UGC-NET, JUNE 2019

University  Grants  Commission-National  Eligibility Test – June, 2019

Website(s) :,                                                                             NEW


Dates of Examination  : 20,  21  June,  24,  25, 26,  27,  28  June, 2019


Updated Syllabi of UGC-NET (Applicable from June 2019 UGC-NET Onwards)

The  University  Grants  Commission  (UGC)  has  entrusted  the  responsibility  of  conducting  UGC NET  to  the  NTA.  UGC-NET  is  a  test  being  conducted  to  determine  the  eligibility  ‘for  Assistant Professor’  and  ‘for  Junior  Research  Fellowship  and  Assistant  Professor’  in  Indian universities and colleges.         

UGC-NET June, 2019 shall be conducted by the NTA in June, 2019 in subjects given at  AnnexureIII (of IB),  based on the updated and revised syllabus, at selected Cities of Examination centers spread across the country given at Annexure-I(of IB).


Online submission of Application Form (upto 11:50 pm of 30 March, 2019)    : 01 March, 2019 –30 March, 2019

Last  date  of  successful  transaction  of  fee  through  Credit/Debit  Card/NetBanking :

upto  11:50  pm  (through  e-challan  upto  bank  hours)  of  01  April, 2019   : 01 April, 2019

Fee  Payable  by  Candidates:            

General/Unreserved  Rs. 800/-

Other  Backward  Classes  (OBC)-(NCL)*/Economically Weaker Section (EWS)**Rs. 400/-

SC/ST/PwD/ Transgender  Rs. 200/-

Processing  charges  &  GST  are  to  be  paid  by  the  candidate,  as applicable.

Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only  :07-14 April, 2019

Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website :  15 May, 2019

Dates of Examination  :20,  21  June,  24,  25, 26,  27,  28  June, 2019

Duration of Examination : 180  minutes  (03 hours)

(No  break  between Paper 1 & Paper 2)

Timing of Examination  First  Shift:  9.30  am to 12.30 pm

                              Second  Shift:  02.30 pm to 05.30 pm

Centre, Date and Shift of UGC-NET Examination:  As  indicated  on Admit Card

Display of Recorded Responses and Answer Keys  : To  be  announced later

Declaration of Result on NTA website :  by 15 July 2019

*Other  Backward  Classes  –  Non  Creamy  Layers  (OBC-NCL)  as  per  the  central  list  of  Other  Backward  Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC- Government of India website :

The candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column.

State list OBC Candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose General.

**As  per  the  OM  No.  20013/01/2018-BC-II  dated  January  17,  2019  issued  by  the  Ministry  of  Social Justice and Empowerment and the OM No. 12-4/2019-U1 dated 17.01.2019 as well as the Letters No 35-2/2019-T.S.I  dated  21.01.2019,  01.02.2019,  04.02.2019  and  15.02.2019  of  MHRD  Department  of Higher Education regarding implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational Institutions.

2.  Candidates can apply for UGC-NET June, 2019 “Online”only.

3.  Submission  of  Online  Application  Form  may  be  done  by  accessing  NTA  website : The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted.

4.  Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate.

5.  Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA website. Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.

6.  Candidates  must  ensure  that  e-mail  address  and  Mobile  Number  provided  in  the  Online Application  Form  are  their  own as  all  information/  communication  will  be  sent  by  NTA through e-mail on e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only.

7.  Instructions for filling Online Application Form :

               Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read these carefully to ensure your eligibility.

               Follow the 4 steps given below to Apply Online:


Step-1: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No.    (Please see Annexure – VIII)

Step-2: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (between 10 kb – 200 kb) and Candidate’s Signature (between 4kb – 30kb) in JPG/JPEG format.

Step-3:  Make payment of fee using SBI/HDFC/Syndicate/ICICI Payment Gateway and keep proof of fee paid.

Step-4: Print at least four copies of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee.

             All the 4 Steps can be done together or at separate times.

            The candidate has to selectDebit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/E-Challan option to pay the application fee and follow the online instructions to complete the payment of fee. After successful payment, candidate will be able to print the Confirmation Page. In case theConfirmationPageisnotgeneratedafterpaymentoffeethenthetransactionis cancelledandamountwillberefundedtothecandidate’saccount.Howeverthe candidatehastomakeanothertransaction,incasetheConfirmationPageisnot generated.


NOTE:     1.  The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-2 and step-3 are not  completed.  Such  forms  will  stand  rejected  and  no  correspondence  on  this  account  will  be entertained.


2.  No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any  circumstances.

3.  The  entire  application  process  of  UGC-NET  June,  2019  is  online,  including  uploading  of  scanned images,  Payment  of  Fees,  and  Printing  of  Confirmation  Page.  Therefore,  candidates  are  not required  to  send/submit  any  document(s)  including  Confirmation  Page  to  NTA  through Post/ Fax/ by Hand.

4.  Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA website regularly for latest updates and to check their e-mails.



for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and for Lectureship (LS) NEW


INFORMATION BULLETIN     The last date for applying online is 22.03.2019.

CSIR has scheduled the Joint CSIR-UGC Test tentatively on Sunday, 16th June, 2019 for determining the eligibility of  Indian  Nationals  for  the  award  of  Junior  Research  Fellowships  (JRF)  and  for   determining  eligibility  for appointment as Lecturer (LS) in the areas of Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Life  Sciences,  Mathematical  Sciences,  Physical  Sciences.  The  award  of  Junior  Research  Fellowship  to  the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding admission/placement in a University/ National laboratory/ Institution of higher learning and research, as applicable.

Essential  Qualification:  M.Sc  or  equivalent  degree/  Integrated  BS-MS/BS-4  years/BE/BTech/BPharma/MBBS with at least 55% marks for General (UR) and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST, Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates;

Candidates  enrolled  for  M.Sc  or  having  completed  10+2+3  years  of  the  above  qualifying  examination  as  on  the closing date of online submission of application form, are also eligible to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category on the condition that they complete the qualifying degree with requisite percentage of marks within the validity period of two years to avail the fellowship from the effective date of award (Such candidates will have to submit the attestation form duly certified by the Head of the Departme nt/Institute from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared);

B.Sc(Hons)  or  equivalent  degree  holders  or  students  enrolled  in  Integrated  MS-Ph.D  program  with  at  least  55% marks for General (UR) and OBC candidates; 50% marks for SC/ST, Persons with Disability (PwD)  candidates are also  eligible  to  apply.  Candidates  with  bachelor’s  degree  will  be  eligible  for  CSIR  fellowship  only  after  getting registered/enrolled for Ph.D/Integrated Ph.D program within the validity period of two years;

Candidates possessing only Bachelor’s degree shall not be eligible for Lectureship. The  eligibility  for  lectureship  of  NET  qualified  candidates  will  be  subject  to  fulfilling  the  criteria  laid  down  byUGC. Ph.D degree holders who have passed Master’s degree prior to 19th  September 1991, with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for Lectureship only.

Upper Age Limit & Relaxation: Maximum 28 years as on 01-01-2019 for JRF(NET) {upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Persons with Disability(PwD)/female applicants and 03 years for OBC (non creamy layer) applicants}. No upper age limit for Lectureship (NET).

Examination Fee: General: Rs.1000/-,

 OBC (Non-Creamy Layer): Rs.500/-,

and SC/ST/PwD: Rs.250/-.

Other  Backward  Class  (OBC)  candidate  whose  caste  is  not  listed  in  the  Central  List  and/or  who  does  not belong to OBC (Non Creamy Layer), though his/her caste is listed in the central list, shall apply as ‘General’ candidate and is required to pay Examination fee @ Rs.1000/-.

Candidates applying for the Examination are required to use payment gateway facility to deposit their Examination fee  only  through  Credit  Card  or  Debit  Card  or  Net  Banking.  Candidates  are  not  required  to  pay  any  transaction charges for using payment gateway facility.

Scheme of Examination:

The subject-wise session and timing of the Test is liable to be changed at the discretion of CSIR, depending on the number of candidates in each subject.

Interested  eligible  candidates  may  visit  CSIR-HRDG  website  (  and  see  the  Information Bulletin  for detailed information/instructions from  19.02.2019. Candidates are required to apply online.

The online application  available at  from  25.02.2019.

Candidates are advised to also go through the ‘How to Apply’ link available on the Online Application portal while filling the form.

The last date for applying online is 22.03.2019.

Date of Exam : 16th  JUNE, 2019 (Sunday)

Session                   Subjects                                                 Timings            Marks   Duration

Morning Session:  Life Sciences &  Physical Sciences  9.00AM – 12.00 Noon      200        3hrs.

Afternoon Session: Chemical Sciences,

                                Mathematical Sciences, Earth,

                                Atmospheric,  Ocean  and 

                                Planetary Sciences                    2.00 PM – 5.00 PM          200          3hrs.





                                                                          December, 2018

[The National Eligibility Test  for Assistant Professor and for Junior Research Fellowship]





             The  University  Grants  Commission  (UGC)  has  entrusted  the  responsibility  of  conducting UGC-NET

  to  the  National Testing Agency.  UGC-NET  is  a  test  being  conducted  to  determine  the  eligibility  ‘only for

Assistant Professor’ and ‘for Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor both’ in Indian universities and

colleges. UGC-NET December, 2018 shall be conducted by the NTA in December, 2018 in subjects given at

Annexure-III of Information Bulletin (IB) at selected Cities of Examination centers spread across the country given

at Annexure-I of IB.


(Please refer Information Bulletin for details)


On-line submission of Application Form (Upto 11.50 pm)     : 01.09.2018 to 30.09.2018

Date for successful final transaction of fee (Upto 11.50 pm) : 01.09.2018 to 01.10.2018

[Through Credit/Debit Card/Net-Banking upto 11.50 pm

 Through e-challan upto bank hours upto 1.10.2018]

Fee Payable by candidates:

 General  Rs.800/-

Other Backward Classes (OBC)-(NCL)* Rs.400/-

SC/ST/PwD/ Transgender  Rs.200/-

[GST/Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable].

[* Other Backward Classes (OBC)-Non Creamy Layer as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available

on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC- Government of India website

Thus, the candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column.

State list OBC Candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose General.]

Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only : 08.10.2018 to 14.10.2018

Printing of Admit Cards from NTA’s website : From 19.11.2018

Dates of Examination:       NEW

The  examination of UGC-NET, December, 2018 will be held as per the dates & shifts given below:

Sr. No        Date & Day                                 Shift 1                               Shift 2

1           18.12.2018 (Tuesday)              9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.         2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

2           19.12.2018 (Wednesday)         9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.         2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

3           20.12.2018 (Thursday)             9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.         2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

4           21.12.2018 (Friday)                 9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.         2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

5           22.12.2018 (Saturday)             9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.         2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

The exact date and shift for subject opted by the candidate as well as the city and the Centre will

be notified on the Admit card. The Admit card will be available for download on the NTA website with effect from 19.11.2018.

Centre, Date, Shift and UGC-NET (Subject) Examination:  As indicated on Admit Card

Display of recorded responses and Answer Keys for inviting challenges on NTA’s

website:,    Date shall be displayed on the NTA’s website

Declaration of Result on NTA’s website:  By 10th January, 2019.

2.  Candidates can apply for UGC-NET December, 2018 “Online” ONLY.

3.  The  Application  Form  other  than  online  mode  will  not  be  accepted,  in  any  case. Only  one  application 

     is  to  be  submitted  by  a candidate.

4.  Submission of Online Application Form may be done by accessing NTA website: only.

5.  Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA’s website.

    Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.

6.  Candidates  must  ensure  that  e-mail  address  and  Mobile  Number  provided in  the  Online  Application 

Form  are  their  own as  all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on e-mail address or

SMS on given Mobile Number only.


Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form.

    Read these carefully to ensure your eligibility.

•   Follow the 4 steps given below to Apply Online:

Step-1: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. /(Please see

Annexure – VIII of IB)

Step-2: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (between 10 kb – 200 kb) and Candidate’s Signature

(between 4 kb – 30 kb) in JPG/JPEG format.

Step-3:Make payment of fee using SBI_MOPS and keep proof of fee paid.

Step-4: Print at least four printouts of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee.

•   All the 4 Steps can be done together or at separate times.


UGC-NET December, 2018

(i)  Mode of Examination: The Examination shall only be conducted as Computer Based Test (CBT). Wherever

Online Examination has been used elsewhere in this booklet, NTA’s UGC-NET application form, it means CBT only.

(ii)  Pattern: TheTest will consist of twopapers. Boththe papers will consist of only objective typequestions and will

be attempted with a break of 30 minutes between them.

(iii) Eligibility :

(a) Candidates  who  have  secured at  least  55%  marks (without  rounding  off)  in  Master’s Degree or equivalent

examination from universities/institutions recognised by UGC (on the  website: in  Humanities  (including  languages)  and  Social  Science,

  Computer  Science  and Applications, Electronic Science etc. (list of subjectsat Post Graduation level attached

as Annexure-IV)are eligible for this Test. The Other Backward Classes (OBC) belonging to non-creamy layer/

Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/persons with disability (PwD) category candidates who have secured

at least 50% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s degree or equivalent examination are eligible for this Test.

(b)  Candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree or equivalent course or candidates who have

appeared for their qualifying Master’s degree (final year) examination and whose result is still awaited or candidates

whose qualifying examinations have been delayed  may  also  apply  for  this  test.  However,  such  candidates  will  be 

admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible for award of JRF/eligibility for Assistant Professor only after

they have passed their Master’s Degree OR equivalent examination with at least 55% marks (50% marks in case

of OBC falling in Non Creamy layer/SC/ST/PwD category candidates). Suchcandidates must complete their

Masters degree orequivalent  examination  within  two  years  from  the  date  of  NET  result  with  required

percentage of marks, failing which they shall be treated as disqualified.

(c)  Candidates belonging to the transgendercategory would be eligible to draw the same relaxation in fee, age and

qualifying criteria for NET (i.e. JRF and Assistant Professor) as are available to SC/ST/PwD categories. The subject

wise cut-offs for this category should be the lowest among those for SC/ST/PwD/OBC–NCL categories in the

corresponding subject.

[For more information on ELIGIBILITY and AGE, refer page 5 of IB]


  While filling in online Application Form and as per the ‘Replica of Application Form’ given in Annexure VIII (page 39-40)

(UGC-NET Bulletin December 2018) in the drop down box regarding ‘Identification Type’ and as also given on page 11,

the Aadhaar number is only one of the types of identification and is not mandatory.

Note on page 11 of UGC-NET Bulletin December, 2018 clearly provides that the candidates can also enter Passport

number, Ration Card number, Bank Account number or any other valid Government identity number.


Syllabus- subjects with  codes:      

CBSE-UGC NET – Previous Years(Dec.2014 to Nov.2017) Question Papers & Answer Keys are available  in the website:



University Grants Commission (UGC)- Regional offices




DECEMBER  2018       NEW




DATE OF EXAM:  Sunday, 16th Dec., 2018

Candidates are required to apply online.

The online application will be available at from 25.09.2018.

Candidates are advised to also go through the ‘How to Apply’ link available on the Online

Application portal while filling the form.

The last date for applying online is 15.10.2018.

                                                         Last date extended upto 17.10.2018. NEW

Syllabus for Joint CSIR UGC Test for JRF & LS (NET)

Model questions for CSIR UGC NET for JRF & LS 

CSIR -UGC -NET Exam – June 2015  to  Dec. 2018 – Question Papers & Answer Keys





JUNE  2018       NEW






DATE OF CLOSE OF ON-LINE APPLICATION                          :26.03.2018  x

The last date for submitting Online Application for Joint CSIR-UGC

Test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship

(NET) June, 2018 has been extended upto              06.04.2018.






Syllabus for Joint CSIR UGC Test for JRF & LS (NET)

Model questions for CSIR UGC NET for JRF & LS 

CSIR -UGC -NET Exam – June 2015  to  Dec. 2017 – Question Papers & Answer Keys

CSIR will hold the Joint CSIR-UGC Test Tentatively on Sunday 17thJune, 2018 for determining the eligibility of the Indian National candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) NET and for determining eligibility for appointment of Lecturers (NET) in certain subject areas falling under the faculty of Science & Technology. The award of Junior Research Fellowship (NET) to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding admission/placement in a university/ national laboratory/ institution of higher learning and research, as applicable.

 A candidate may apply either for ‘JRF-Lectureship’ OR ‘JRF’ only OR ‘Lectureship (LS)’ only. He/she may indicate his/her preference in the Online Application, as the case may be.


 M.Sc or equivalent degree/ Integrated BS-MS/BS-4 years/BE/BTech/BPharma/MBBS with at least 55% marks for General (UR) and OBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST, Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates.

Candidates enrolled for M.Sc or having completed 10+2+3 years of the above qualifying examination as on the closing date of online submission of application form, are also eligible to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category on the condition that they complete the qualifying degree with requisite percentage of marks within the validity period of two years to avail the fellowship from the effective date of award.

Such candidates will have to submit the attestation form duly certified by the Head of the Department/Institute from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared.

B.Sc(Hons) or equivalent degree holders or students enrolled in Integrated MS-PhD program with at least 55% marks for General (UR) and OBC candidates; 50% marks for SC/ST, Persons with disability (PwD) candidates are also eligible to apply. Candidates with bachelor’s degree will be eligible for CSIR fellowship only after getting registered/enrolled for PhD/Integrated PhD program within the validity period of two years.

Candidates having Bachelor’s degree only shall not be eligible for Lectureship.

Specification of degrees (whether Bachelor’s or Master’s) as notified by the UGC in its Gazette Notification No. F. 5-1/2013 (CPP-II) dt. 5thJuly, 2014 and as amended from time to time, shall apply.

The eligibility for lectureship of NET qualified candidates will be subject to fulfilling the criteria laid down by UGC. PhD degree holders who have passed Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991, with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply for Lectureship only.


For JRF (NET): Maximum 28 years as on 01-01-2018 {upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years in case of SC/ST/Persons with Disability(PwD)/female applicants and 03 years in case of OBC(non creamy layer) applicants}.

For LS (NET): No upper age limit


The single paper MCQ based test will be held tentatively on Sunday, the 17th June, 2018 as under:

Subject                                                                                  Marks

(i) Life Sciences

(ii) Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences

(iii) Mathematical Sciences                                                      200

(iv) Chemical Sciences

(v) Physical Sciences

Session                                Timings                    Duration

Morning Session         9.00AM – 12.00 Noon             3 hrs

Afternoon Session       2.00 PM – 5.00 PM


The Test Booklet shall be divided into three parts, (A, B & C) as per syllabus & Scheme of Exam.

Part 'A' shall be common to all subjects. This part shall contain questions pertaining to General Aptitude with emphasis on logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparison, series formation, puzzles etc.

Part 'B' shall contain subject-related conventional Multiple Choice questions (MCQs), generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

Part 'C' shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Syllabus & Scheme of Exam of single MCQ Paper may be seen at CSIR HRDG website:

Note: The Exam Scheme for Chemical Sciences has been revised from June, 2017 CSIR-UGC (NET) Exam onwards. The revised exam scheme and model Question paper may be seen at CSIR HRDG website :

 Negative marking for wrong answers, wherever required, shall be applicable as per subject wise scheme of Exam.

If a question for any reason found wrong, the benefit of marks will be given to only those candidates who attempt the question.

No grievances/representation with regard to Answer Key(s) after declaration of result will be entertained.


The test will be held at 27 Centres spread all over India, as specified alongwith centre codes below:

Bangalore (1), Bhavnagar (2), Bhopal (3), Bhubaneshwar (4), Chandigarh (5), Chennai (6), Cochin (7), Delhi  (8), Guntur  (9), Guwahati  (10), Hyderabad  (11), Imphal  (12), Jammu  (13), Jamshedpur  (14), Jorhat (15), Karaikudi (16), Kolkata (17), Lucknow (18), Nagpur (19), Pilani (20), Pune (21), Raipur (22), Roorkee (23), Srinagar (24), Thiruvananthapuram (25), Udaipur (26),  Varanasi (27).

Examination Fee:

Candidates applying for the Examination are required to use payment gateway facility to deposit their Examination fee through Credit Card or Debit Card or Net Banking after verifying their eligibility. Candidates will not pay any transaction charges for using payment gateway facility. There is no provision for payment of examination fee in cash.

Sl.No.         CATEGORY                                                 FEES

1.                      General                                                  Rs. 1000/-

2. Other Backward Classes(OBC)-Non Creamy Layer  Rs.  500/-

3. SC/ST/ Persons with Disability (PwD)                        Rs. 250/-

OBC candidates whose caste is not listed in Central List (as available on National Commission for Backward Classes website :  and who are not covered under the provisions as applicable to OBC – Non Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as General Category candidates for all purposes.

Accordingly, OBC Candidates not belonging to OBC Non Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as ‘General’.


Before applying Online, candidates are advised to go through the detailed notification available at CSIR, HRDG website CAREFULLY.

Candidates must write their name, father/mother's name as written in their  Matriculation Certificate (X Class Board) and should ensure that the same are matching with their educational qualification certificates and caste certificate except for married females.

Candidates should also note carefully that the online application form has provision for uploading the following certificates/documents:

1). Scanned photograph (JPEG/JPG format with dimension ranging from 130×160 to 260×360. File size should be less than 150KB; valid file name; should have only one extension. Only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with hyphen (-) and underscore (_). Space not allowed);

2). Scanned Signature (JPEG/JPG format with dimension ranging from 90×25 to 225×100. File size should be less than 150KB; valid file name; should have only one extension. Only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with hyphen(-) and underscore (_). Space not allowed);

3). Qualifying Degree Certificate or last semester mark sheet or testimonials clearly mentioning the semester that you are pursuing or passed with clear indication of % of mark scored, to confirm your eligibility to take the exam.

The candidates are to note that the uploaded document should clearly indicate the % of mark scored. (PDF format; File size should be less than 400KB; valid file name; should have only one extension. Only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with hyphen (-) and underscore (_). Space not allowed);

4). Category certificate that you belong to SC/ST/PwD/OBC (non-creamy layer) (PDF format; File size should be less than 400KB; valid file name; should have only one extension. Only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with hyphen (-) and underscore (_). Space not allowed);

5). PwD Certificate (PDF format; File size should be less than 400KB; valid file name; should have only one extension. Only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with hyphen (-) and underscore (_). Space not allowed);

6). Candidates applying under Result Awaited (RA) category should upload the Attestation Form duly attested by the HoD of the University/College/Institute (PDF format; File size should be less than 400KB; valid file name; should have only one extension. Only Alpha-Numeric characters allowed with hyphen (-) and underscore (_). Space not allowed). The Attestation Form may be downloaded from the following link:

These certificates/documents are essential to verify your eligibility for the exam on the basis of your educational qualification, % of mark etc. and also for age relaxation and fee concession.

As candidates are not required to send hard copies of application along with requisite certificates/documents for this Exam, candidates should, therefore, make sure that they upload all the relevant certificates/documents so as to avoid disqualification for want of the requisite certificates/documents.




                                  CBSE Website:

  Date of Examination: 08.07.2018




H-149, Sector-63, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar – 201 309(UP).

Tele: 7042399520, 7042399521, 7042399525, 7042399526.

Website:                   E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 0120-2427772

On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education announces holding of the  National  Eligibility  Test(NET)  on  08th JULY,  2018  (SUNDAY) for  determining  the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both in Indian universities and colleges. CBSE will  conduct NET  in  84 subjects  (listed  under  item  no.14  on  page  12-14)  at 91 selected Cities of Examination (listed under item no.15 on page 14-16) spread across the country.

1.  Submission of online application form : 06.03.2018

2.  Last date for Applying Online  : 05.04.2018

3.  Last  date  of  submission  of  Fee through  online  generated  Bank challan,  at  any  branch  of

     (Syndicate/Canara/ICICI Bank)or through credit/debit card  :06.04.2018

4.  Correction  in  Particulars  of  application form on the website :25/04/2018 to 01/05/2018

5.  Date of Examination : 08.07.2018


i) The  Test  will  consist  of two papers. Both the papers  will   consist  of  only  objective  type questions and will be held on 08th July, 2018 (SUNDAY) in two separate sessions as under:

Session  Paper   Marks      Number of Question             Duration

First            I           100             50  questions                           1 Hour

                                                 (all  are compulsory)  (09:30am to 10:30am)

Second      II          200           100  questions                           2 Hours

                                               (all  are compulsory)   (11:00 am to 01:00pm)

Paper-I shall consist  of  50 objective  type  compulsory questions  each  carrying  2  marks. The questions which will be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate.

Paper-II shall consist of 100 objective type compulsory questions each carrying 2 marks which will be based on the subject selected by the candidate.

All the questions of Paper – II will be compulsory, covering entire syllabi of earlier Paper II & Paper – III (including all electives, without options).

The candidate will have to mark the responses for questions of Paper – I & Paper – II on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Sheet provided along with the test booklet.


i)   Candidates who have secured at least 55% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s Degree OR equivalent examination from universities/institutions recognised by  UGC (on the website:  in  Humanities  (including  languages)  and  Social  Science,  Computer  Science  &Applications, Electronic Science etc. (list of subjects of post graduation attached at page No. 20) are eligible for  this  Test.  The  Other  Backward  Classes(OBC)  belonging  to  non-creamy  layer/Scheduled Caste(SC)/Scheduled Tribe(ST)/ persons with disability(PwD) category  candidates who have secured  at  least  50%  marks  (without  rounding  off)  in  Master’s  degree  or  equivalent examination are eligible for this Test.

ii)  Candidates who are pursuing their Master's degree or equivalent course or candidates who have  appeared  for their  qualifying Master’s  degree  (final  year)  examination  and  whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying examinations have been delayed may also apply for  this  test.  However, such candidates  will  be admitted provisionally.

iii)  Candidates belonging to third gender in other words transgender would be eligible to draw  the  same relaxation  in  fee,  age and  qualifying  criteria  for  NET  (i.e. Junior Research Fellowship  and  Assistant  Professor)  as  are  available  to  SC/ST/PwD  categories.  The  subject wise cut-offs for this category should be the lowest among those for SC/ST/PwD/OBC –NCL categories in the corresponding subject.

iv)  The Ph.D. degree holders whose Master’s level examination had been completed by 19th September  1991(irrespective  of  date  of  declaration  of  result)  shall  be  eligible  for  a relaxation of 5% in aggregate marks (i.e. from 55% to 50%) for appearing in NET.

v)  Candidates  are  advised  to  appear  in the  subject  of  their  post  graduation  only.  The candidates, whose post graduation subject is not covered in the list of subjects in item No.14 (on page 12-13), may appear in a related subject.

vii)  Candidates  having  post-graduate  diploma/certificate  awarded  by  Indian  University/ Institute  or  foreign  degree/diploma/certificate  awarded  by  the  foreign  University/institute should in their own interest, ascertain the equivalence of their diploma/degree/certificate with Master’s  degree  of  recognized  Indian  universities  from  Association  of  Indian  Universities (AIU), New Delhi. (


(i) Junior Research Fellowship: Not more than 30 years as on 01.07.2018. A relaxation up to 5 years is provided to the candidates belonging to OBC (Non- creamy layer, as per the Central  list  of  OBC  available  on  website: )  SC/ST/PwD/Transgender  categories and to women applicants. Relaxation will also be provided to the candidates having research experience, limited to the period spent on research in the relevant/related subject of post-graduation degree, subject to a maximum of 5 years, on production of a certificate from appropriate  authority.  Three  years  relaxation  in  age  will  be  permissible  to  the  candidates possessing  L.L.M.  Degree. A relaxation of upto  5  years  is  provided  to  the  candidates  who have served in the armed forces subject to the length of service in the armed forces up to the first day of the month in which the concerned UGC-NET is to be held. Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.

ii)  Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit for applying for eligibility for Assistant Professor.


i)   NET/SET/SLET shall remain the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment  of  Assistant  Professors  in  Universities/Colleges/  Institutions. In  this  regard, exemption  from  NET/SET/SLET  will  be  governed  by  UGC  regulations  and  amendments notified in the Gazette of India from time to time.

ii)  The candidates who have passed the UGC/CSIR  JRF examination prior to 1989 are also exempted from appearing in NET.

iii)  For  SET  Candidates: The  candidates  who  have  cleared  the  States  Eligibility  Test (SET) accredited by UGC for eligibility for Assistant Professor held prior to 1st June 2002, are exempted from appearing in NET, being eligible to apply for Assistant Professor anywhere in India. For SET held from 1st June 2002 onwards, the qualified candidates are eligible to apply for the post of Assistant Professor only in the universities/ colleges situated in the state from where they have cleared their SET.



 General         Other  Backward  Classes  (Non-creamy         SC/ST/PwD

                        layer),  as  per  the  Central  list  of  OBC      / Transgender

                       available on website:

Examination Fee

 Rs. 1000/-                                  Rs. 500/-                                   Rs. 250/-

 The candidates may pay the examination fee either by credit/ debit card or through e-challan  generated  during  the  online  filling  of  the  application  form. In  case  of  e-challan  the payment should be made in the Syndicate/Canara/ICICI Bank. In case the examination fee is paid  through  credit/debit  card  the  additional  processing  charges    will  also  be debited from the credit/debit card of the candidate.


This will comprise of the following steps:

Step  I:  The  number  of  candidates  to  be  qualified  (total  slots)  for  Eligibility  for  Assistant Professor shall be equal to 6% of the candidates appeared in both the papers of NET.

Step II: The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the reservation policy of Government of India.

Step III: In order to be considered for ‘Both Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Assistant Professor’ and for ‘Eligibility for Assistant Professor Only’, the candidate must have appeared in both the papers and secured at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General (Unreserved) category candidates and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belonging to the reserved categories (viz., SC, ST, OBC (belonging to Non-Creamy Layer) & PWD) and Transgenders.

Step  IV:   The  number  of  candidates  to  be  declared  qualified  in  any  subject  for  a  particular category is derived as per the methodology illustrated below:

Number  of  candidates  to  be  declared qualified  for  Eligibility  for  Assistant Professor  in  the  subject ‘Economics’  (say) for the Scheduled Caste (SC) category:

Number  of  candidates  belonging  to  SC category  who  secure  at  least  35%  aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for SC category  for ‘Economics’  (×)   Total  slots derived for SC category as per Step II (÷)Total number  of  candidates  belonging  to  SC category over all  subjects  who  secure at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together.

The aggregate percentage of the two papers corresponding to the number of slots arrived at, shall determine  the qualifying  cut-off  for  Eligibility  for  Assistant  Professor ‘in ‘Economics’ for the SC category.

Similar  yardstick  shall  be  employed  for deriving  the  subject-wise  qualifying  cut-offs  for  all categories.


It may be noted that the admission card will be uploaded on the website: in the third week  of June, 2018. No  admission  cards  will  be  sent  to  the  candidates  by  post. The candidates should download their admission cards from the website to ascertain their venue of the  Test  as  mentioned  in  the  Admission  Card  and  appear  in  the  examination  only  at  the designated examination center.



i)  Candidate seeking admission to the Test (UGC-NET, July, 2018) must apply online only on the CBSE website:

Candidates  shall  submit  any one of the following documents to establish identification or as proof of identity:

 Aadhaar, or Aadhaar Enrolment Number, or Ration  Card/Passport/ Bank  Account  No. or other  valid  Government  ID  (such  as  Driving License/Voter ID etc.).

ii)  Before applying Online, the candidates must possess the scanned images as below:-

 Passport size photograph in JPG format of minimum 4kb to 40 kb. The dimension of the photograph should be 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height).

Signature in JPG format of minimum 4kb to 30 kb. The dimension of the signature should be 3.5 cm (width) x 1.5 cm (height).

iii)  After filling all the details for applying online for NET the candidates have to select the option  of  payment  of  examination  fee  either  by  credit/debit  card  or  through  e-challan generated during the online filling of the application form indicating your details therein and follow the process as mentioned under 6 (ii & iii) on page 6.

iv)  The candidates are required to bring a photo identity card along with their printout of online admission card on the day of examination.

v)  Before  applying  Online,  candidates  are  advised  to  go  through  detailed  notification available on CBSE website: .Please note that Fee submitted through any other mode like Money Order, Demand Draft, IPO etc. will be summarily rejected.

[Candidates are neither required to send any certificates/documents in support of their  eligibility  nor  printout  of  their  Application  Form  (Confirmation  Page)  to  CBSE]

 Syllabus- subjects with  codes:      

CBSE-UGC NET – Previous Years(Dec.2014 to Nov.2017) Question Papers & Answer Keys are available  in the website:



University Grants Commission (UGC)- Regional offices





PGIMER,  Chandigarh  website:

 ICMR New Delhi website:


Chandigarh – 160012
FOR  ACADEMIC ENQUIRY – 0172-2755562
For General Queries E-Mail : [email protected] 
For Technical Queries (related to Online Application Form only)

E-Mail : [email protected]
Fax : 0172-2744401, 2744376.

DATE OF EXAM: 22.07.2018 (Sunday)       


Commencement of Submission of Online Applications:        12th April 2018

Last date for Submission of Online Applications:                15th May 2018

Last date for Application Fee Payment:                                18th May 2018

Information bulletin/brochure :

Short Notification :

 The specimen paper for ICMR-JRF is available at:

The  Indian  Council  of  Medical  Research  (ICMR)Junior  Research  Fellowship  (JRF) Examination is the first step in the process of admission to the Ph.D/ Research Programme.

Test  for  ICMR  JRF  fellowship is conducted  at  the  12  Centres  viz.,  Bengaluru  Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar,  Chandigarh,  Chennai,  Delhi,  Kolkata,  Mumbai,  Guwahati,  Hyderabad, Srinagar  (J&K)  and Varanasi once a year  on  2nd/3rd Sunday  in July each year.

ICMR in collaboration with  Postgraduate  Institute of  Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh will hold a National level examination  on  Sunday,   22nd July,  2018 for  determining  the  eligibility  of  Indian  National  candidates  for  the  award  of  JRF  through ICMR. The award of  JRF  to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding placement  in  a  medical  college  /  hospital  /  university  /  national  laboratory  /  institution  of  higher learning and research as applicable.

Fellowship will be initiated from  the date of Ph.D.  registration  (should  be  within  one  year  from  the  date  of  issue  of  JRF  award letter) and it will be treated as date of joining, total duration being five years.

Candidates may visit the websites w.e.f.12.04.2018. The last date for filling of online application is 15.05.2018. Only online application will be accepted, no other mode of submission of application will be accepted.

Fee: Rs. 1000/- (General/OBC) &  Rs. 800/- (SC/ST/PH/VH)

Eligibility:-  MSc/MA or equivalent degree (Post  Graduate  Degree  in  Basic  Science  or  Post  Graduate  Degree  in Professional Course) with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC candidates and 50% for the SC/ST & Physically Handicapped (PH) and Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates in the subjects mentioned above. A  candidate  who  is  appearing  /  has  appeared  in  the  final  year  (IV/VI  Semester whichever is applicable, and final year where Semester system is not there) of M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent  examination  during  the  session  (2017-2018) can  also  apply  for  the  test  as  RA (Result  Awaited).  Such candidates  will  have  to  submit the  attestation format  (given  in  the of application)  duly  certified  by  the  Head of the  Department/ Institute  over his/her signature  and  rubber  stamp  (with address and name) where he/she is appearing in the final year examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally and shall be considered eligible for JRF only after they submit the proof of having passed the Master's  Degree  examination  with  requisite  percentage.  The  M.Sc./M.A.  or  equivalent degree mark sheet must be submitted to ICMR, latest by  30thSeptember,  2018  otherwise candidature will automatically be forfeited.

Age Limit: The upper age limit for admission to the eligibility test is 28 years as on 30-09-2018 (relaxable up to five years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/ VH/female candidates and three years in the case of OBC .

Syllabus: The syllabus is as per PG level by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi.

Scheme of  Test:

The test will consist  of  one  paper  of  2  hours  duration.

 The paper  will consist  of  2 Sections.

The  Aptitude  Section  (Section  A)  will  have  50  questions  on  (i)  scientific phenomenon  in  everyday  life;  (ii)  general  knowledge  in  sciences;  and  (iii)  common statistics.  All  these  questions  would  be  compulsory  with  each  question  carrying  1  mark.

The  subject  Specific  Section  (Section  B  &  C)  would  pertain  to  (B)  Life  Sciences  and  (C) Social  Science.  The candidate  may attempt  questions  in  either  of  the  two  areas.  Each area of  section  B  &  C  would  have  100  questions  and  the  candidate  may  attempt  any  75 questions in the predesigned area of Section B or C. Candidates are required to indicate the option for Section B or C in the application form too. Each question carries  one mark. Negative marking @ 0.25  will  be  made for  each  of  the wrong answer. The questions in both the sections would appear in English only.

The test  will be  held  in  the  following  streams: 

(1) Aptitude test  (common  for  all):

(i)  scientific phenomenon  in  everyday  life;  (ii)  general  knowledge  in  sciences;  and  (iii)  common statistics.

(2)  Life  Sciences:

         Subjects  covered  under  Life  Sciences  include  microbiology,  physiology ,  molecular  biology ,  genetics,  human  nutrition,  human  biology ,biotechnology ,  biochemistry ,  biophysics,  immunology ,  pharmacology ,    zoology ,environmental  sciences,  botany ,  veterinary  science  and  bio-informatics.

(3)  Social  Sciences:

         Subjects  covered under  Social  Sciences  include  psychology ,  sociology  home  sciences,  statistics, anthropology , social work and health economics.

         The final result will be based on aggregate of 55 % marks obtained in both the sections  for  General  category  and  OBC  and  50%  for  SC/ST  and  physically handicapped.


  1. Read the following instructions and the Information Brochure carefully before Applying online.
  2. Fill in the required information and enter a password of your choice. Please note that this password along with the Application number generated will be used to login and complete your registration process. [For Stream/Subject code and Exam Centre code vide Page 11 of IB]
  3. Candidate Name, Father's Name, Date of Birth, Email ID and Mobile number once submitted cannot be changed.
  4. Your registered Mobile number may be used to send SMS communication
  5. The email id and mobile number that you enter in the registration form will be treated as your primary contact details and all communications will be sent to the same.
  6. On successful registration, an email will be sent to the registered email id along with the application number. Login to the website using your unique Application number and password.
  7. Fill in the remaining details i.e. educational qualification.
  8. You will be required to submit the following with application. Please keep them ready before you submit the application:-

I.     Photograph (jpeg format – Max. size 50 kb)

II.    Signature (with black pen) (Jpeg format – Max. size 20 kb)

III.   Category (SC/ST/OBC/PH/VH) Certificate (If applicable) (File size:50kb to 300kb-in jpg/jpeg/pdf format)

IV.   Declaration in the case of OBC (File size:50kb to 300kb -in jpg/jpeg/pdf format)

V.   Birth Certificate (File size:50kb to 300kb -in jpg/jpeg/pdf format)

VI.  Degree Certificate/ Marks Sheet – in the case of PG passed /appeared candidates (File size : 50kb to 300kb – in jpg/jpeg/pdf format)

VII. Appearing  Certificate  from  Head  of  the  Institution (vide last page of Information Brochure) for  those  candidates who will be appearing in   M.Sc./MA final examination of 2017-2018.

  1. Upload your scanned photograph and signature in jpg/jpeg format only and other relevant documents in jpg/jpeg/pdf format only.File size of the Photograph should be between 15kb to 50kb,Signature should be between 5kb to 20kb and that of other certificates / documents should be between 50kb to 300kb. The online application system will not allow to upload files smaller/larger than the mentioned sizes.

Instructions for photograph (vide page 8 of Information Brochure) : A passport  size colour photo (with light  colour background).

It must be snapped on or after April 1, 2018.

Photograph  must  be  taken  with  name  of candidate (as  in  application), and  date  of taking photograph.

The photograph must be snapped with a placard indicating name of candidate and  date  of  taking  photograph.  In  case  name  and  date are  written  on  the photograph afterwards, the application will be rejected.

Keep  a  few  identical  photographs  in  reserve  for  use  at  the  time  of  Entrance Examination/Admission.

  1. Application Fee payment can be made through SBI Online Collect or at any branch of State Bank of India.
  2. Application Fee payment can be made on the second working day of submission of the Online Application form and generating the Bank Challan.
  3. Application Fee payable for ICMR JRF Course is as follows : (a) General/OBC candidates: Rs.1000/- + Applicable Bank Charges                   (b) SC / ST / PH / VH candidates: Rs.800/- + Applicable Bank Charges
  4. Last date for making Application Fee payment – 18th May 2018
  5. Summary is displayed along with the total amount payable. Click on the "Proceed to Make Payment" link, you have to select one of the two payment options If you select SBI Collect, you will be redirected to the State Bank of India website.Fill the required information on the State Bank of India website i.e. Application Number, Name, Date of Birth, category etc. and make the payment towards application fee.On successful payment, a transaction number (e.g. DUxxxxxxx where xxxxxxx will be numeric digits) will be displayed on the bank website. Please note this number for future reference. If, in case, the transaction number is not displayed, your transaction is not successful.Payment made will be updated in the website within 24-48hrs.Login after 24-48hrs of making the payment and take a print of your application form for your future reference.
  6. Alternately if you select payment through SBI bank challan, a bank challan will be generated with your details. Please take a print and deposit the fee at any branch of State bank of India. Please retain the PGI and Candidate Copy of the challan.
  7. The payment will be updated within 24 to 48 hrs and you may login after 24 to 48 hrs to confirm and take a print out of the completed Application form.

       GENERAL INFORMATION: A total of 150 Fellowships would be awarded. [120 fellowships in the field of Biomedical Sciences with emphasis on Life Sciences (like microbiology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, human biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, immunology, pharmacology, zoology, botany, environmental sciences and veterinary Medicine (excluding Agriculture extension/ Soil Sciences, etc) and thirty fellowships for the work with emphasis on Social Sciences like psychology, sociology, home science, statistics anthropology, social work, public health/health economics (agriculture economics will not be considered)] .

        The candidates selected for the JRF programme of ICMR would be permitted to enroll themselves for the Ph.D. programme of any University  recognised  by  the  UGC/MCI.  However,  the  JRF programme  would  not  have  any  connection  with  the  Ph.D. programme.  The  validity  of  fellowship  awarded  to  a  candidate will be six months.

       Another  100  candidates  would  be  selected  for  consideration  for  positions  of  JRF under  various  research  schemes  of  ICMR  (subject  to  fulfilling  the  conditions  for appointment  under  the  schemes)  for  the  duration  of  that  scheme.  These  JRFs  would also  be  permitted  to  complete  Ph.D.  while  working in  the  scheme,  if  enrolled.    The validity of result will be two years for placement in ICMR funded projects.

      Candidates qualifying for the award of JRF will receive fellowship from ICMR. The  existing  value  of  the  fellowship  is  at  present  Rs.  25000/-  (Rupees  twenty five thousands only)   per   month and an annual contingency grant up to  Rs. 20,000/-per annum. The local institution shall review the performance of JRF after two years through an appropriate Review Committee constituted by the Head of the institution.  The  fellow  may  be  awarded  SRF  after  successful  assessment  by  the  Review Committee.
