payment : Through challan generated online and Cash deposited in any branch of State Bank of India Important Dates for CMAT 2015-16(Second Test) Registration window opens on : 06.11.2014 Last Date for Online Registration : 05.01.2015 Print out of Hall ticket : From 30.01.2015 Computer based test dates : 19.02.2015 to 22.02.2015 Test Timings 9.30 am – 12.30 pm 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm Declaration of result : 25.03.2015 Print out of Score Cards :25.03.2015 to 25.04.2015 For detailed information please visit website: www.aicte-cmat.in |
18. JOINT ADMISSION TEST FOR M.SC.(JAM) 2015 http://www.iitg.ernet.in/jam2015 Organizing Institute: IIT Guwahati Date of JAM 2015 Examination : February 08, 2015 (Sunday) The Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc) and Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) conduct the Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. (JAM) for admission to Integrated Ph.D. Degree Programmes at IISc Bangalore and M.Sc. (Two Years), Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree, M.Sc.-M.Tech., M.Sc.-M.S.(Research)/Ph.D. Dual Degree and other Post-Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at IITs. The main objective of JAM is to consolidate Science as a career option for bright students across the country. It is expected that the research infrastructure, the inter-disciplinary interaction and the vibrant academic environment of IISc Bangalore and IITs will motivate these students to pursue R&D careers in frontier areas of basic sciences as well as inter-disciplinary areas of science and technology. IMPORTANT DATES FOR JAM 2015 Commencement of ONLINE Registration and Application on JAM 2015 Website :September 03, 2014 Last Date for Payment of Application Fee through Challan: September 30, 2014 (Tuesday) Last Date for Online Application Submission and Uploading of Documents on the Website: October 09, 2014 (Thursday) Date of JAM 2015 Examination : February 08, 2015 (Sunday) Announcement of the Results of JAM 2015 : March 19, 2015 (Thursday) at 17:00 hrs Submission of Application Form for Admission on the JAM 2015 Website: April 11 – 20, 2015 Last Date for receipt of Completed Application Forms for Admission along with the required documents and the Demand Draft of Rs. 600/- at IIT, Guwahati : April 24, 2015 (Friday) Interview at : IITM May 15, 2015 (Friday) IITB May 21 – 23, 2015 IISc May 26 – 28, 2015 IITK June 01 – 03, 2015 Declaration of First Admission List: June 15, 2015 (Monday) Declaration of Second Admission List: June 29, 2015 (Monday) Declaration of Third and Final Admission List and the Closure of Admissions through JAM 2015: July 13, 2015 (Monday) CONTACT ADDRESSES OF JAM OFFICES: INSTITUTE E–MAIL / WEBSITE PHONE / FAX IISc Bangalore, Bengaluru -560012 [email protected] gate.iisc.ernet.in/jam (080) 22932392 / 23601227 IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076 [email protected] www.iitb.ac.in/jam (022) 25767022 / 25722674 IIT Delhi,Hauz Khas,New Delhi-110016 [email protected] gate.iitd.ac.in/jam (011) 26591749 / 26581579 IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039 [email protected] www.iitg.ernet.in/jam (0361) 2582751 / 2582755 IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016 [email protected] gate.iitk.ac.in/jam (0512) 2597412 / 2590932 IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302 [email protected] jam.iitkgp.ac.in (03222) 282091 / 278244 IIT Madras, Chennai-600036 [email protected] jam.iitm.ac.in (044) 22578200 / 22578204 IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 [email protected] www.iitr.ac.in/jam (01332) 284531 / 285707 |
19. JOINT ENTRANCE SCREENING TEST 2015 [JEST 2015] Last date for online submissions is over on December 15, 2014 JEST 2015 held on Sunday, 15 February 2015. Applicants seeking admission for a Ph.D / Integrated Ph.D Programme in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science or Neuroscience or Computational Biology in one of the Participating Institutes may appear for the Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) at one of the Exam Centers. Participating Institutes have their own eligibility criteria. Applicants who are expected to complete their final examinations by August of each year are also eligible to appear for the JEST exam of that year. Applicants must pay an application fee and register to appear for the exam. PARTICIPATING INSTITUTES Visit the individual institute pages to view the programmes and subject areas being offered.
20. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, BANGALORE http://admissions.iisc.ernet.in/ ADMISSION TO FOUR -YEAR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (RESEARCH) PROGRAMME – 2015 http://www.iisc.ernet.in/students-corner/adv2015-for-web.htm ELIGIBILITY: Candidates who have completed their II PUC / 12th Standard in 2014 and those who are expecting to complete their II PUC / 12th Standard in 2015 are eligible to apply. The candidates must have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as main subjects during their II PUC / 12th Standard. Candidates who have studied Biology, Statistics, Electronics, Computer Science, etc., in addition to Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are also eligible to apply. The candidates must have secured a first class or 60% or equivalent grade (relaxed to pass class for SC/ST candidates) in the II PUC / 12th Standard examination. SELECTION: Based on the merit list of one of the following national examinations: KVPY-SA [appeared in 2013 and selected for the Fellowship], KVPY-SB [appeared in 2014 and selected for the Fellowship], KVPY-SX [appeared in 2014 and selected for the Fellowship], KVPY Fellows selected through the Empowerment Initiative for SC/ST candidates, IIT-JEE-Main [appearing in 2015 and securing a minimum of 60% (GN), 54% (OBC-NCL), 30% (SC/ST/PH)], IIT-JEE-Advanced [appearing in 2015 and securing a minimum of 60% (GN), 54% (OBC-NCL), 30% (SC/ST/PH)], and AIPMT [appearing in 2015 and securing a minimum of 60% (GN), 54% (OBC-NCL), 30% (SC/ST/PH)]. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/Physically-Handicapped (PH) and Kashmiri-Migrant (KM) candidates: As per Government of India regulations. (a) Application Forms (available only online): The online application may be prepared and submitted by accessing the IISc website www.iisc.ernet.in/ug with effect from 02.02.2015. The application fee is Rs. 500/- for GN/OBC/KM candidates and Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/PH categories. (b) Payment of the Application Fee: Mode of payment options available are: (1) Online Payment – Net-banking, Visa Card/ Master Card, Debit/Credit Cards. (2) Offline Payment – SBI Bank branches accept Challan payment across the country. The bank service charge is extra (to be borne by the applicants). (c) Important Dates: Commencement of submission of online applications: 02.02.2015 Last date for submission of online applications : 30.04.2015
20A. INDIAN INSTITUTES OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Bhopal, Kolkata, Mohali, Pune, Tirupati, Thiruvananthapuram [Autonomous institutions under MHRD, Govt. of India] Admission to BS-MS Dual Degree Program 2015: [Abbreviations Used: GE: General Category, OBC: Other Backward Class, SC: Scheduled Caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, KM: Kashmiri Migrants, PD: Physically Disabled, NL: Non creamy Layer] Students will be admitted to the Five Year BS-MS Dual Degree program beginning August 2015 through the following channels:
Schedule for BS-MS IISER Admission 2015:
KVPY and JEE(Advanced) Streams
Sl.No |
Event |
Date (2015) |
1. |
Opening of application portal |
1st June |
2. |
Last date for application |
27th June |
3. |
Result – Publishing of allocation list |
29th June |
4. |
Last date for payment of admission fees |
10th July |
State & Central Board Stream
Sl.No |
Event |
Date (2015) |
1. |
Opening of application portal |
1st June |
2. |
Last date for application |
4th July |
3. |
IISER SCB aptitude test |
12th July |
4. |
Result/Allocation of SCB stream |
15th July |
5. |
Last date of payment of admission fees |
22nd July |
- BS-MS students are eligible for either KVPY or INSPIRE scholarship based on continued academic performance.
[Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology]
`Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)’ – a component of `Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE). Total of 10,000 scholarships are available annually under SHE. The scholarships are limited only to the candidates who have passed Class XII in the year 2015 from various recognized Indian State and Central Boards and studying courses in natural/ basic sciences at three years B.Sc., B.Sc (Hons), four years B.S and five years integrated M.Sc./M.S programs in any UGC recognized College/ University/ Institutions in India.
The Scheme in its current format does not include courses in engineering, medicine, technology and other professional or technical or applied science courses.
Registration of Application forms will be open on … 22.02.2015
Last date for Registration of application through on-line .. 22.03.2015
Interview and or Test [on or before]* .. 30.04.2015 to 12.05.2015
Selected Candidates to join on … 14.07.2015
Eligible candidates possessing the minimum educational qualifications (as given in section 5, eligible degree as given in section 6) and satisfying additional and stiffer criteria set by the departments from time to time, will be called for an interview and/or test by the Selection Committees of the respective departments.
Financial Assistance:
Scholars admitted to Ph.D. and M.S. programmes under regular scheme (fulltime) are eligible for the following Half-time Teaching/Research Assistantship (HTRA) for which:
(a) They should work for 8 hours per week in the Departments to earn this assistantship.
(b) Renewal of assistantship every semester will be contingent on enrolment, satisfactory progress in research work and good performance during the preceding semester in the discharge of responsibility as teaching/ research assistant.
a) Ph.D. scholars: BE/B.Tech/M.Sc. graduates or equivalent with valid GATE/NET qualification Rs.25,000/- p.m. upto 5 years
b) Ph.D. scholars: ME/M.Tech. graduates or equivalent with two years of research experience RS.28,000/- p.m. upto 4 years
In Engineering / Management Rs.12400/- p.m. upto 3 years.
Other scholarships like UGC-JRF, CSIR-JRF, ICMR, ICAR & AICTE etc. may also be available for those who had qualified for these schemes and get admission and the amount of fellowship will be as per the norms of the funding agency.
Admission without Assistantship:
A few candidates may also be considered for admission to the Ph.D./M.S. programme without assistantship also (Non-HTRA) under full time (regular) category. The eligible qualifications are the same as for the Regular (fulltime) HTRA candidates. Such candidates have to enclose a letter along with the Application Form stating that they may be considered for admission even without assistantship (Non-HTRA).
Opportunities exist for candidates to do Joint Ph.D in Engineering & Sciences offered by IIT Madras & National University of Singapore, University of Melbourne, Swinburne University, Australia, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan & University of Passau, Germany. Joint Ph.D programme is also offered by IIT Madras, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum and Christian Medical College, Vellore in the area of Biomedical Devices and Technology.
conducted by
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
IIT Madras
Date of Examination: 26.04.2015
Website: http://hsee.iitm.ac.in/
M.A. Programme:
The Department's unique five year integrated programme, launched in 2006, leads to Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in three major streams – Development Studies, Economics and English Studies. Environmental Studies, History, International Relations, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology. The Department offers both Master's and Doctoral programmes, as well as electives for B.Tech and M.Tech students.
The Admission Procedure:
The students for the integrated Masters program at IIT-M are selected through the Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination (HSEE) conducted by IIT Madras every year in the month of April.. The exam is highly competitive and only about 2 percent of the candidates taking the exam are finally selected for the course. The present in take of the MA program is 45 students per year.
Important Dates (Tentative)
Online registration starts
Online registration Last Date
Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download
16.03.2015 to 16.04.2015
Date of Examination
Declaration of result on HSEE website
Offer Letters to Candidates
23. INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH (IGIDR), GEN.A.K.VAIDYA MARG, GOREGAON (E), MUMBAI – 400 065 (Deemed University under Section 3 of the UGC Act) (An advanced research institute established and fully funded by the Reserve Bank of India) http://www.igidr.ac.in/index.php Online test will be held on Sunday, April 26, 2015 Admission to the following programmes commencing in August 2015: M.Sc. (Economics): Eligibility: Minimum qualification for admission to M.Sc. programme include one of the following degrees or their equivalents: B.A./B.Sc. in Economics/B.Com./B.Stat./B.Sc. (Physics or Mathematics)/B.Tech./B.E. with at least a second division for Economics discipline and first division for other disciplines. The applicant must have studied mathematics at the higher secondary or higher level. [Tuition fee : Rs. 12,000/- per semester] M.Phil./Ph.D. in Development Studies (which has an interdisciplinary perspective, with major emphasis on Economics) Eligibility: Minimum qualification for admission to the M.Phil./Ph.D.programme include one of the following degrees or their equivalents: M.A./M.Sc in Economics/M.Stat./M.Sc. (Physics or Mathematics or Environmental Science or Operations Research) /M.B.A./M.Tech. /M.E./ B.Tech./B.E. with at least 55% aggregate marks for Economics discipline and 60% aggregate marks for other disciplines. The applicant must have studied mathematics at the higher secondary or higher level. Stipend: M.Phil./Ph.D. students receive a monthly stipend of Rs.17,000/- in the first two years. Those students, who fulfill the terms and conditions for Ph.D. registration, would receive a monthly stipend of Rs.26,000/- after Ph. D. registration in the third year. Candidates can fill the application form online available at www.igidr.ac.in Application Fees: General Category: The online application fee is Rs. 500/- only. SC/ST/PD: The online application fee is Rs.100/- only. [Candidates are required to upload a scan copy of the necessary certificate.] Last date for receipt of Online Application form: March 20, 2015 Online test will be held on Sunday, April 26, 2015 Test centres: Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, NCR-Delhi, and Thiruvananthapuram. Interview: Based on the performance in the Online test, short listed candidates will be called for an interview at IGIDR around the third/fourth week of June 2015. Second class return rail fare by the shortest route from the place of residence will be paid to the candidates interviewed. |
An Institution of National Importance by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1959 Date of Examination: 10.05.2015 PROGRAMMES OFFERED : B. Stat (Hons), B. Math (Hons), M .Stat, M .Math, MS (QE), MS(MS), MS (LIS), M Tech (CS), M Tech (QROR), PG Diploma and Research Fellowships. [REFER PROSPECTUS FOR DETAILS] IMPORTANT DATES: Online Application Starts: February 03, 2015 Online Application Ends: March 03, 2015 [ CLOSED] Payment of Application Fee at SBI Branches: February 06, 2015 to March 10, 2015 Issue of Admit Card/info booklet via post/portal Starts: April 10, 2015 ADMISSION TEST: May 10, 2015 |
25. COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST (CLAT), 2015 Website: http://clat.ac.in/ Brochure: http://clat.ac.in/clat-ebrochure/ebrochure.html DATE OF ONLINE EXAMINATION :10.05.2015 Starting date for submission of online application form :01.01.2015 Last date for submission of online application form has been extended till 14th April 2015 The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is an all-India entrance examination conducted on rotation by the 16 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admission to their undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes (LLB & LLM). The 16 participating NLUs in the order of their establishment are:
Test Organising University : Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University
Sec- D1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Scheme, Lucknow – 226012 Uttar Pradesh, India
+91-522-24 22 849 |
26. CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF PLASTIC ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY JOINT ENTRANCE EXAM (CIPET JEE) [Under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India] Admission Forms Available in MAY 2015 ENTRANCE TEST 12.07.2015 CIPET is an ISO 9001:2008 QMS, NABL, ISO/IEC 17020 accredited premier national Institution devoted to Academic, Technology Support & Research (ATR) activities for the growth of Polymer & allied industries in the country. CIPET operates on hub & spokes model with 23 locations spread across the length & breadth of the country. CIPET has 16 centres at Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Aurangabad, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, CHENNAI, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Hajipur, Haldia, Imphal, Jaipur, Kochi, Lucknow, Mysore and Panipat. All the CIPET centres have state of art infrastructural facilities in the areas of Design, CAD/CAM/CAE, Tooling & Mould Manufacturing, Plastics processing, Testing and Quality control to cater to the needs of Polymer & allied industries in the country. To provide qualified Human Resources to the industry, CIPET offers a blend of specialized academic Programs in the field of Plastics Engineering & Technology, be it Doctoral, Post Graduate, Undergraduate, Post Diploma or Diploma. CIPET has been recognised by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) as a scientific and research organisation in the field of Plastics Engineering & Technology. ADMISSION PROCEDURE :
27. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (Under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India) Sale of Application at all Centres/ Affiliated Colleges commenced on :24.12.2014 Online and Offline Application – Last Date: 06.04.2015 For applying online, visit: http://www.applyadmission.net/nchmjee2015/ Date of Joint Entrance Examination :25.04.2015 JEE 2015 BROCHURE: https://www.applyadmission.net/nchmjee2015/JeeBrochure2015-Eng.pdf National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (Society) was set up in the year 1982 by the Government of India as an autonomous body for coordinated growth and development of hospitality education in the country. Initially, the Council was set up as the National Board of Studies in Food Management, Catering & Nutrition under the administrative control of Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Food) and subsequently transferred to the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India in the year 1984. It was rechristened as National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology. Currently, the office of the Council is situated at A-34, Sector-62, Noida (U.P.) India with its own building, while the registered office is at Pusa, New Delhi. The Council regulates academics activities in the field of Hospitality Education & Training that is imparted through Twenty One (21) Central Govt. sponsored Institutes of Hotel Management, Twenty One (21) State Government sponsored institutes, fifteen (15) Pvt. institutes and Seven (7) Food Craft Institutes, that function in different parts of the country. Through the Council, these institutes offer Ten (10) different professional programs and Master Degree. The BSc. And MSc. programmes are offered in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Open University – IGNOU. Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics & Hospital Food Service M.Sc. in Hospitality Administration Post Graduate Diploma in Accomodation Operations & Management B.Sc in Hospitality & Hotel administration B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration – Generic B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration – Specialization Diploma in Food & Breverage Service Diploma in Bakery & Confectionery Diploma in Front Office Operation Craftsmanship Certificate Course Craftsmanship Certificate Course in Food Production & Patisserie Craftsmanship Certificate Course in Food & Beverage Service. leading to award of Certificate, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma, Bachelor. |
+91-3222-255221 LLB (Hons) : Written Test Date: 11.04.2015 LLM Entrance Exam.: 23.05.2015 Test and Interview Centres: Bangalore, Mumbai, New Delhi and Kolkata.
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law (RGSOIPL) is the first of its kind law school to impart legal education with IP specialization within the IIT System bringing synergy among science, technology,management and law. The School offers a Six-Semester, Three-Year Full-Time residential programme leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Laws (Hons) in Intellectual Property Law approved by the Bar Council of India. Eligibility for Admission to LL.B. (Hons) Degree in Intellectual Property Rights
First Class Bachelors Degree in Engineering / Technology / Medicine or equivalent. Admission Procedure Applicants are required to apply online from 04.01.2015 to 09.03.2015. Application fee is Rs. 1500/- for General/OBC and Rs. 750/- for SC/ST candidates. Women candidates are exempted from the payment of application fees. LL.M. Programme: Apply online : 07.04.2015 to 11.05.2015 Date of Entrance Exam. :23.05.2015 Personal Interview :24.05.2015
The Institute was established in the year 1965 as an autonomous institute fully funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. http://www.aiishmysore.in/en/index.html Programs offered : http://www.aiishmysore.in/en/academics.html Admissions for all courses will start from 1st April 2015 |
Entrance Examination 13.06.15; 10.07.15
PG & Ph.D. Programmes -2015-16
Online Registration from : 28-04-2015
Last Date for On-line Registration: 15.05. 2015
Dates of Entrance Examination: 29th, 30th & 31st May, 2015
Mode of Examination: Computer Based Entrance Examination.
(Indian Council of Medical Research)
Department of Health Research,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India
Indira Nagar, Puducherry 605 006, INDIA.
M.Sc., Public Health Entomology [2015-17]
No. of Seats: 12
Open Competition – 8 (General 50.5%, OBC 27%; SC 15% & ST 7.5%);
In-service/Sponsored – 4 (Indian 2; Foreign 2)
Criteria for Admission
Category I: Open Competition
Candidates seeking admission under this category should have passed any one of the following examinations of any University – B.Sc., in the discipline of Zoology / Botany / Life Sciences / Medical Laboratory Technology / Microbiology / Ecology / Environmental Science / Biochemistry, or B.V.Sc., or M.B.B.S., or B.E., / B.Tech., degree with Biotechnology as one of the subjects.
Method of Selection
Selection of the candidates under Category I will be based on their performance in the common entrance test (two hours duration).
Last date for submission of applications:15.06.2015
Admission to M.S./Ph.D. Programme and
M.Sc. (Physics/Chemistry/Computer Science) programmes for the
academic year 2015 – 2016
M.Sc. Brochure : http://www.nitt.edu/home/admissions/phd/admission/MSc-Admission-Brochure-2015.pdf
Candidates should have secured a minimum of 60% aggregate marks or 6.5 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) in the qualifying degree examination for OC/OBC/OCPWD/OBCPWD candidates
[55% aggregate marks or 6.0 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) for SC/ST/SCPWD/STPWD
candidates] for admission to all M.Sc. programmes.
1. Selection will be based on the marks obtained in entrance test conducted by NITT and the qualifying degree examination marks.
2. The entrance test for all the M.Sc. programmes will be conducted on 7th June 2015 from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. at NIT Tiruchirappalli.
3. Admit card will be sent to the eligible candidates well before the date of entrance testand also the eligible candidates list for the entrance test will be displayed in www.nitt.edu
Last date for the receipt of completed application form : 22.05.2015
Date of Entrance Test : 07.06.2015
Announcement of results for all M.Sc. Programmes through NITT website : 17.06.2015
An Institute of National Importance
with the status of a University under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
(Parliament-Act 52 of 1980)
Post-doctoral courses:
1.DM Cardiology
2.DM Neurology
3.DM Neuroimaging and Interventional Neuroradiology
4. DM Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anaesthesia
5. DM Neuroanaesthesia
6. MCh Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery
7. MCh Vascular Surgery
8. MCh Neurosurgery (after M.S)
9. MCh Neurosurgery—5-year course (after MBBS and 1 year Senior housesurgency/ Residency in
General Surgery
PG Diplomas
10. Post-doctoral certificate course in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia
11. Post-doctoral certificate course in Neuroanaesthesia
12. Post-doctoral certificate course in Cardiovascular Imaging and Vascular Interventional Radiology
Advanced Certificate
13. Post-doctoral certificate course in Diagnostic Neuroradiology
14. Post-doctoral certificate course in Vascular Surgery
15. Post-doctoral Fellowship (Post DM/MCh./DNB)
Ph.D./Master’s Programmes:
16. MD in Transfusion Medicine
17. Master of Public Health (MPH)
18. M Phil (Biomedical Technology)
19. Ph.D.
20. Diploma in Public Health
21. Diploma in Cardiovascular & Thoracic Nursing
22. Diploma in Neuro-Nursing
23. Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology
24. Diploma in Advanced Medical Imaging Technology
25. Cardiac Laboratory Technology
26. Neuro-Technology
27. Medical Records Science
28. Clinical Perfusion
29. Blood Banking Technology
Advanced Certificate:
30. Advanced Certificate Programmes in Physiotherapy
Other Programmes:
Joint Programmes:
(for details please see page no 34 to 36)
(1) M Tech. (Clinical Engineering)
(2) Ph.D. (Biomedical Devices and Technology)
Affiliated Programmes with other Centres:
(pl. refer page no. 37 to 41)
A. National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai:
(1) Master of Public Health (Epidemiology and Health Systems)
B. Christian Medical College, Vellore.
(1) Master of Science Bioengineering
(2) Ph.D.in Bioengineering
(3) Master of Public Health (MPH)
C. IIITMK, Trivandrum
(1) Ph.D (For Engineering Graduates)
Key dates of Entrance Examinations
to be conducted during the year – 2015
1. |
SR/SD Exam (January 2015 Session) |
Entrance Examination-Online |
11th January, 2015 (Sunday) |
Result (to be declared) |
13th January, 2015 (Tuesday) |
Interview |
16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st January, 2015. |
Final Result |
27th January, 2015. (Tuesday) |
2 |
Ph.D. Programme – January, 2015 Session |
Entrance Examination |
17th January, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
20th January, 2015 (Tuesday) |
Departmental Assessment |
23rd January, 2015 (Friday) |
Final Result Notification |
27th January, 2015 (Tuesday) |
3 |
Entrance Examination |
24th January,2015 (Saturday) |
Result |
5th February,2015 (Thursday) |
4 |
AIIMS-PG (MD/MS/M.Ch.(6 yrs.) / MDS) – July, 2015 Session |
Entrance Examination |
10th May, 2015 (Sunday) |
Result (to be declared) |
15th May, 2015 (Friday) |
1st Counselling |
11th June, 2015 (Thursday) |
2nd Counselling |
19th June, 2015 (Friday) |
Open Counselling |
23rd July, 2015 (Thursday) |
5 |
DM/M.Ch/MHA-July, 2015 Session |
Entrance Examination |
16th May, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
18th May, 2015 (Monday) |
Departmental Assessment |
21st May, 2015 (Thursday) |
Final Result Notification |
25th May, 2015 (Monday) |
6 |
M.B.B.S.- 2015 |
Entrance Examination |
1st June, 2015 (Monday) |
Result (to be declared) |
25th June, 2015 (Thursday) |
1st Counselling |
6,7,8 & 9 July, 2015 (Mon, ‘Tue, Wed & Thursday) |
2nd Counselling |
10th August, 2015 (Monday) |
3th Counselling |
7th September, 2015 (Monday) |
Open Counselling for AIIMS, Delhi |
23rd September, 2015 (Wednesday) |
7 |
B.Sc. ( Hons.) Para-Medical Courses-2015 [ at AIIMS, NEW DELHI ] |
Entrance Examination |
06th June, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
12th June, 2015 (Friday)) |
1st Counselling |
2nd July, 2015 (Thursday) |
2nd Counselling |
13th July, 2015 (Monday) |
Open Counselling |
21st September, 2015 (Monday) |
8 |
SR/SD Exam (July 2015 Session) |
Entrance Examination |
12th July, 2015 (Sunday) |
Result (to be declared) |
14th July, 2015 (Tuesday) |
Interview/Departmental Assessment |
27, 28, 29 & 30 July, 2015. |
Final Result |
31th July, 2015. (Friday) |
9 |
M.Biotechnology-2015 |
Entrance Examination |
11th July, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
15th July, 2015 (Wednesday) |
10 |
B.Sc. Nursing (Post-certificate) – 2015 at AIIMS, NEW DELHI. |
Entrance Examination |
20th June, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
22nd June, 2015 (Monday) |
Personnel Assessment |
24th June, 2015 (Wednesday) |
Result Notification |
26th June, 2015 (Friday) |
11 |
M.Sc. Nursing – 2015 [AT AIIMS, NEW DELHI] |
Entrance Examination |
27th June, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
6th July, 2015 (Monday) |
1st Counselling |
14th July, 2015 (Tuesday) |
2nd Counselling |
25th July, 2015 (Saturday) |
12 |
B.Sc.( Hons.) Nursing – 2015 [ FOR 7 AIIMS] |
Entrance Examination |
14th June, 2015 (Sunday) |
Result Notification |
19th June, 2015 (Friday) |
1st Counselling |
20, 21, 22 July, 2015 (Monday-Wednesday) |
2nd Counselling |
20th August, 2015 (Thursday) |
Open Counselling [for AIIMS, New Delhi only] |
28th September, 2015 (Monday) |
13 |
Ph.D. Programme – July, 2015 Session |
Entrance Examination |
18th July, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
21st July, 2015 (Tuesday) |
Departmental Assessment |
24th July, 2015 (Friday) |
Final Result Notification |
27th July, 2015 (Monday) |
14 |
M.Sc. Courses-2015 [AT AIIMS, NEW DELHI] |
Entrance Examination |
4th July, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
08th July, 2015 (Wednesday) |
15 |
AIIMS-PG (MD/MS/M.Ch.(6 yrs.)/MDS)-January, 2016 Session |
Entrance Examination |
1st November, 2015 (Sunday) |
Result (to be declared) |
6th November, 2015 (Friday) |
1st Counselling |
10th December, 2015 (Thursday) |
2nd Counselling |
18th December, 2015 (Friday) |
Open Selection |
27th January, 2016 (Wednesday) |
16 |
DM/M.Ch/MHA-January, 2016 Session |
Entrance Examination |
28th November, 2015 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
30 th November, 2015 (Monday) |
Departmental Assessment |
3rd December, 2015 (Thursday) |
Final Result Notification |
7th December, 2015 ( Monday) |
17 |
SR/SD Exam (January 2016 Session) ( Dates are under consideration ) |
Entrance Examination |
13th December, 2015 (Sunday) |
Result (to be declared) |
15th December, 2015 (Tuesday) |
Interview/Departmental Assessment |
18, 19, 21, 22 & 23rd December, 2015 |
Final Result Notification |
29th December, 2015 (Tuesday) |
18 |
Ph.D. Programme – January, 2016 Session |
Entrance Examination |
16th January, 2016 (Saturday) |
Result (to be declared) |
19th January, 2016 (Tuesday) |
Departmental Assessment |
22nd January, 2016 (Friday) |
Final Result Notification |
25th January, 2016 (Monday) |
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Before taking any decisions based on the information,
the exact latest details (including dates) should be verified with the concerned statutory authorities /
their official websites]
Mathrubhumi Education